Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1068: with great fanfare

Since he promised old Morgan, he couldn't neglect it. James Carnegie immediately set out to investigate the situation in the Argentine Mining Division.

Not to mention, I don’t know if I don’t check it, and I’m shocked when I check it; Argentina is rich in mineral resources and is one of the main mining countries in Latin America. Energy minerals include oil, natural gas, and uranium; metal minerals include copper, gold, silver, lithium, Lead, zinc, iron, etc.

I heard before that Argentina's agriculture is very developed, and most of the country can be classified as a subtropical climate zone, as a country with the development of agriculture and animal husbandry as its pillar industry. The annual agricultural output value of Argentina has always remained at around 20 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for nearly 10% of the annual gross national product, and is known as "the world's granary and meat bank".

I don't know if the Argentines are too stupid. With such good conditions, they were able to develop the country like this.

In fact, from the beginning of the century, Argentina began to accumulate a lot of wealth relying on the developed agricultural trade and animal husbandry trade. At that time, Argentina's agricultural export volume could squeeze into the top five in the world, and the national economic aggregate could also squeeze into the top eight in the world. A large number of middle-class farmers belong to the array of developed countries.

In the First World War, Argentina did not participate in the war. When the war among European countries entered a stalemate, Argentina seemed to have become a paradise. During this period, Argentina increased its exports of agricultural products and minerals, and while European countries were fighting each other, they exported a large amount of grain and low-end manufactured products, making a large fortune.

The good times didn't last long. After the end of the First World War, European countries began to develop heavy industries. However, Argentina is still insisting on developing its own traditional agriculture and animal husbandry. With the rapid development of industries in European countries, a large amount of agricultural equipment has been put into agricultural production. Argentina began to lose its leading position in agriculture, and its economy began to decline slowly.

Moreover, large-scale agricultural production has concentrated the land in Argentina in the hands of large farmers. A small number of powerful and wealthy families have controlled the sparsely populated and large pastures, and the Argentine economy is controlled by them. These farmers will not take the initiative to engage in Industrial production was upgraded, so Argentina began to stand still.

After the Second World War, when countries around the world began the second industrial revolution, Argentina slowly withdrew from the world stage, and after experiencing the financial crisis, inflation became more serious and the unemployment rate rose sharply. So far, Argentina has completely become a backward country. developing countries.

James Carnegie already had an idea in mind at this time, at least found a countermeasure.

After the death of Mrs. Peron, Argentina has changed seven presidents in ten years, and all of them were of military origin. It's not that soldiers are bad, but soldiers should improve their combat effectiveness and study military skills. Instead of blindly participating in politics, how can the country be better?

Although the current president, Raul Ricardo Alfonsine, is not from a military background, because the military ruled the country for too long before, military politics was still mixed in the presidential palace for a while, and this situation is difficult to change in a short time.

But how to say, Raul Ricardo Alfonsine is also the real president; and has been in power for more than a year, the necessary respect is still required.

James Carnegie sent a business investigation letter to the Argentine business department directly in the name of the U.S. National Steel Corporation. This made the investigation very formal, and the Argentine side must pay attention to it.

In terms of the scale and volume of a single round, the US National Steel Corporation is definitely the largest steel company in the entire American continent. The purpose of coming to Argentina is self-evident, and it must be for minerals. Mining companies from other countries have a headache when they come to Argentina. The policies here are ever-changing, and one day the investment may be nationalized.

Are Americans so confident, or there are other unknown secrets.

In the hearts of Argentines, there are no good people in the United States. In the Falklands War that year, apart from Britain making people angry, the United States was not much better.

It is said that the two sides complement each other and help each other, and the Americans will definitely not participate. However, British warships and fighter planes are all docked, replenished, and repaired at American ports. Without the help of the Americans, Argentina really would not necessarily fail. There is a world of difference between a 2,000-kilometer supply line and a 12,000-kilometer supply line for a war.

