Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1033: Sultan's request one

Bao Zixuan could see from the second son's expression that the other party had obviously found the location of the industrial zone. It seems that there are times when one really can't make a mess of ideas; with great power comes great responsibility. Now, he may make hundreds of thousands of people lose their jobs or even their lives with one decision.

But then again, some things even if he doesn't do it, others will do it. And it may be done more excessively, and the damage will be even greater. Kindness is not in the army, righteousness is not in business, and the richest man must be completely transformed; the benevolence of women will harm others and themselves.

I don't know what's going on, especially when a famous person in a previous life came to him to learn from him; I couldn't help it. Always love to show off. It is estimated that there is still a diaosi attribute in his heart, and it may have penetrated deep into his bones.

Before I knew it, it was midnight, but I lost sleep. Picked up a glass of wine and started drinking, and tomorrow will negotiate with all kinds of predators. I don't know the exact result, but it doesn't feel bad. Because of the Black Cloud Group, the whole world is aware of the importance of computers. As one of the hegemons of electronic products, Japan cannot stay out of it. Bao Zixuan wants them to be involved, especially the operating system.

At present, in the computer field in the world, operating systems are divided into several schools. The number one is Heiyun Group, but Heiyun adopts a closed-loop system, which is only used inside its own computer.

Followed by the United States Microsoft, basically most of the world's computer manufacturers use their operating system. The second is Apple, which, like Heiyun, is also installed on its own computers.

Although all three are American companies, Black Cloud may not even count as an illegitimate child. Americans never regard Bao Zixuan as their own, and Bao's richest man cannot be an American either.

The target is too obvious and easy to target. If the Japanese are involved, it is bound to share some of the pressure. When the Americans want to start, they must consider the feelings of the Japanese. And letting Japanese companies compete with Microsoft is not necessarily a bad thing. As long as the Japanese hold on to their home market, it is a victory.

It seems that cooperation with Japanese companies should be intensified. At least before the collapse of the Soviet Union, the two sides still have a honeymoon period. Heiyun Group is only taking the lead in some high-end fields, and it is still far from basic scientific research. The Japanese have obvious advantages in many fields, and they can take advantage of the opportunity of cooperation to get what they want. Maybe both sides have this goal, it depends on who has the greater ability.

As for Saudi Arabia, Bao Zixuan is not very worried. Although Americans have noticed that the purchase of national debt in the Middle East has decreased significantly, the purchase of Soviet products has increased. But there is not much to say, after all, just buying steel and black soil is not an important control material; it is not easy to intervene in transition. If you are in a hurry, fall to the Soviet Union; Americans may even regret their bowels.

As for the others, especially Hussein, Bao Zixuan didn't like seeing him. But now that he has come over, and before he can do anything to Fucaira, he still needs him. The face that should be given should still be given, and the right should be exercised in acting.

The next morning, Bao Zixuan held talks with Prince Sultan at the headquarters of Heiyun Bank. For this order, no one has an opinion, and no one dares to have an opinion. How to say that the other party is also a prince, the number three person in Saudi Arabia. If it really makes the other party unhappy, it is estimated that the displacement of Japanese cars will become smaller.

I don't know what Prince Sultan means, everyone else takes their wives out. Only she is an exception, actually with her daughter. Is it because the wife is too ugly, but it feels impossible. The Middle East itself is a place for beautiful women, and the other party, as a prince, can marry 8 wives. There's always one or two that look pretty!

As a princess, Aisha looks very sweet. Combined with Sultan's appearance, it shows that the mother must be a big beauty. But after all, this is a private matter, and it is not too much to ask.

In fact, Bao Zixuan still does not understand the customs of the Middle East, especially the status of Arab women. Perhaps only the Huaxia region in the world has the highest status of women, even higher than the feminist France. Other countries and regions are still worse, especially the Middle East.

In Saudi Arabia, it is almost impossible for women to appear in diplomatic and business situations. Although it has improved in recent years, there will still be some consideration for married women. Aisha is a special case. She is not married, and she is still working in the TV station. In addition, Prince Sultan loves him, and there are not so many rules and regulations.

