Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1267: Hong Kong UnionPay 4

Chapter 1255 Xiangjiang UnionPay 4

After receiving the call from Mr. Dong, Bao Zixuan must have understood what the other party meant. It seems that the negotiation has entered a critical moment. It is obvious that Feng Yaojing wants to sell at a high price; only then did he reveal that Shadantong has collected all the non-performing loans of Xiangjiang. They are all smart people, and no one wants to suffer.

It is a foregone conclusion that Wing Hang Bank will be acquired by the Huo Hu Dong family, and Heiyun Group can add another order. Although the amount will not be too large, after all, the scale of Eternal Bank is limited; even if all the equipment is replaced, there will not be much. But it is definitely an important step for the Heiyun banking system, and it is very critical to whether the standard can be formulated in the future, and it is of great significance!

At the Huo family at this time, they learned that Qiu Degen had dug such a big hole for Zheng Yutong; the three of them never expected it. According to past experience, it was Zheng Yutong who dug holes for others, and Qiu Degen definitely made history. There is no one before, and it is difficult to have a comer in the future. Of course, their thoughts completely changed after a month and a half.

Hu Yingxiang: "After we acquire Wing Hang Bank, we will inevitably compete with Shadantong. Should we take advantage of the fact that the other party has absorbed so many non-performing loans and make a fuss?"

At present, Heiyun and HSBC are unattainable existences, and the two will not regard them as opponents at all. If you want to reach the height of the two banks, you can't do it without ten years of development.

The richest man Bao has built branches in so many places around the world, and he can still get the support of the local government; that's because he owns high-end manufacturing, which can drive the local economy. In comparison, the three companies have no advantage. As long as HSBC does a good job in the trade between Europe and the United States and Xiangjiang, there is really no need to worry about the rest.

Small and medium-sized banks in Xiangjiang want to develop, but the competition is still very fierce. In the past, major banks did not pay much attention to the business of ordinary citizens, or they did not open so many branches, which would invisibly increase a lot of costs. However, there are ATMs of Heiyun Bank all over the street, and this advantage has disappeared. Then their internal competitive pressure will be even greater, and they must find a coping strategy.

Huo Yingdong smiled and said: "Now is not the time. Bao Zixuan knew about this, but he didn't express anything. It's definitely not his character. As long as we just watch from behind, someone will take care of him."

"The top priority is to successfully accept Wing Hang Bank, and not to create troubles. And first of all, we must stabilize customers. If depositors withdraw all their funds and then close their accounts; then what is the point of our acquisition?"

At this time, Huo Yingdong's meaning is very obvious. There is a deep conflict between Bao Zixuan and Zheng Yutong; the other party must be waiting for the opportunity. It will definitely not be that simple to get the richest man.

Early the next morning, Hu Yingxiang, the eldest son of the Dong family, and the eldest son of the Huo family came to the head office of Yongheng Bank. At this time, Feng Yaojing had been waiting there for a long time, and he didn't dare to joke with the three super tycoons that he had agreed on last night. In that case, let alone opening a bank in the future, it is hard to say whether the Feng family can stay in Xiangjiang.

Back home last night, Feng Yaojing called all the family members together for the last family meeting. Because after the sale of the bank, the Feng family will be separated directly. The shares were distributed according to the proportion last night, and Feng Yaojing didn't want a cent. At such an old age, his previous savings were enough for him to spend the rest of his life.

It is this kind of not wanting anything, coupled with the relatively even distribution of each house, that makes the family members have no opinion.

Feng Yaojing said very formally: "Hu Sheng, Dong Sheng, Huo Sheng; I have had all the accounts sorted out, and the treasury has been sealed. From now on, this bank will be handed over to you, and the staff will fully cooperate. As for the Feng family, they will Leave, please rest assured."

Since it is for sale, it must not be dragged along; they are all super rich families. The happier you are, the happier people will be when they pay. If you want to make any crooked thoughts, then I'm sorry, the three families will never make it easy for you.

This time it was a joint acquisition by the three companies. If the Feng family still stayed in the bank; It's better to leave directly, and this time each house can be divided into hundreds of millions of Hong Kong dollars, plus the previous savings; you can do whatever you want, there is no need to hang around in the bank.

In order not to make the same mistake, the three families brought in a lot of accountants, lawyers and financial auditors. If it is true what Feng Yaojing said, of course it will be sold at 3 billion Hong Kong dollars.

