Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1183: woman's wisdom

Most of the time, the matter is to go through the motions. Since the Minister of Defense has been asked for instructions, and the other party has not objected, then things will be much easier to handle. At this time, Ian Wright was also thinking about what assets were in the US military's factory warehouse. But at this time, he still has to go back to the hotel to discuss with his wife, maybe there will be a surprise.

Seeing her husband come back and in a much better state of mind than before; already guessing that things are going well, at least the Ministry of Defense has no opinion.

Mrs. Wright said with a smile: "Did you let you handle it completely, and said that she would unconditionally support any of your decisions."

I heard my wife say that if it wasn't in Xiangjiang, the two had just separated; I really thought he was a Soviet agent, how could he guess so accurately.

Mrs. Wright continued: "The Department of Defense needs military spending, but the military itself has no money. So where does the money come from, it can only be obtained from the Department of Commerce and the tax department. The Black Cloud Group is the largest taxpayer in the United States, and it must not be easily offended. ."

"I don't know if you have noticed, but the Black Cloud Group is very well behaved in business. They have never done tax evasion or even used the so-called reasonable tax avoidance. Many technology giants in the United States will put their registration places in the Cayman Islands, Bermuda, etc. Land. The annual tax savings alone would be astronomical.”

"But Bao Zixuan doesn't. All his businesses are registered in the country where they are located. For example, Heiyun Automobile is registered in Detroit; Heiyun Software and Heiyun Computer are registered in Boston. The annual taxes of these companies make the No official dared to act rashly."

"Moving Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan means a reduction in tax revenue. Whether other companies can catch this plate is still open. Even if they can, they will definitely find various reasons to avoid or reduce taxes. Let Heiyun Group run the business, even if the other party has a monopoly, at least the state tax can still be collected. That is to say, the more Bao Zixuan earns, the higher the state tax. "

"Government workers like this kind of enterprise the most. They don't usually cause trouble for the government, and they never cheat or cheat when paying taxes."

"Although I don't know why Bao Zixuan did this, maybe it's because he doesn't care about tax avoidance. After all, people have made enough money. It may also be because of spending money to buy peace, at least to make the rulers have scruples. No matter what the original intention is, it is Got good results. Maybe that's how smart people are, making money on the bright side."

"Weinberg is a smart person who is very good at weighing the pros and cons. He never dares to break up with the Black Cloud Group, so it may be the best choice to make a step with each other.

"And who will make this step, obviously you are very suitable. I have fought with Bao Zixuan several times, and I have some friendship; plus my position is not low. Even if the public has any dissatisfaction, it is really unstoppable, as a scapegoat. That's enough. And Bao Zixuan has also explained, at least the US Army Lieutenant General came to Xiangjiang to negotiate, which is enough to explain the problem."

Or the wife's analysis is more thorough, why didn't I think of this relationship before. It seems that letting his wife come out is the right choice, at least much more comprehensive than he considers things.

Ian Wright: "So what's next."

Mrs. Wright was delighted to hear that her husband was asking for her opinion. Husbands with very strong machismo have always looked down on women before. Now this situation is very good, at least it shows that her status is steadily improving.

Mrs. Wright took out a report and said at the same time: "This is the report I have investigated in the past few days. Of course, I also asked some Hong Kong citizens, including some service personnel from mainland China."

"At present, whether it is Hong Kong or mainland China, they are all engaged in infrastructure construction. Although the Black Cloud Group has its own steel plant, its production capacity is definitely a drop in the bucket for a country with a population of more than one billion."

"Even though Heiyun Group imports finished steel products from Japan, Germany and the United States, they are mostly used as high-end products. The steel gap in mainland China is bigger than you think."

"Roads, bridges, power stations, housing, commercial buildings, in short, there are huge steel gaps in every industry. Bao Zixuan may not have thought about this before, after all, one's experience is limited; in addition, there is a way for others to survive. , it is impossible to complete any business. It may also be that there is no way, Huaxia Iron and Steel is too short, and can not find so many in a while; the funds may not be very sufficient, and the funds that need to be advanced are too large."

