Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1009: The sincerity of the Sumitomo family II

The son is not a waste, and he is very self-motivated; he has independent thinking ability and insight, which is better than anything else. For their century-old business family, outstanding characters are of course the best, but they are not so demanding.

The strength of the first generation of the family is very important, that is, there is no need to balance internal interests. This is not the case until now. If there are powerful figures, it may not be a good thing for the development of the entire family. If there is a conflict at that time, it will inevitably lead to division. The century-old family does not need rapid development. For them, stability is the most important thing.

Sumitomo Ichiro does not need a son who is too powerful, and that is also a threat to him. Family rivalry is so brutal, no one can blame it.

Of course, if you, like Bao Zixuan, create one that is no weaker than the Sumitomo family, it will be another matter.

Sumitomo Ichiro thought for a while and said, "Put your thoughts together in a report, and go back with me this time. I will work hard at Huaxia, and Xiangjiang will do a good job handover as soon as possible."

Hearing what his father said, Sumitomo Takeshi knew that he had made the right bet. The Sumitomo family has a history of 400 years. There are too many people in his generation, and some people may not know each other. Lineage is one aspect, and the most important thing is to contribute to the family.

There are too many cousins ​​staring at him. If he can't work hard, he can only be a rich man in the end, and his descendants will have a hard time getting ahead in a short time. This is the reality, strength, and dedication to the family decides everything.

The two were talking and found that they had arrived at the headquarters of Heiyun Bank. Yuan Tianfan greeted him at the door, but the richest man Bao did not come out. Sumitomo Ichiro was not unhappy, if the patriarch came over in person. Bao Zixuan didn't come out to greet him, but he was a little rude, but he was obviously not that equal to the other party.

The Japanese are not commendable in many places, but they can indeed do a very good job in respecting the strong.

In Sumitomo Ichiro's mind, Bao Zixuan is a strong man, and he is also a talented person who has never met in a thousand years. It is very rare to be able to let Yuan Tianfan come out.

Yuan Tianfan said with a smile: "We welcome Mr. Sumitomo, as a senior in the banking industry; I hope you can guide the work of our bank."

Yuan Tianfan's attitude made Sumitomo Ichiro very satisfied. The son and Bao Zixuan made an appointment to meet at the Black Cloud Bank, which was probably also the purpose.

I dare not say that in other fields, the Black Cloud Group may be more professional in the industry. But when it comes to banking business, Sumitomo Ichiro has absolute confidence. After all, I have worked in a bank for more than 20 years, and I have been managing Sumitomo Bank for ten years. It was under his leadership that Sumitomo Bank's performance increased day by day. Although it has a certain relationship with the rapid development of the entire Japanese economy, his ability is still widely recognized.

Since Heiyun Bank wants to guide itself, it is not impossible.

But when he walked inside the bank, Sumitomo Ichiro found that he was really wrong; and it was still outrageous. The interior decoration and layout of Heiyun Bank looks much more reasonable than Sumitomo Bank.

Sumitomo Ichiro's expression immediately became serious. He wanted to take a good look at what was so special about Heiyunyin's layout.

I saw that the staff were working in an orderly manner, and every customer who entered the bank would take a number in front of the machine. There will be an LCD screen on each counter, and when the number is reached, it will be displayed on the screen, and the broadcast will also notify customers.

This method is really nice, it can be said that there is no need to line up like before. And customers who are not doing business can rest next to them. There's even a play area for kids, and a place to read books; there's a dedicated smoking room for customers who want to smoke.

All the designs are so reasonable. Compared with others, Sumitomo Bank is like a product of the last century.

Banking, to put it bluntly, is also a type of service industry. If customers are not satisfied, how can they willingly deposit their money in the bank. There is no depositor's funds, only own funds. Even with money, it is impossible for a bank to thrive.

When he walked to the ATM next to the lobby, Sumitomo Ichiro was really surprised. I had only heard about the convenience of ATM machines before, but only when I saw it with my own eyes did I know its greatness. A machine is like an employee at work, and even more often than the worker.

