Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1107: Arms Union

The latest website: When the Soviets were training the Kuwaiti army, the major US arms giants were preparing to jointly put pressure on the military, the White House and Congress. Although this time only made McDonnell Douglas lost more than one billion dollars in arms orders. But the impact is very bad. In the past, the international arms market was dominated by the United States. The Soviets never put the most advanced weapons and equipment on the shelves for other reasons.

Because of Bao Zixuan, the Soviet Union was not so conservative; the mind was much more open. Except for the United States, there is no country in the world that can threaten the security of the Soviet Union. However, the two superpowers are more fighting behind their backs, and they really dare not confront each other head-on. The main reason is that it is difficult to stop, and it is easy to turn a cold war into a hot war.

It can be said that the two countries still have a tacit understanding and will try to avoid direct conflict.

In the Korean War, the Americans took action, and the Soviet Union sent more military advisers and provided corresponding assistance to support China and North Korea to compete with the United States. The same is true of the Vietnam War, the Americans took action, and the Soviets provided military assistance to the Vietnamese. In the Afghan War, the Soviet Union launched an attack, and the United States provided free weapons and equipment to the Afghan guerrillas, the purpose of which was to weaken the Soviet Union's strength. It is quite cost-effective to exchange a missile for a Soviet helicopter.

Both countries have nuclear weapons capable of destroying each other, so how can they directly attack.

Even if the Americans were told about the capabilities of Soviet fighter jets, that would not matter. Soviet weapons and equipment have always been simple and practical to win. The country that buys it will still buy it. As for the NATO countries, the order will certainly not be given to the Soviet Union.

Kuwait is a special case, mainly because the Black Cloud Group was involved, and Bao Zixuan coordinated it. Even the payment is made through the Black Cloud Group, which makes the efficiency so high.

The Soviets definitely tasted the sweetness, and suddenly felt that they could make a lot of money by selling the latest weapons to countries with better economic conditions. Whether admitted or not, the economic strength of the Warsaw Pact countries is generally poor. Not to mention spending a lot of money to buy advanced Soviet weapons, even if you are struggling to live, you will be thankful for not letting the Soviet Union help.

Kuwait is only a small country in the Middle East. If the market is opened up because of this, the future is definitely promising. I also wish the United States would do this kind of thing a few more times, and it would be better to pick it up later. Although saying this is a bit demeaning, it is not that country or company can pick up this kind of cheapness.

Although Little MacDonald knew that many people looked down on him, he thought that he was a rich second-generation who did not learn countless numbers, and belonged to the kind of mud that could not support the wall. But this matter must be called by him. I believe that the other companies should give face. After all, this matter is closely related to everyone's interests.

Sure enough, this kid was not disappointed, and learned that McDonnell Douglas invited everyone to discuss the issue of overseas market development together. The presidents of Lockheed, Boeing, Northrop, General Dynamics, and Raytheon all attended in person. This was impossible before, at least little MacDonald did not have this face.

It seems that this time it is a real move, and it wants to collectively put pressure on the government. If it goes on like this, everyone will fight against the northwest wind.

Little MacDonald knows his status, and he does not have any advantage in terms of company size or industry qualifications. But the matter is because of McDonnell Douglas, something must be said first, at least to resonate with everyone.

Little MacDonald said very formally: "You are all seniors in the industry. It stands to reason that it is not my turn to speak first. But after all, it is because of McDonnell Douglas, so I should introduce the specific situation to you."

After seeing that everyone had no opinion, Little MacDonald continued: "The Black Cloud Group visited the Middle East and did not know how to use it to make Kuwait decide to replace most of the weapons and equipment in service. Kuwait's commercial department also contacted the first time. McDonnell Douglas wants to buy either the F-15 or the F-18."

"The price given is absolutely heartwarming, and Kuwait is even willing to increase it."

"Although the F-15 and F-18 fighter jets have good performance, they have no technical advantages compared to your aircraft. Kuwait is willing to pay a lot of money to buy them. Of course McDonnell Douglas will be excited."

