Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1106: elated

With the endorsement of Heiyun Group and Baozixuan, things will be much easier. Moreover, Kuwait has already paid more than 10 billion US dollars to Heiyun, so it doesn't matter if it is paid in advance. You won't suffer any loss, and you can even earn a handling fee. Although I don't care about this small amount of money, no one will dislike a lot of money.

Bao Zixuan made a phone call, and Heiyun's branch in the Soviet Union began to open the safe; a large amount of cash was paid to people in the interest chain. The payment for the goods was paid directly to the Soviet Ministry of Defense. The US$1.5 billion was remitted to the account, and the Ministry of Defense of the Soviet Union was very satisfied. This is an extra-budget benefit. It seems that there should be more of this kind of thing.

All have benefited, and the work efficiency must be very high. The commander of the Turkmenistan garrison was single-handedly promoted by Ustinov, and this time he has benefited even more. Personally arrange train shipments and mobilize training personnel.

Hearing that they were able to go to Kuwait for training, the Soviet soldiers were all happy and crazy. Going abroad for training can get a lot of benefits, even extra income. People with bad relationships and poor skills really have no chance. The treatment of officers and soldiers in the Soviet Union is average, and a trip abroad may be equivalent to several years of income. Who would not want to earn more money.

The pilot was really reluctant to part with the Su-27 fighter jet, after all, he had just driven it not long ago. But after all, it was an order from the Ministry of Defense, and no one dared to disobey it. And you can go to Kuwait, and naturally you won't have any complaints.

The Soviets were very fast, and all weapons and equipment had arrived at the Kuwaiti military camp in two days. This is definitely a miracle in the history of the world's arms trade. It can be said that there is no one before, and it will be difficult for anyone to come later.

As for the communication equipment purchased in the United States, it is also extremely fast. Because it was not controlled, it was quickly released. Kuwait directly hired Leixuan to express two ground-effect aircraft, which were shipped directly from the United States to the Middle East.

A series of operations is dazzling. Although the Americans had many spies in the Middle East, they never expected that the Soviets were so efficient, even the Kuwaitis were so powerful.

I have already had experience in modifying Soviet-made tanks before, and with Soviet tankers and maintenance personnel coming to help, the efficiency has naturally improved a lot. Although the communication system, optical equipment, and infrared headlights of their own tanks were removed and replaced with American equipment, the Soviet tankers were a little reconciled. However, the subsidy of 200 US dollars per day made it difficult to express any complaints.

Lester is the regional director of the CIA in Kuwait. He also closely monitored Bao Zixuan's arrival, including the Soviets. I just want to collect the data and report to the country. But who would have thought that the speed of the three parties would be so fast. Soviet weapons and equipment have arrived in Kuwait, along with a large number of Soviet soldiers. Could it be that if he came forward to stop it at this time, it would definitely provoke conflicts between the United States and the Soviet Union? He didn't have the guts.

In the past investigation, will Kuwait agree to not say anything. It is no wonder that the Soviet Union can agree. Even if you want to watch the Su-27 fighter jets up close, you have to wait until the Soviets leave.

Even if the Soviets came, Kuwait would not agree. After all, they have to guard against Israel, in case it leaks; no one can explain it clearly.

When everything was a foregone conclusion, the King of Kuwait announced to the outside world: "In view of the current tension in the Middle East, in line with the idea of ​​being responsible to the country and protecting the national security. The Kuwait Ministry of National Defense purchased from the Soviet Union, the American Motorola Company, and Xiangjiang Heiyun Group. The total amount of 64.8 Billion dollars in weapons and equipment."

"At the same time, I said that Kuwait's procurement of weapons and equipment is not for external expansion; it just hopes that it can protect itself in the event of war."

King Jabir's speech shocked the whole world.

The richest man Bao really doesn't stop, he brings his own traffic wherever he goes. The Kuwaiti army has only 20,000 people, and they actually fooled them into buying more than 6 billion US dollars in arms. Ordinary people will never be able to do it. It seems that in terms of business, you really have to learn from others.

Hearing the news that Kuwait had chosen the Su-27 fighter jet, Little Macdonald smashed the ornaments on the desk to pieces. And reported the matter to the Pentagon, now the competition for fighter jets is so fierce. Kuwait found them first because the military did not agree. As a result of the loss of orders, the U.S. military has limited procurement profits, so why not allow other countries to purchase.