Raul Ricardo Alfonsine is still doing a lot, knowing that if a country wants to develop, it must give up hatred. Not to mention Americans coming to invest, it is the Black Cloud Group; as long as they are willing to come and invest, they cannot be blocked from the door.

Relying on a few so-called commercial giants in the country will not have any real effect at all. It’s okay for them to use the traditional method of farming, but let’s forget about the others! As for the development of industry, they are basically laymen; they may not even know what high-tech industry is.

Today, there are American companies, and companies with Morgan family backgrounds, coming to Argentina to invest. This is a great thing for the improvement of the entire country's economy and morale. At the same time, it can also let other multinational companies take a good look at it. Argentina is changing, and it is definitely a country worth investing in.

The advertising effect of the Morgan family must be utilized, and good opportunities must not be wasted.

Raul Ricardo Alfonsin directly ordered the officials of the propaganda department to welcome the American delegation with great fanfare; there should be no dissatisfaction. If anyone dares to violate, then he is the sinner of Argentina. The war is a thing of the past. At this time, Argentina needs a stable environment to develop its economy.

Development requires capital, technology, and markets, none of which are available in Argentina. Now that an American company is willing to come and investigate, and it is a powerful US National Steel Corporation, it is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is necessary to mobilize the enthusiasm of all citizens and to impress the reference group.

Whether the investment can land, Raul Ricardo Alfonsine is not very worried. For a company as big as the National Steel Corporation, it would not go there for no reason. They will never do anything they are not sure about. After all, it is always embarrassing to have no project landed because of inspections.

It was arranged for Peng Yifei to send people to Argentina to look for scientists and engineers who escaped from Germany during World War II; at this time, many Heiyun staff members were in Argentina. The U.S. National Steel Corporation came to investigate. Of course, such an important matter must be reported to the headquarters.

After Peng Yifei received the report from the person in charge of the Argentine region, he didn't dare to neglect; he went directly to Baozixuan's office. Because he knows that the boss will be on a business trip in a few days, and he also wants to go to Argentina in person.

If there are any enemies between Heiyun Group and Baozixuan, the Morgan family will definitely bear the brunt. As for the local people in Xiangjiang, they are no longer in a heavy class. As long as the other party doesn't take the initiative to cause trouble, as the richest man in the same town, it's not easy to retaliate blatantly. Moreover, the temple in Xiangjiang is really too small. In the future, even the earth may not be able to accommodate the ambition of being the richest man.

Peng Yifei: "Boss, the U.S. National Steel Corporation is going to inspect Argentina to discuss the purchase agreement of mineral resources. But I feel that things here are not simple. Jr. Morgan has been to Germany before, and also met Hermann Ober special."

"There are people from the CIA monitoring nearby, and it is inconvenient for our people to show up; therefore, we can only observe from the outside. Then Jr. Morgan went straight to the Swiss bank to get the things. It must be some kind of agreement with Hermann Oberth."

"Now I am going to Argentina in the name of an investigation. There must be something related here. Maybe the Morgan family also knows that there are some German technical experts who escaped in Argentina, and their purpose is the same as ours."

With so many things superimposed, it is definitely not a Bao Zixuan: "What are your thoughts, or countermeasures."

As a high-ranking person, you must not express your opinions directly. That's not training your subordinates, but training yourself. For Peng Yifei and others, loyalty, reliability, and military strength are all fine. But the ability to analyze and judge things and the current situation is not enough. In the process of communication, it is also a kind of exercise for him.

Peng Yifei: "I planned to go to Argentina before, but now it seems that the plan has to be advanced. The Morgan family's move is very obvious. If we don't speed up, we will get nothing in the end."

Bao Zixuan is also planning to go to the Middle East in the near future, and many things must be resolved. And in the future, the Middle East will be the most important headquarters base of Heiyun Group and himself, and there must be no mistakes.

Bao Zixuan: "Pay attention to safety, this is a good opportunity to confront your opponent head-on. Don't worry about funds, but you must not suffer losses."

A layman must never lead an expert. Doing a good job in logistics is better than anything else. Subordinates must have room to play freely, otherwise there is no way to grow.

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