Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1103: royal determination

Latest website: Now that we have found someone who can make things happen, Kuwait only needs to pay; it will save trouble. Problems that can be solved with money are not problems for oil-producing countries in the Middle East. With a piece of cloth on my head, I am the richest in the world.

The plan is reasonable and the implementation is right. To overwhelm Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan, then you must choose unconditional trust. At least the Black Cloud Group and Kuwait do not have any conflict of interest, and as a business, they are definitely more reliable than the United States and the Soviet Union.

King Jaber: "Mr. Bao's advice is very reasonable. If it is implemented according to your plan, it will probably cost you how much money it will cost. You don't need to be too specific, but at least you have to have a rough idea. It's good to know."

It seems that the Kuwaiti royal family has already moved, and things are a lot easier. The Black Cloud Town project is a giant beast that swallows gold. Saudi Arabia and Iraq have been unable to squeeze much oil and water. As for the rest of the Middle East, there won't be much money either. European countries are more competitive with the Black Cloud Group, and US funds are not easily transferred back to Hong Kong. At this moment, the U.S. Department of Commerce has focused its attention on the Black Cloud Group. If a large amount of funds is transferred, it is bound to launch an investigation. Japanese funds are not very willing to be transferred. The signing of the Plaza Accord is getting closer and closer, and the investment profits in Japan will be very considerable.

At this time, Kuwait appeared in front of him. If he didn't make a lot of money, he would feel sorry for himself. And at present, other countries in the world are absolutely unable to come up with so much money.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "My laptop is in the hands of the bodyguard, can I arrange for someone to send it over?"

Of course, the Kuwaiti royal family will not refuse this request.

Soon the laptop was sent to the palace study. After Bao Zixuan took it, he immediately went to work. I saw my hands quickly operate on the laptop, and it was done before the Kuwaiti royal family could react.

Although there is no calculation time, it will definitely not exceed 5 minutes. The members of the Kuwaiti royal family have seen some of the market, but they have never seen someone so skilled in computers. It's no wonder that this kid was able to win the picture and receive the prize. The average person can't keep up with the computer skills alone.

King Jaber said with a smile: "Put aside Mr. Bao's computer skills, the speed of his hands is really incredible. At present, the application of computers in the world is becoming more and more extensive, and Kuwait cannot be left behind."

"We can't just pay attention to the military and the economy and ignore the importance of basic education. Doesn't the Black Cloud Group produce computers? It should be equipped with one for all students above secondary school in Kuwait."

"At the same time, I also hope that Heiyun Group and Yulin Institute of Technology can give some educational help. After all, in the computer field, we don't understand."

Just now, the black cloud engineer connected the projector with the computer and introduced the product performance. In addition, Bao Zixuan used a laptop computer to calculate and count the equipment that Kuwait needed, and it probably cost as much money. It can be said that there is not a single paper document, but it is clear at a glance.

This function alone is worth learning. Sooner or later, the day when oil production is completed, Kuwait must walk out of its own characteristic path.

The oil and natural gas industry is the main pillar of Kuwait's national economy, and its output value accounts for 45% of GDP and 92% of export revenue. The Kuwaiti royal family has realized the seriousness of the problem, and the government is focusing on developing the petroleum and petrochemical industries at the same time. Emphasis on the development of a diversified economy, focusing on the development of finance, trade, tourism, exhibition and other industries. It also plans to build Kuwait into a regional commercial and financial center, give play to the important role of private enterprises in Kuwait's economic development, ensure an all-round and balanced development of people's lives, and achieve social justice.

I felt that they had done well before, but the arrival of the Heiyun Reference Group made them realize how big the gap is. Compared with the world's most famous technology companies, Kuwait seems to be living in the last century.

No one can refuse a request to send money to himself.

However, military projects are still to be dealt with at present, and others can be put aside first. Bao Zixuan didn't talk nonsense, and directly listed each expense. No matter which country, it is definitely a very expensive behavior to build a modern army.

Just 20,000 troops were replaced, and not all weapons and equipment were replaced; it actually cost between 5 billion and 6 billion US dollars. Kuwait's annual military expenditure is only one billion US dollars, which is Kuwait's military expenditure for 4-5 years.