There is not enough profit; how can the company survive only on US government funding and military procurement. Looking at the advanced weapons of the United States, they are not irreplaceable. The Soviet Union and France are their main competitors, and now the Black Cloud Group is catching up from behind; at this time, when political issues are involved, arms companies will have no room to survive.

McDonnell Douglas is definitely not fighting alone, and immediately received responses from Boeing, Northrop, and Lockheed. Usually they are competitors, but this matter involves everyone's common interests; they can't stay out of it and watch the excitement over there.

The United States can be said to be flying like dogs and dogs, preventing McDonnell Douglas from selling fighter jets to Kuwaiti military officers. To be directly expelled from the military can be said to have ruined the future.

It is right to help compatriots, but it cannot be so obvious; let alone harm the core interests of domestic companies. Kuwait can be regarded as the very obedient brother of the United States in the Middle East. They want to buy weapons and equipment; they were directly excluded, even if they pretended to be. And even if weapons are sold to Kuwait, it doesn't matter much. Could they still threaten the interests of the United States.

Of course, if the Soviets did not intervene strongly and make a lot of money, the Americans would not be in such an atmosphere. The orders lost by oneself have cheapened the enemy for nothing. Under the ebb and flow, the harm will be so great that I can't even imagine it.

What made Little McDonald even more angry was that Kuwait directly announced that it would gradually phase out the fighter jets produced by McDonnell Douglas within a period of time in the future, and would not purchase any weapons and equipment produced by the company in the future.

Although Kuwait is only a small country, its financial resources must not be ignored. In addition, the price of exporting weapons is much higher than that purchased by the US military, and the profit is at least three times that of domestic sales, or even higher. If one country is like this, what should other countries do? Even if McDonnell Douglas does not go bankrupt, it is estimated that it will not live comfortably.

The domestic military giants in the United States put pressure on the military and Congress, which is their internal matter, and Bao Zixuan has nothing to do with it. At this time, the engineers of the Black Cloud Group were refitting the tank with the maintenance personnel from the Soviet Union.

As the boss, he does not need to participate in specific work, but he is required to participate in the coordination between the royal family and the Soviet Union. Bao Shoufu also realized that this time the Americans must be offended to death, and even Little MacDonald had some opinions on him.

However, the current little MacDonald does not dare to turn against Heiyun Group, after all, the cooperation project between the two parties will continue.

Little MacDonald called and asked him to communicate with Kuwait to see if it could be eased. At the same time, it also stated that not everyone in the United States can threaten and impose sanctions, at least Kuwait does not have that strength yet.

Listening to the threat in the pleading, Bao Zixuan was not polite and responded directly. At the same time let Little McDonald understand that this is something that happened before McDonnell Douglas and Kuwait. As a friend, I have already recommended McDonnell Douglas; if you are unwilling to sell, can you also blame me.

At the same time, it has been negotiated before that Kuwait Airways will purchase the super-large passenger aircraft jointly developed by four companies; now because of McDonnell Douglas, the order has changed. If there is a problem because of this, then we must be cautious in future cooperation.

Hearing that Bao Zixuan was already promoting the undeveloped airliner, Little MacDonald was McDonnell Douglas developed a new product, customers would definitely pay attention to it for a long time before placing an order. Unexpectedly, Bao Zixuan was already negotiating the contract, maybe this was the gap.

Unlike McDonald Jr.'s anger, Robert Calvin called specifically to express his thanks. The Kuwaitis obtained the communication equipment as quickly as possible by relying on unreasonable bids.

Although Motorola only sold a few hundred devices this time, it has successfully opened up the Kuwait market and will set up a branch in Kuwait in the future. All this is thanks to Bao Zixuan, he really is a good friend.

When Bao Zixuan talked about the order for the jumbo airliner, Robert Calvin was also in a good mood. I know the virtues of the U.S. military, and I also understand that as long as McDonnell Douglas insists on reason, there are still some opportunities;

It is too late to say these things now, I just hope that Kuwait will not do everything; implicate cooperation projects.

This time the Soviets were absolutely elated. This is the first time they have defeated an American company heartily. Not only has new customers been added, but it has also made the world feel that as long as the Soviet Union gets serious, something can still be done.

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