Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1109: change in saudi

Although the king is not very well, he has no problem meeting people. Just can't go out, or do things that are too tiring. When you come to Saudi Arabia, you must pay a visit. We are all old friends, and it is important to increase the bond. Of course, Bao Zixuan still wanted to hear what the King of Saudi Arabia meant, at least he had to be aware of it and be prepared for what happened next.

When I came to the Saudi palace, I saw the king's face was a little pale. In fact, it was to prove to Bao Zixuan that he did not meet him at the airport; it was really because of his physical problems, not because of lack of respect for him.

The King of Saudi Arabia said apologetically: "I am very sorry that I did not go to greet the guests from afar in person. Your contribution and help to Saudi Arabia; the Saudi royal family and citizens will never dare to forget."

After all, he is also in his 60s, Bao Zixuan really can't say much. Moreover, it is very face-saving to come out to meet people when they are sick. But Bao Zixuan really didn't dare to fully trust this king.

Unlike other Saudi kings, the former King Fahd bin Abdul-Aziz assisted the United States in defeating Iraq in the Gulf War and allowed the United States to set up military bases in Saudi Arabia; its pro-American stance made the Ministry The people of the country are dissatisfied.

People in the country are dissatisfied with his pro-American stance, which shows how serious it is. However, it cannot be said that there is anything wrong with others, it is all for the continuation of the royal family's dominance. Arab countries are different from mainstream countries in the world, adopting a centralized monarchy regime. The royal family has great power and is the direct ruler of the country.

With the development of information, the level of national culture is getting higher and higher. There will inevitably be dissatisfaction, which is the general trend; no one can change anything.

The royal family definitely doesn't want to lose the rights they have already obtained. If the national army can't do it, it is also a way to use external forces. And as long as the Americans don't want to subvert the royal rule, the chances of the two sides turning their faces will not be very high.

Bao Zixuan: "His Majesty the King is really too polite, we are all old friends; the cooperation between the two sides is very good. The Saudi people are very enthusiastic; they left a deep impression on the staff of the Black Cloud Group."

"Your Majesty is not only itchy, but also an elder. How could I bother you to greet him personally. I am very touched to receive such a courtesy. At least it proves that the Saudi royal family treats me as a friend, but I dare not have other ideas."

Bao Zixuan's age is his weakness, but sometimes it can also become an advantage. He is younger than the king's son, but his achievements have made people forget and ignore his age. Not only the Saudi royal family, but politicians from all over the world will regard him as a person of equal status. Now that the richest man Bao said so, the king can't say much.

Think about this man, who is younger than his son, who came to the Middle East and made such a big commotion. Not only in the Arab region, I am afraid that there are no such young heroes in the whole world. When I think of members of the Saudi royal family who only know how to spend money, but also dislike the lack of pocket money, they will judge each other; the more I think about it, the more annoying it is.

It seems that we really need to find an opportunity for the princes to communicate and learn from others.

King Fahd said with a smile: "This time I come to Saudi Arabia, but I have to stay longer; give us some suggestions for the development of Saudi Arabia's economy. Before spending huge sums of money to hire many economists in Europe and the United States, none of them are qualified. Really capable. On the contrary, you, a friend who doesn’t spend money, put forward suggestions that are very feasible.”

"It's okay for economists to engage in theoretical research. If you let them manage a company, they may not do a good job. What's more, it is still a country, and they will be in vain."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan really didn't know what to say. It's not that he doesn't take money, it's just that the way of collecting money is different, and it is more expensive to be precise. At least there is no so-called economist who can make so much money from Saudi Arabia.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Your Majesty the King is too polite. In fact, deep down in my heart, I don't really agree with the so-called economists. But sometimes I really want to listen to it, so as not to look up the information myself."

"Economists can only give advice, and how to operate it depends on the decision-maker. And it's not that I don't charge money, I just don't make money from it. When I come to Saudi Arabia to invest and do business, the profits of the Black Cloud Group are definitely not low."

Hearing Bao Zixuan's outspoken words made the Saudi royal family feel that this kid is very real; at least he didn't say that he was here to help Saudi Arabia develop its economy like other companies did.

