Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1116: Cooperation

Knowing that you were deceived, but you have already done something. It would definitely be too late to repent, and the girl Qing Yu was involved. Bao Zixuan couldn't express nothing; that didn't match his identity and character.

He is not Neptune, and the richest man in Xiangjiang. Since he didn't control himself, he would naturally have to pay the corresponding price.

Early the next morning, Prince Sultan seemed to be fine, and took the initiative to ask Bao Zixuan to get up for breakfast. Doesn't the old guy know, probably impossible. After all, this is at home, even if he doesn't know, the servant doesn't know either. The princess didn't get up in the morning, wouldn't she explain the situation.

It seems that he is waiting for himself to speak first, or it can be said that he wants to see his sincerity.

Bao Zixuan said very apologetically: "I will give you and Princess Aisha an explanation."

Hearing this, Prince Sultan didn't have any expression on his face, but he was very happy in his heart. It seems that the scheme has succeeded. Although the means are a bit dirty, as long as it can achieve the effect, it will be fine. Strap this kid to the chariot of the Saudi royal family and nothing else matters.

In Arab countries, the status of women is not high; if Aisha can win over Bao Zixuan, then she is the biggest hero of the family. As for how many wives a man marries, it really doesn't matter that much. Prince Sultan himself has many wives and concubines, so how dare he ask for others.

Prince Sultan said with a smile: "The family doesn't talk about each other, and I won't participate in the affairs of you young people. You can do it yourself, and I have no opinion on what decision you make."

That's the way it is said, but how many people really do it. If Bao Zixuan really wanted to abandon him, there was nothing he could do. But with his best understanding of this kid, he really can't do that kind of thing.

Prince Sultan knows that according to the Saudi succession system, he is likely to inherit the throne. Bao Zixuan also needs this kind of help, and if Saudi Arabia wants to develop technology, this kid is indispensable. It can be said that both sides are also desirable and necessary.

Bao Zixuan: "Is there a better house in Saudi Arabia? It's not suitable to live in your house all the time. And the number of visits will increase in the future. It is necessary to find a permanent residence."

Prince Sultan was very satisfied with Bao Zixuan's attitude. She smiled and said, "Don't bother, there's nothing else, there are still a few villas. I'll ask someone to arrange it for you later, and I'll give you one set."

"I know you are not short of that little money, but I am not short of money either. We are all a family, so don't be so polite with me."

Although I know something is wrong, but there is no good way at present. Although it is very reconciled to be tricked by the old guy, he has already made substantial progress with his daughter, and it is too late to regret it.

Bao Zixuan: "In the past, I would arrange workers to fully cooperate in Huaxia. As long as there is a need, they will help Prince Bandar arrange it."

I didn't want to get involved too deeply, but the plan didn't change quickly.

Prince Bandar said with a smile: "Thank you so much. With Mr. Bao's help, Huaxia's tasks in the past should be much easier. But this time I still want to go to Japan for a while; after all, it is not very convenient for Huaxia to go to the United States. I know you There are a lot of investments in Japan, can you give me some advice?"

"The Americans are going to make a big move against Japan, let's see if the Sultan family can seize this opportunity."

I know that things are not that simple, but even Bandar knows that the Americans are making big moves against Japan. It's good for him to prove that history hasn't changed.

Bao Zixuan: "Japan's economy is growing very fast, but its international status has not improved much compared to it. As the world's second largest economy, it shouldn't be like this. The currency has a lot of room for appreciation, and the Japanese think that local real estate Prices are bound to go up."

"Japan is an island country with a very limited land area. Now many well-known Japanese companies are entering real estate. In the next few years, Japanese real estate will definitely have great potential. When land prices and house prices rise, the stock market will inevitably follow. Therefore, in the past, Japan invested in real estate and stocks. They are all very good choices.”

"But pay attention, you must buy core locations and stocks of large companies. Try not to touch other remote areas and small companies. Don't worry about the high price, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the future. If you need it, you can find it directly. Blackstone Company; I will instruct them later to make some necessary arrangements."

