Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1119: enhance strength

The latest website: Since we need to constantly run in and train, we must strengthen the manpower. Hong Kong headquarters needs security personnel, and the Middle East needs a large number of combat troops. After all, once a war broke out, Bao Zixuan didn't want to be controlled by others everywhere, and he had to beat the opponent all at once to fear and hurt him. Otherwise, with the geographical location of Fucaira, there will be no strategic advantage at all.

Zhang Zhan's answer proved that he was very attentive. In line with the principle of not using people who are suspicious, and not using people with suspicion, we still leave the tasks to him. Although he was only a deputy company commander during the war years, there were no senior officers in the Black Cloud Group who retired from the army to apply for the job, so he had to give him a chance.

Everyone is honed in the war, and any senior officer is either a new soldier or a senior military commander. It is necessary to continuously improve themselves through actual combat and gradually move towards the post of senior officer.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Since we already know so much about the enemy, we need to prepare those weapons and how many manpower we need. All these are left to you, there is only one requirement; even if Abu Dhabi and Dubai intervene, they cannot be at a disadvantage."

This is a technical problem, although the richest man knows that those weapons are advanced and easy to use. Of course the Soviet Union would also agree to sell, even if the smuggling is not sold, there is no problem. However, it also depends on the use of weapons by personnel and how to exert the combat effectiveness of advanced weapons, which are the key factors that determine the victory of the war.

Zhang Zhan seemed to know that the boss was going to ask these questions, so he took out a list. At the same time, he said: "At present, the tanks modified within the group can meet the requirements of the war, and at least technically can completely overwhelm the Sharjah Centurion tank. However, considering the involvement of Abu Dhabi and Dubai, at least 80-120 tanks are needed. Standby. Equipped with weapons and ammunition at the same time, after all, once the war starts, the enemy is likely to attack our supply line."

"The helicopters purchased in the United States can play a role and have initially formed combat effectiveness. Although they have HH-01 Ghost stealth fighter-bombers, they can't play much role in Fucaira. The land area is limited, and the fighter may have just taken off. It will be discovered by the enemy, and it will not play a big role at all."

"And at the moment there are no airports in the country for fixed-wing aircraft to take off and land, which is a hassle."

Without an airport, Bao Zixuan immediately thought of a Soviet fighter jet, the Yak-36 carrier-based aircraft, formerly known as "Jacques-38". In the 1970s, the Soviet Union developed a carrier-based vertical take-off and landing fighter/bomber. It is mainly used for low-altitude attack and reconnaissance of sea and ground targets, and has certain air combat capabilities. It entered service at the end of 1977. The wings can be folded upwards. The maximum high-altitude speed is M0.95, the cruising speed is 958 kilometers per hour, the practical ceiling is 12,000 meters, and the combat radius is 240 kilometers. The airborne equipment mainly includes: ranging radar, IFF, infrared sight, head-up display, etc. There are a total of 4 weapon racks under the two wings, which can hang 2600-3600 kg of air gun pods, bombs, rockets, air-to-air missiles, air-to-ground missiles and air-to-ship missiles.

In fact, the British Haiyao fighter is technically more mature and has superior performance. But if the Black Cloud Group ordered fighter jets from the British, they would definitely not sell them. Even if it is sold to you, it is estimated that by the time it is transported back to Fucaira, the Sharjahs have already attacked. Soviet weapons are much more convenient, and it's a big deal to smuggle a few back. As long as Abu Dhabi and Dubai do not take action, there is no need to use fixed-wing fighters against Sharjah.

I just want to crush the opponent technically, and I must ensure that it is foolproof.

It only took one day for Iraq to invade Kuwait in the previous life. Although the combat effectiveness of the Sharjah troops is not as strong as that of Iraq, Fucaira is much smaller than that of Kuwait. In comparison, the two are actually pretty much the same.

Bao Zixuan: "I will find a solution from the Soviet Union for fixed-wing fighter jets. After all, it is too late for research and development. At the same time, all security personnel preparing to participate in the war are required to not only train military skills, but also master two foreign languages, Arabic and Russian."

Knowing Arabic is easy to understand, after all, you are fighting an Arab army. But what does it mean to master Russian? Are there still Soviet people here?

Seeing that Zhang Zhan hesitated, Bao Zixuan continued: "The fighter pilots are hired directly from the Soviet Union. We can follow the example of Israel, which can form combat effectiveness as quickly as possible."