In Saudi Arabia, the oil and petrochemical industry was the lifeblood of the economy. Oil revenue accounted for more than 95% of the country's fiscal revenue and more than 50% of the GDP. It is precisely because of the arrival of Heiyun Group, coupled with the fact that the Saudi government has made full use of its rich oil and natural gas resources, actively introduced advanced technology and equipment, and vigorously developed iron and steel, aluminum smelting, cement, seawater desalination, power industry, agriculture and service industries. In the oil industry, the single economic structure dependent on oil has been improved.

Which multinational companies from European and American countries came to Saudi Arabia for construction. Its purpose is only one, to extract oil and natural gas. Bring back cheap oil from Saudi Arabia to develop the country's economy. As for industrial facilities, sorry, Saudi Arabia is not suitable; it is safer to build in the country.

Heiyun Group is different, Xiangjiang has a small land area; Baozixuan is bent on building a large industrial system. We must find a place to build a factory. It is not appropriate to put all such a large-scale factory in any country. Once there are variables, it is too late to withdraw in the end.

Dispersion is the best option, and Saudi Arabia still has an advantage in the Middle East. Compared with Saudi Arabia, other countries are much worse. Even so, they can still build factories in Jordan and Israel. This courage alone is very human.

It is precisely because of the arrival of the Black Cloud Group that the Saudi economy has undergone great changes. All the profits earned from oil were used to buy US treasury bonds. Most of it is now used to develop the country's economy; in comparison, the people will definitely support the royal family; the rule will be more stable.

King Fahd said with a smile: "Hearing what you said, it really makes sense. The so-called economic experts are really handy in giving examples, and they can even memorize them."

"However, some people don't even think about it. They use the economic problems of European and American countries in the 18th and 19th centuries to guide Saudi Arabia in the 20th century. Leaving aside the issue of time, the state system is also different. I don't know what these people think. I really think that We Arabs are stupid."

"It's ridiculous that we actually believed it before. As a result, a lot of money was spent, but nothing was done."

Bao Zixuan did not expect that this time he came to Saudi Arabia, the changes would be so great, it was really beyond imagination. Even the king has become humorous, is it all because of him. Otherwise, it won't make any sense, so we really need to pay attention; we can't let the world become beyond our previous cognition.

Seeing that the timing was almost the same, Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Your Majesty, Princess Shala of Fujairah is a good friend of mine. It is no secret in the Arab world that the chief of Fujairah is not in good health. He has a son It is also well known that everyone inherits the position of chief. As the eldest princess, Sarah wants to lead the tribe to prosperity and strength."

"As a friend, since you found me, you will definitely help. But the Black Cloud Group can only help financially, and succession to the chief is a political issue, so you need your help."

"There is no need for Saudi Arabia to do anything, as long as it is Princess Shala's succession, she does not stand up to oppose it."

Before coming to Saudi Arabia, Bao Zixuan called Prince Sultan. Everyone is familiar with each other, let him explain the situation to the king in advance. As the largest country in the Arab world, Saudi Arabia's opinion is very important. If Saudi Arabia does not support it, several other countries in the UAE will have the confidence and the capital to wrestle their arms.

Prince Sultan would not be so simple and rude to Bao He did a detailed investigation before reporting to the king. Even the two of them have investigated some situations in the United States in detail; including the past investment of the current Heiyun company.

Of course, King Fahd knew that the kid in front of him had great ambitions, and he was definitely not just helping. Will it attract wolves into the house? The Jews occupied a small piece of land back then and gradually developed into the current Israel.

Although Bao Zixuan is not Jewish, he is no worse than Jews in terms of business. Moreover, the weapons and equipment developed are more advanced, but is it useful to stop them now! In addition to turning your face, you probably won't get anything.

King Fahd said with a smile: "Saudi Arabia has never interfered in the internal affairs of other countries. Please rest assured Mr. Bao on this point; at the same time, please tell Princess Sarah that the Saudi royal family will not have any opinions."

"I hope she can lead the people to become prosperous and strong, while maintaining peace in the Middle East and ensuring the common interests of the Arabs."

These words were definitely not addressed to a woman named Sarah, Bao Zixuan certainly understood what it meant. But as long as Saudi Arabia does not object, it seems that more than half of the distance from the goal has been achieved.

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