"Although Heiyun Group has a strong revenue capacity, there are more places to use money. At present, it is not only the construction of Heiyun Town, but also the development plan of Huaxia Shanghu Pudong. It is also necessary to add Fucaira; where the steel gap is also the same Not small. There is a lot of scrap steel in the U.S. military warehouse, which is a bargaining chip."

Listening to your words is better than reading ten years of books. Maybe the wife is that kind of person, but it's just a woman.

Combined with what his wife said, after carefully reading this report, you can immediately find many problems. Bao Zixuan has what he needs, and these U.S. military warehouses have a lot.

You can't use real money to buy it, but there is still no problem in exchanging it with outdated items. Domestic

The infrastructure has been completed, and there is no need for so many steel products at all. Instead of putting it in the warehouse to rust, it is better to use the waste and replace it with the required technology. Then, through the exchange of technology, we can negotiate with major domestic technology companies; thus forming a virtuous circle.

Ian Wright: "I'm going to give Bao Zixuan an invitation to invite him to dinner tomorrow."

"Chinese people like to negotiate at the dinner table, so we should do as the locals do."

Hearing that her husband wanted to invite Bao Zixuan to lunch, Mrs. Wright immediately denied it: "Don't do this, we are Americans. You are a senior official of the US Department of Defense, a lieutenant general of the army. At this time, you have full authority as the president. Representatives, we have to do it our way; especially at this time."

"Bao Zixuan is the host, and he is a person who wants face very much. He is also a super rich man, how could he invite you to dinner? It's not a matter of more money and less money, but a matter of principle."

Hearing his wife's answer, Ian Wright thought to himself that his wife was more thoughtful.

Ian Wright: "Then what should we do, not only to maintain the face of both sides, but also to achieve the idea of ​​​​meeting and negotiating."

Since it has been decided to implement it according to the wife's opinion, then implement it to the end and cannot give up halfway.

Mrs. Wright: "I will send a message to Bao Zixuan, saying that you would like to visit the Black Cloud Town under construction."

"The construction project of Black Cloud Town is very large, and many buildings are unique; anyone will be curious. Although you are a senior official of the US military, people may be misunderstood in the past; but where to negotiate may play a role in Unexpected effect."

"I'll give you a report overnight, it's actually very simple; it's just the amount of steel needed for Heiyun's various projects, Fuchaira, and China mainland; at present, I can only estimate a rough estimate. But I think Bao Zixuan is a smart person. , plus your past projects under construction he should understand what that means."

"Let the other party know that we are not cooperating, but helping him. Only in this way can we take the initiative, and at least the next negotiations will be much smoother."

"As long as Bao Zixuan is not stupid, he will understand that there is nothing that the U.S. military likes can't get. It's just that the price has not been negotiated, or that he can't stand the style of bribery."

The wife's solution is indeed feasible, but Ian Wright is still a little awkward. As a general of the most powerful country in the world, the United States, it is not respectful to negotiate with whomever you negotiate with. It's a bit ironic that I have to give a greeting to a businessman now.

Seeing her husband's thoughts, Mrs. Wright said: "Face is not so important, Bao Zixuan is not an ordinary person, and maybe even President Reagan has to give him three points. The top priority at the moment is to complete the task, don't you want to spend it all the time in Hong Kong ."

Hearing his wife's comfort, Ian Wright did not struggle. I really can't stay in Hong Kong for too long. After all, the situation in the United States is very complicated. It has not appeared in the Ministry of Defense for a long time, and the position may not be guaranteed.

Mrs. Wright continued: "In the past, you must wear military uniforms. It's not bad for Huaxia to misunderstand."

This is to find a balance for the husband, at least to make the man decent in face. Smart women are really not simple, they can be said to have everything. At this time, Ian Wright was also reflecting on the fact that he was too macho to waste his wife's talents.

Hearing her husband's sincere apology, Mrs. Wright said nothing. Because she knew that life might be better in the future; she really wanted to thank Bao Zixuan, otherwise there would be no such opportunity.