Hearing what the boss said, Zhang Zhan immediately thought of it. On May 14, 1948, Jews all over the world were moved to tears. Israel, which perished in 2000, was officially established at 4 pm on that day. After 100 years of Zionism, the dream came true, but it was all based on the suffering of the Arabs. Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon around Palestine have reached an agreement to resolve the Jewish issue by force.

On May 15, the day after Israel was established, the Arab League began to raid Israel. Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Iraq and other countries sent 30,000 troops, as well as 10,000 "Arab Volunteers" composed of Palestinians, a total of 40,000 people went to war against Israel, and the first Middle East war broke out.

At this time, Israel had just been founded for one day, and the so-called "army" in the country totaled 30,000 people. These people were not professional soldiers. The backbone of them were the guerrillas who were active in Palestine in their early years, plus some retired veterans who immigrated from Europe and America. The Arab coalition has more than 200 tanks, 140 artillery pieces of various types, and more than 100 aircraft, while Israel has almost no heavy equipment. Facing the Arab coalition, it is powerless to fight back, and it quickly retreats on multiple fronts. In just one month under the command of the British military adviser, the Arabs lost more than 2,000 casualties and occupied 80% of the Palestinian land. The demise of Israel seems to be a certainty.

At this time, the United States stood up and put pressure on the United Kingdom; the United Kingdom asked the Arabs to restrain themselves, and the Arabs agreed to a 4-week truce. It was these precious four weeks that completely changed the history of the first Middle East war and brought the new Israel back to life.

On June 11, the Arab-Israeli ceasefire, almost at the same time Israel began to recruit troops and buy weapons. The United States threatened the United Kingdom to stop immediately and stop supporting Arabs, otherwise the United States would stop blood transfusions to Britain for post-war reconstruction. The British broke their teeth and swallowed, and were forced to leave the battlefield in Palestine.

After the British left, the Americans openly sold weapons to Israel, and Israel received US dollars donated by Jews from all over the world; weapons were purchased in Europe and America. With the tacit approval of the Soviet Union, Israel spent $15 million to buy weapons in Czechoslovakia alone. American bombers, French tanks, artillery, Czech guns and ammunition all arrived in Palestine by boat.

At home, Israel allows all 17 to 25-year-olds to participate in military training. Strong men between 25 and 45 immediately serve, and older citizens are incorporated into the militia to build fortifications. In foreign countries, a large number of Jews traveled thousands of miles to participate in the war, and the United States and the Soviet Union both let some soldiers go to the Middle East to fight.

In just one month, Israel's military strength has doubled to 70,000 people, and it is equipped with a large number of tanks, field guns, and heavy bombers. It has completely replaced guns with guns. However, the Arab coalition as an opponent, lost only 10,000 troops after losing the British support, was already at a disadvantage in terms of military strength.

The American Jewish pilots drove the American planes directly to bomb the Arab army. The Arabs thought it was the American regular army calling, and immediately abandoned the city and fled.

Of course Zhang Zhan understood what the boss meant; the United States supported Israel so much back then, and Jews all over the world were willing to take the initiative to return to China to fight. It seems unreasonable for the Soviet soldiers to come to help Fucaira, but no one in this world will have trouble living with money.

As long as the Black Cloud Group is willing to spend a lot of money, the Soviet soldier, one of the most powerful armies in the world, is still very willing to make this extra money.

Zhang Zhan: "I will arrange it is absolutely guaranteed to be safe. There are more than 3,000 security personnel who have come here, which has caused Sharjah's vigilance. If the Soviets come over, will it arouse the resentment of neighboring countries."

In fact, it is normal to say that, after all, the Soviet Union is invading Afghanistan; the UAE is so close to Afghanistan, so several emirates are not very friendly and recognized to the Soviet Union.

Bao Zixuan: "Don't worry about this, they are not Soviet soldiers, I will let the group's staff in the Soviet Union immediately recruit Soviet veteran pilots; and let them enter the Soviet army for restorative training. At the same time, the pilots who are about to retire can also advance in advance. Retirement; the size of the Soviet Union's huge army, even if only 1% of retired pilots are willing to come, it is more than wrong for several emirates in the United Arab Emirates."

Hearing this, Zhang Zhan was a little speechless; he knew that the boss had a lot of face in the Soviet Union, but he didn't expect it to reach such a level. Arranging the Soviet army to help with things, it is estimated that few people in the world can do it.

The relationship that has been established in the Soviet Union for so many years is finally going to come in handy. Moreover, Bao Zixuan didn't want to wait any longer, taking advantage of Ustinov's time as Minister of Defense to solve the problem at one time.