"This time I went to China mainland, and I can buy some real estate in Kyoto. The room for appreciation in the future will not be small. After all, China's development speed is not slower than Japan."

Sure enough, this kid kept a few hands, but this is also human nature. There was no relationship between the two before. It seems that Ayesha's contribution is completely worth it, at least for now it is enough.

Bandar went to Huaxia Capital to follow Bao Zixuan's suggestion completely, and suddenly found out after a few years. The real estate he bought in Huaxia Jingdu back then already accounted for a large part of his personal assets. I knew in my heart that Bao Zixuan was far-sighted, and it was reasonable to achieve such an achievement.

Aisha hadn't gotten up yet, and no one was ashamed to call her.

As for Bao Zixuan, there are other matters, at least to see the construction progress of Heiyun Group's factory in Saudi Arabia.

Of course, Prince Sultan must accompany him, and he is not worried that this kid will run away; the main reason is that the relationship between the two has not yet been clarified, and many things must be done properly. Even if the whole world knows so what, the company should still be accompanied. Public and private must be separated. If the distinction is not clear, everyone will look bad in the end.

First came to the seawater desalination plant that Heiyun cooperated with Saudi Arabia, which is also the most valued project of Saudi Arabia. After all, if a country can't even provide basic living water for its people, it will be very passive when wars come and international relations become tense.

The project leader of Heiyun Group personally introduced the project progress and construction process to Bao Zixuan and Prince Sultan.

At present, in order to reduce costs, the seawater desalination project jointly established by Heiyun and Saudi Arabia also adopts the method of hydropower cogeneration. Cogeneration of seawater desalination water and electricity. Since the cost of seawater desalination depends largely on the cost of consumed electricity and steam, hydropower cogeneration can use the steam and electricity from the power plant to power the seawater desalination device, thereby achieving energy efficient use and reducing the cost of seawater desalination. Most seawater desalination plants in foreign countries are built together with power plants, which is the main construction mode of large-scale seawater desalination projects.

However, the Black Cloud Group has upgraded it based on the technical drawings left by the Germans, making it more efficient. Moreover, other economically valuable products can be produced; to a certain extent, revenue has been increased.

Not far from the seawater desalination plant is a modern agricultural project. Seeing the construction of glass greenhouses, and the interiors are covered with thick corrosive soil, Bao Zixuan feels that the Arabs are really rich.

In fact, he really misunderstood it, mainly because the old man was very willing; the money from the Saudis was really not much, and the Far East definitely belonged to the place where the sky was high and the emperor was far away. Moscow is thousands of miles away from them, and at this time the biggest threat and enemy of the Soviet Union comes from Europe. Of course, they don't take the Far East seriously; they don't have any minerals, and even if they do, they are more difficult to mine. Now the Saudis who are stupid and have a lot of money actually come to buy black soil.

For the Far East, where the economy has always been poor, the people are ecstatic. The money earned from digging up the mountain for a day unexpectedly caught up with the salary of the previous month. Therefore, under the strong financial offensive, the Soviets quickly fell.

Every day there are ships from Vladivostok to transport the black soil to Saudi Arabia. At this time, the residents of the Far East are definitely one of the happiest periods in But they don’t know that it’s because they made such a small amount of money back then and gave it to future generations A very large hidden danger has been left.

He didn't go back to yesterday's villa in the evening. Prince Sultan is also a fierce man. Since he promised to give Baozixuan a house, he quickly arranged it. For a country's No. 3 figure and an important member of the royal family, this matter couldn't be easier.

Seeing a European villa appear in front of him, Bao Zixuan knew that this was his future home in Saudi Arabia. Entering the living room, Ayesha was already sitting on the sofa. The fool also understood what was going on, the old man wanted to use this house as a dowry.

Aisha: "I don't need to promise anything, I just hope that you don't abandon me."

Just ask which girl can say this, and which man can bear it; you must know that the other party is still a real princess. Bao Zixuan didn't talk nonsense, he directly hugged her in his arms, and said in a firm tone: "I am a man, and I will be responsible for everything I do. Don't think too much, I will arrange it."

This is a man's guarantee, and it is also the minimum bottom line of being a man.

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