Of course, the bulk of them must belong to the Black Cloud Group. The HH-01 Ghost Bomber and the ground effect aircraft alone account for half of the cost.

In fact, the reason for Kuwait to go to the United States and the Soviet Union to buy weapons and equipment is to make the project go smoothly. The American influence in the Middle East should not be underestimated, at least in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, their words definitely carry a lot of weight.

Letting McDonnell Douglas and Motorola get the orders means US companies can get profits. Although it is not a lot, it may be a little uncomfortable in my heart; but it should be balanced. It is impossible for the United States to export strategic bombers to Kuwait, which involves national strategic security issues; no company dares to risk the world, and little MacDonald has no such courage.

If the US military does not want to export the most advanced weapons and equipment to Kuwait, then it is understandable to choose Soviet weapons. At least I have respected you, don't you sell it to me, and you are not allowed to buy it in other countries. There is no such truth; even in domineering, there must be a degree.

The members of the royal family exchanged glances, and King Jaber said: "Although the price is expensive, it is for the national security of Kuwait. This money still needs to be spent, and we must take precautions before it happens."

"At the same time, there is another question I would like to ask Mr. Bao, if all the costumes are completed; what level of combat capability can the Kuwaiti army reach, or can it be compared with that country."

Isn't this embarrassing! Those young master soldiers in Kuwait have a very weak will to fight; the weapons are advanced, but it depends on who will use them.

And he's just a businessman, not an expert in military commentary and analysis. Why do you always ask questions in other fields, but it is normal, the royal family will pay more attention to national security. As for technical issues, it is better not to ask.

Bao Zixuan: "It's hard to say, but as long as the personnel are properly trained, it will be possible to fight Israel if the number of people is comparable. At least it won't suffer. After all, Kuwait is already in a leading position in weapons and equipment."

As long as it can resist Israel head-on; at this time, the Kuwaiti royal family will not believe that the Arab brothers will fire on them.

The main members of the royal family are all there, and they can make a decision directly.

King Jaber said with a smile: "Please also ask Mr. Bao to stay in Kuwait for a few more days. I am going to directly ask the Soviet Union and the United States to order weapons. If the goal is not achieved, I hope that the Black Cloud Group and Mr. Bao can help coordinate one or two. "

There is no specific time limit for visiting the Middle East. And at this time, there is still a request to Kuwait, which must be helped. It is also the trust that customers have in you, and it also makes you make money.

Bao Zixuan: "No problem, just to enjoy the scenery of Kuwait. At the same time, you can also inspect other projects to see if there is still room for cooperation between the two parties in the field of people's livelihood."

"Everyone is so refreshing, I have a ruthless request, and I also ask His Majesty the King to fulfill it."

At this time, as long as it is not too demanding, Kuwait would not dare to disagree.

King Jaber said with a smile: "Mr. Bao, please tell me, we don't have to be like this. As long as Kuwait can do it, it will definitely not refuse."

The commitment to rise to a country shows that King Jaber is still very sincere.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile, "It's not that serious. His Majesty the King should know about Fucaira."

Seeing the other person nodding, Bao Zixuan continued: "Head Fucaira has only two and no son. His eldest daughter, Princess Sarah, met me when I was studying in the United States, and she is a very good friend. ."

"Chief Fucaira is not very healthy, and it is estimated that it will only take two years. Now it comes to the issue of the heir. Before that, Princess Sarah was going to marry Prince Digade; it was just because of the relationship between Fuchaila and Diga. There are some debt issues."

"As a friend, I definitely can't bear to see this happen. I have helped to settle the debt, and I haven't charged too much. Although there are only 30,000 people in Fucaira, after all, it is the land left by the ancestors, and Salah certainly can't bear it. Give up. That's how I found me, I hope I can help coordinate."

"I don't need Kuwait to do anything, I just hope that when Salah succeeds, it will not stand up against it."

Anyone can pretend to be stupid, King Jaber thought for a moment and said: "What do I think it is! Kuwait will never participate in and interfere in other countries' internal affairs, please rest assured Mr. Bao; at the same time, you can tell Princess Sarah that the Kuwaiti royal family will not have any opinion."

It's not about him hanging up high, there's no need to offend Bao Zixuan for this trivial matter. Said to be good friends, the real relationship, everyone understands.