Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1043: The storm surges three

Could it be that Bao Zixuan wants to make weapons, replicating the German sun cannons of the year. Is he so bold! And the United States and the Soviet Union can agree, I am afraid that neither the United Kingdom nor China will allow him to do so. A businessman can make a weapon that threatens the world, and that country will not agree.

Old Morgan said firmly: "Call the German engineer to me and let him introduce the situation in person."

If Bao Zixuan really dared to take the risk of the world and produce strategic weapons. Then maybe it's an opportunity, but on second thought, it's not very realistic. It's better to ask a professional to ask clearly in person, so as not to make a joke, the Morgan family can't afford to lose that person.

Stephen Dornberg was very regretful after returning home. He was almost 70 years old, how could he still be so unsteady.

Before the Morgan family sent someone to ask about the uses of sodium metal, many experts said that it is used most in the field of medical devices. But when he heard that Heiyun Group purchased a large amount of sodium metal, Stephen Dornberg remembered a dusty past.

But doing so now may betray his previous boss, Hermann Obert, the famous German rocket expert and father of European rockets. Who is the Morgan family who can avoid trouble with himself and old Aubert.

Guess is right, just got home, the company's security department has come to the house. Seeing this situation, Stephen Dornberg explained a few words to his wife before leaving with the security personnel.

The old man did not expect that the Morgan family would take it so seriously. Actually arranged a special plane directly from Pittsburgh to New York. The more this happened, the more worried he became. These families are always accompanied by blood and rain in the process of development and growth. They are all masters who eat people without spitting out bones, and drink people's blood without interfering. What are you talking about in front of them, aren't you looking for trouble!

But things have come to this point, we can only take one step at a time. He doesn't worry about himself now. After all, he is old and doesn't have long to live. The family is a concern, and now it seems that I only hope that the Morgan family will not do too much. He also understands that the premise must be well-coordinated, but does he have any other choice!

After arriving at Morgan Manor, Old Morgan saw that the German engineer was a little nervous. It seems that the family's reputation is not as good as imagined, but this is also a deterrent.

Old Morgan: "Don't be nervous, Mr. Dornberg; this time, I mainly want to know something about you. The Black Cloud Group is our main competitor, and you must know that. They are now buying a lot of sodium metal in the market, just like you That said, medical research and production simply don't use so much sodium metal."

"Then there must be other uses; how much do you know about Germany's solar cannon plan back then?"

I knew that I couldn't escape, and it was Old Morgan himself who asked the question. If you don't answer well, you may not be able to get out of Morgan Manor.

Stephen Dornberg: "I was just an ordinary engineer at the time, and I only knew the general principles. The Sun Cannon project was proposed by Dr. Hermann Aubert; but I don't know who the specific implementation was."

"A fully constructed sun cannon space station, which can transmit and receive commands by radio, and then use a rocket to steer the space mirror to aim at an enemy target, can focus the sun's bright light on a focal point on the surface of the earth. And this beam of light It can burn fields, incinerate cities, evaporate rivers and reservoirs in an instant, and the enemy at the target point will no longer exist. After completing the attack, tilt the mirror to a safe direction, and the mirror is far away from the earth."

"However, the project was shelved in the spring of 1945 as it became clear that the Allied victory was imminent."

"But even now, the technology has no way to achieve it. According to the Herman-Oberto plan, this weapon will be placed on an orbiting space station at a height of 8,200 kilometers. The mirror area on the space station will exceed nine square kilometers and the weight will reach 1 million tons."

"Even if the United States and the Soviet Union developed it together, there is currently not that much capacity. And the capital required is astronomical, and it is not known whether it will achieve the desired effect."

Seeing the old man's eyes filled with fear. Old Morgan knew that it was very rare for the other party to know so much. It has been 40 years since the victory of World War II, and the old guy is less than 70 years old this year. At most, ordinary engineering and technical personnel are involved in the project, and engineers in their 20s cannot be the core figures.