As for the situation of the bank, a detailed investigation has been done. After checking all the accounts, Hu Yingxiang said to the depositors who came to withdraw money: "Everyone, Wing Hang Bank has been jointly acquired by the three of us; if you believe in Hu, you can wait until the accounts are thoroughly checked before deciding whether to withdraw money. In short, your savings will not be less."

Although Huo and Dong did not speak, standing here at this time is enough to explain the problem. In addition to what Hu Yingxiang said just now is the alliance of the three, it is obvious that the Huo family and the Dong family must also be involved. When depositors come to withdraw money, the income is one aspect. Many time deposits are approaching the date, even if other banks give high returns; one or two months cannot be worth the current bank's one or two years of income.

More worried about bank failures and losses of their assets. The same person can stabilize customers, of course, it has a lot to do with the trust inside. But it is enough to explain one point, that is, the depositors still recognize the financial strength of the Zheng family. Thinking that they just bought a bank, the hard power aspect is definitely not worrying.

Now it is a combination of three companies. If the funds are not guaranteed, then I really don't know who to trust.

After a while, all depositors left. At this time, the Feng family can only sigh with emotion, this is the influence of the super tycoon. The handover of work went very smoothly. The Feng family also wanted to get the money sooner, so there was no need to waste time on this matter.

In two days, after checking all the accounts, Hu Yingxiang gave the Feng family a check of 3 billion Hong Kong dollars from Heiyun Bank. As for how they distribute, it is not something that Hu Yingxiang should care about.

It took only three days for Wing Hang, the largest of the four remaining small and medium-sized banks in Xiangjiang, to fail; it is incredible. The Huo family, Hu family, and Dong family definitely offered a price that the other party could not refuse, otherwise it would not be so smooth.

For the public, it does not have much impact. After all, Wing Hang Bank was acquired, and it was too far away from them. But for Chartered Ship King, Lee Shau Kee, and Li Chaoren, it is a difficult matter.

The plan to enter the banking field has been made, and the determination cannot be changed. Now there are only three companies to choose from, and they are relatively small companies; if you don't hurry up, you may not get anything.

Wu Guangzheng hurriedly reported the situation to Father-in-law Bao at this time. After preparing for so long, he did not expect that the speed was still slow.

At this time, the charter king was a little angry, maybe he was dissatisfied with his own indecision, or maybe he was dissatisfied with his son-in-law's work progress. Seriously said: "You must have known about the joint acquisition of Yongheng Bank by the Huo family, the Dong family, and the Hu family. No matter what method you use, it doesn't matter even if you spend a little more money. Within three days, I will let the whole Xiangjiang You know, the Bao family owns a bank."

Don't worry, there are so many tycoons in Xiangjiang watching; if you don't make a move, there will be nothing wrong with the Bao family!

Wu Guangzheng has been with the charter king for many years, and his father-in-law has a good temper. It's rare to talk to himself so He definitely paid attention to it, and he couldn't slack off.

Immediately said no problem, has made an appointment with Liao Liewen in the evening.

At the same time, Li Chaoren and Li Zhaoji also met urgently. The combined strength of the Huo family, the Dong family, and the Hu family cannot be underestimated, and there are only a few small and medium-sized banks. Big banks won't care about you at all, and most importantly, they don't have the financial strength.

Li Chaoren: "I have already made an appointment with Wu Yisun, and it is estimated that there will be a result tonight. What does Bao Zixuan say, if Hei Yun is in the middle, we will be more passive."

Li Zhaoji did not expect that Huo Yingdong and others would act so fast. Whether they hurry up or not, the next time they have such an opportunity, they may not know when it will be. But no matter what, he is also a super tycoon, and he quickly reacted. So he said directly: "I have already made an appointment with Bao Zixuan, and we will meet at noon today. I originally wanted to make an appointment at night, but whoever wants to be the richest man has no time. It is estimated that there are many people looking for him in the past few days. It seems that we really have to hurry up."

Hearing that we can meet at noon today, Superman Li feels relieved. As long as Heiyun doesn't come out to disrupt the situation, other people really don't have to worry about it. HSBC Shen Bi will still buy him face, after all, if he wants to develop in Xiangjiang in the future, Shen Taiban still needs the help of a Chinese tycoon.

After the two discussed the details, they began to split up.

(end of this chapter)