"After all, there is no precedent for exporting to Kuwait before, so I can only apply to the military. But do you know! The application report was just submitted and it was returned immediately. It was just because the officer in charge of approval was Jewish and thought that the plane was sold to Kuwait. It's against Israel's interests."

"This is the United States of America. First of all, we should protect the interests of American companies and American citizens. Now it is harming the interests of the United States and protecting Israel. Although Israel is also a big arms purchaser, it cannot be sold to others because of its cooperation with him. country!"

"If there is such a request, this business would rather not do it. You can't give up the entire forest because of one tree."

"The military did not approve it, so it had to settle for the next best thing. It wanted Kuwait to buy the F-4 Phantom 2 fighter jet. You should know that the air force of the world is phasing out the product 30 years ago, so how could Kuwait buy it. "

"Customers now have many choices and feel that this move by McDonnell Douglas is an insult to Kuwait. Therefore, they decided to retire all weapons and equipment produced by McDonnell Douglas, and even not buy any weapons from McDonnell Douglas in the future. This is not enough, it has already affected McDonnell Douglas. Dow’s other cooperation projects. Kuwait has prepared to purchase the super-large passenger aircraft produced in the UK. It is because of this matter that it is necessary to re-negotiate. McDonnell Douglas has disappointed its partners, and business will definitely be difficult to do in the future.”

"On the other hand, the Soviets immediately dispatched planes from the front-line troops to Kuwait, and they were weapons and equipment that the Soviet army had just served. This courage is worth learning. Could Kuwait buy a few planes to go back and threaten the interests of the United States? Dare to attack the U.S. mainland."

"It is because some people violate the core interests of American companies for the interests of individual countries."

"The weapons and equipment of McDonnell Douglas can only be regarded as average compared to you. What if the military does not agree to buy your company's products, or is unwilling to sell them in order to protect the interests of other countries."

"In the past, French and Soviet companies in the world competed with us, and now we add the Black Cloud Group. If we can only sell to allies, and allies are divided into three, six, nine, etc., then how should the business be done. American weapons are the most advanced weapons. Fake, but compared with other countries and companies, there is no obvious technical advantage. At least our products 30 years ago are definitely not comparable to other people's active weapons and equipment."

"If the thinking does not change, the US military orders alone. At most, the basic operation of the company can be maintained, and it will be very difficult to grow and develop."

Little MacDonald definitely made people prepare a speech, although it was not a speech; but it was also a eloquent speech, which made several people on the scene feel a little impressed.

Boeing mainly develops in the civilian field, and also does the arms business, and its share is not as large as that of other companies. Lockheed is mainly engaged in the production of weapons and equipment, and the experience may be deeper.

The President of Lockheed said with a serious expression: "Mr. MacDonald is very reasonable. No profit means no research and development funds. Now we can still earn our own capital and occupy some technological advantages, but what will we do when other companies catch up."

"The interests of American companies cannot be sacrificed for the interests of other countries. Therefore, I propose to establish an arms alliance; American companies must first unite and discuss things together. The enemy cannot fight in the nest."

Little MacDonald's words may not be enough, but no one dared to ignore the president of Lockheed. As the world's most well-known arms company their weapons and equipment have always occupied the largest share in the market.

If the scale of the enterprise is concerned, Boeing may be larger; but when it comes to weapons and equipment, then Lockheed is definitely a well-deserved overlord. Especially in aviation, there are few rivals.

Most of the black-tech aircraft during the Cold War came from Lockheed, which shows how terrifying their technical strength is.

It is also a good thing to set up an arms alliance, at least everyone can discuss things together.

Although it was called by McDonnell Jr., the first president of the American Arms Alliance was the president of Lockheed. No one has any opinion on this, at least they are more convincing.

Looking at the arms alliance at this time, it is still relatively loose, including the presidents of the five companies. But that doesn't infringe on the core interests. If anyone harms their interests, they will definitely roll up their sleeves and fight with you.

The establishment of the American Arms Alliance has brought a lot of trouble to Heiyun; of course, this is just another story. Now these companies first have to go to the military, Congress, and the White House.