With one look, the man below took Stephen Dornberg away. Before leaving, he also got a check for $1 million. After seeing this situation, the old man said directly: "I have never been here, and I will retire directly when I return to Pittsburgh. Thank you Mr. Morgan for your generosity, and God bless you."

People who have experienced war are different. The old guy is also a smart man, but things are not that serious, so it doesn't have to be. Since the other party requests, the Morgan family will also meet.

After sending Stephen Dornberg away, Leon immediately reported: "On June 25, 1894, Herman Aubert was born in Transylvania, Austro-Hungarian Empire, which is now Romania. Hermannstadt. Later belonged to Romania due to the change of borders, but he himself is a descendant of Germany. German rocket expert, father of European rockets, one of the founders of modern astronautics, and Tsiolkovsky An aerospace pioneer on par with Goddard. His classic work on rocket propulsion is considered the "bible" of aerospace by a generation of engineers."

"In 1941, Herman Aubert went to the Peenemünde Research Center to participate in the development of the V-2 rocket, and formulated the A-9 and A-10 multi-stage rocket plans, intending to attack Washington, USA from the sea. He Although his work was not directly involved in the development of the later A-4 rocket engine, known as the V-2 rocket, the A-4 rocket was based entirely on his theoretical framework."

"In 1943, Obert was sent to the banks of the Elbe to study solid-propellant anti-aircraft rockets and became the first person to study anti-aircraft rockets. After World War II, he was imprisoned by the United States for 3 months, and in August 1945 released."

"In 1948, he lived in Switzerland as a rocket technology consultant."

"He was recruited by the Italian Navy in 1950 to continue his research on solid-propellant anti-aircraft rockets, and then returned to Nuremberg, Germany to engage in teaching work. In 1951, he left Germany to the United States to work with Braun to work together for American space planning efforts."

"From 1955 to 1958, he was a consultant at the U.S. Army's Redstone Arsenal. During this period, he wrote two books, one about the possibility of rocket development in ten years, and the other about the possibility of humans going to the moon and back. ."

"Hermann-Obert retired to Germany in 1958 and was elected honorary president of the Federal German Society for Space Research. But most of his time was spent thinking about philosophical questions, which is perhaps the habit of many German scientists."

The Morgan family database is perfect. During the Cold War, many materials were not decrypted, and maybe even the KGB did not understand such details. They may be through the CIA connection; but after all, Herman Obert is definitely a good guy; and a big guy.

This resume can be easily found anywhere, and it must be at the level of chief engineer.

Seeing that Leon was a little embarrassed, Old Morgan said with a smile: "If you have any questions, continue to talk, don't have any scruples."

Leon continued: "Probably because he was too smart when he was young, Hermann Obert, who is 90 years old, has severe Alzheimer's disease. He can't remember anything from that year; just when he was fine, on paper I scribbled on it. However, I have been in poor health for the past two years, and I have not even written or painted very much.”

"But often talking to himself, no one knows what he's talking about."

What is the state of a genius? Ordinary people really don't This top rocket expert, even if he is not in the United States, will live under strict surveillance. It is said to be Alzheimer's, what if it is pretended. It happened to be obtained by the Soviets again, so American rocket technology was facing the risk of leaking secrets; no one could afford this responsibility.

Old Morgan can't be tough either, although he has the ability to bring Herman Aubert to America. But the old guy is the father of European rockets after all, and his influence is too great. If a bad Morgan family is bound to become the target of public criticism, there is no need to take such a big risk because of an ethereal thing.

Old Morgan: "Go over in person and see if you can get any useful information from Herman Aubert. If it is Alzheimer's, there is no need to waste time."

"Since Heiyun's acquisition of sodium metal may be related to the solar cannon, it can be used. Find some media and let them report the matter. To keep no traces, you can operate it."

Still a brilliant old Morgan, much better than his incompetent son. It doesn't cost anything, and it's the kind that kills people without seeing blood. The Black Cloud Group will inevitably face condemnation from the whole world, and there will definitely be a good show to watch at that time, and the possibility of being severely sanctioned is very high.