And I came to Xiangjiang for work, although only one TV station was invited. But no one dared to refuse the interview of the princess, and anyone who asked questions should answer them seriously. Aisha also felt a pity that she did not bring the team in, but instead allowed Japanese reporters to take advantage. Fortunately, I have a voice recorder, so I can sort it out slowly after I go back.

Today, my father came to negotiate with Bao Zixuan. This is first-hand information; sorting it out can inspire people's hearts. The most important thing is to increase the influence of my father in the hearts of the Saudi people; I have lived in the royal family since I was a child, and of course I know what the throne means.

Saudi Arabia adopts a brotherhood and system, although Sultan is not the crown prince. But as long as the old king dies, he will immediately become the crown prince and has a good chance of becoming a king.

If you want to be loved by your subjects, blood is one thing; your previous contributions to the country and the people are also very important. Isn't it a unique condition to work in a TV station by yourself! If she can help her father become a popular king, then her princess will surely rise. Everything is profit, if in the royal family; ideas and minds are too simple, but it is difficult to survive.

In fact, there is another point, Aisha is very interested in Bao Zixuan. Before, whether in Saudi Arabia or France. This man left a deep impression on him, although he heard that the other party was married. In the Middle East, it really doesn't matter that much. Although the instinct is polygamy, but because of the education received since childhood, girls in other regions can see more openly.

Bao Zixuan didn't know what was going on, but this life would be so attractive to girls. Maybe because of the money, maybe because of something else. Life is good now, no need to provoke. It is estimated that he will not be able to hold on anymore, after all, many things are beyond his control.

Bao Zixuan said seriously: "Welcome to His Royal Highness. Yesterday was really too busy. I was a little neglectful, please forgive me."

In fact, on this point, Prince Sultan expressed understanding. In the school graduation ceremony yesterday, Bao Zixuan was the absolute protagonist. This school was created by him, and his feelings for the students can be imagined.

Prince Sultan said with a smile: "Everyone understands it, and yesterday happened to negotiate some cooperation matters with several Japanese businessmen. If Saudi Arabia wants to achieve national prosperity and prosperity, it cannot always focus on oil."

"Other industries should also be strengthened. The glass manufacturing industry you mentioned last time. At present, German and Japanese companies have been invited. Although the price paid is very high, for the future of Saudi Arabia, everything is worth it."

"I just found out now that it's not just us Saudi Arabia; many countries and regions in the world are the same, and I think it's the most pleasant cooperation with the Black Cloud Group. Your kid never likes to take advantage of business, and the money is made on the bright side. This is the essence of an entrepreneur, and only when both parties are equal can cooperation be long-lasting.”

"Saudi Arabia is completely implementing your economic plan. When you have time, you can go and see. Although the change is not as fast as Heiyun Town, I don't think it will be bad. I will go to China mainland tomorrow to discuss increasing the number of Chinese workers to work in Saudi Arabia. As you said, Huaxia workers are indeed the most industrious people in the world. With workers who work without regrets, it is difficult for the country to develop. On the other hand, the Saudis are really hard-working. You have to learn from others. Maybe the conditions and treatment are too good, but it's not necessarily a good thing."

I didn't expect Prince Sultan to be so emotional. It seems that Bao Zixuan's goodwill has spread all over the world. This is a business card, to be precise, a passport to invest in any country in the world. Suffering is a blessing, and there is still some truth to it.

Huaxia workers are very worthy of recognition, and their fame has already spread. People of this age are more simple-minded. To be able to make money and let the family live a happy life may be the only goal.

And not everyone has the opportunity to work abroad, and everyone cherishes it very much. From the side to solve the problems of labor saturation, foreign exchange reserves, and per capita income, Bao Zixuan has done a great thing.

But there are still some concerns in my heart, as the number of migrant workers increases. It is inevitable that someone will make some bad ideas from it, and we should remind the relevant departments to pay attention and make an appointment with a Fok Yingdong family in two days. Although I am not very willing, but after all, it involves my compatriots. If I can help, I really will not stand by.