At present, there is no computer security, so for ATM, an automatic deposit and withdrawal machine that has evolved from a computer. There is still absolute trust; even if the computer network is formed, there are viruses and network security problems; there are really not many hackers who break through the banking system.

Sumitomo Ichiro said to Sumitomo Takeshi next to him: "This kind of machine is the ATM machine you report to the headquarters, which can realize the deposit and withdrawal business of large-value banknotes."

In fact, after using the ATM machine at Heiyun Bank, Sumitomo Yi had already reported the information to his father. Of course, the process to go still has to go, and you can only report to the Japanese headquarters.

But the stubborn Japanese didn't take it seriously. After all, they went to the UK to inspect the ATM machine before. At present, it is not very suitable for application in Japan, at least Sumitomo does not purchase and apply it; it can also make the bank develop very well.

But after seeing the convenience of using ATM machines in Heiyun Bank today; Sumitomo Ichiro knew that if he did not change, he would be eliminated sooner or later.

Because he has also seen ATMs of Heiyun Bank in major supermarkets and shopping malls in Hong Kong. That is to say, Black Cloud Bank is open 24 hours a day and never takes a break. But they work only 8 hours a day. When comparing the two, customers will of course make a choice.

Even if the conditions are a little worse, it doesn't matter that the deposit interest is lower, because it is more convenient to deposit and withdraw money in Heiyun Bank. Especially for areas with poor public security and relatively remote locations, it has an absolute advantage.

Sumitomo Takeshi heard his father ask him, it seems that his plan worked. The reason why he chose to meet at the headquarters of Heiyun Bank was entirely his idea.

The purpose is to show my father that Heiyun Bank has used those devices. At present, other banks in Japan have not reacted. Once other banks use related auxiliary equipment such as Black Cloud ATM machines, Sumitomo Bank will be passive.

Now this situation is very good, at least my father has paid attention to it. The fly in the ointment, the stubborn grandfather, didn't come, or things would definitely happen.

Sumitomo Takeshi: "Yes, Heiyun Bank has been using ATM machines for some time. It has been reported to the headquarters before, and the opinion given by the headquarters is that it will not be purchased."

"But I think this is the future of the banking industry, and I hope the headquarters can give it attention."

Hearing his son's words and expressions; knowing his son Moruofu, Sumitomo Ichiro certainly understood what was going on. So I said with relief: "I know, there will be professionals to investigate later, and I hope Yuan Sang can help."

The boss is bent on opening the Japanese market, and now it is a good opportunity, of course, can not be missed.

Yuan Tianfan: "ATM machine is a systematic project, what we see is just a machine; but there is a super industrial computer under our feet to cooperate with it, otherwise it will not have much effect at all."

Sumitomo Ichiro is a human being, so of course he understands what he means. So he smiled and said, "I have heard of Yuan Sang's name long ago. Now it seems that you are not only a qualified bank manager, but also an excellent salesperson. Sumitomo Bank is destined to purchase a batch of super industrial computers. Otherwise, I'm sorry for Yuan Sang's introduction."

Of course, this is just a joke, but it also reflects the recognition of Yuan Tianfan's ability from the side.

Sumitomo Ichiro continued: "The counter window of the Black Cloud Bank is so designed, don't you worry about accidents!"

In the Whether Hong Kong or Japan, the security was not very good. The design of many bank counters is similar to that of safes, and everything is based on practical principles.

Open counters like Heiyun are really rare. And there are many staff in the lobby, all of which are easy to be robbed.

Yuan Tianfan said: "For security, Heiyun Bank invests a lot of money every year. But the most important thing is that the money at the bank counter is not a lot. After reaching a certain amount, staff will transport it to the safe through the internal channel; There have been no problems so far.”

Although it is an understatement, the content involved is very intriguing. Not only does it have absolute confidence in security, but it also shows that the internal procedures of Heiyun Bank are standardized and the construction is very reasonable.

It is really right to come to Heiyun Bank today, at least to see the technical advantages that other banks, including Sumitomo Bank, do not have.

After returning to Japan, changes must be made; otherwise, sooner or later, they will be surpassed or even eliminated.