Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1283: big knife wheel up one

Chapter 1271

Bao Shoufu returned home after the news that the Zhang family had acquired Nanyang Commercial Bank was announced. If you don't say hello in advance, you won't return home at night, but it has never happened before. If you don't do something, you will inevitably feel a little guilty. Not going home now is to plan to acquire a company, and it is to serve the Zhang family; with this reason, of course, I will have more confidence in my heart.

Even if Zhang Youran knew something, with her wisdom, she wouldn't pursue it too much.

Sure enough, when he got home, Zhang Youran didn't say anything. As for the mother, she won't ask too much; after all, there are some things that the daughter-in-law doesn't mention, so she has to help cover up.

Zhang Youran: "Father's acquisition of Nanyang Commercial Bank should be your idea; although the Zhang family is my natal family, they are married to you now, so you don't need to take care of it because of me. If a family wants to grow and grow, external force is only one aspect. It's mostly on your own. Even if you can help them once, twice; but that kind of help makes me uncomfortable."

"No one knows better than me what some people in the Zhang family are like, and none of them are so easy to satisfy. Don't do it next time, let alone worry about my feelings."

After hearing his wife finish speaking, Bao Shoufu was still very moved. It is said that after a woman gives birth, her mentality will change a lot. Now it seems that the analysis is still very reasonable, at least it has been slowly reflected from the wife.

Bao Zixuan: "For this acquisition of Nanyang Commercial Bank, it's okay to think that it has something to do with me, or it doesn't matter. Originally, Zhuang Shiping found Heiyun Group, but the main outlets of Nanyang Commercial Bank are in Las Vegas, Xiangjiang and Southeast Asia. The layout of Heiyun Bank in these places has already been completed, so the acquisition does not make much sense.”

"At the same time, my father-in-law has decided not to leave, that is to say, he wants to stay in Xiangjiang; then we must acquire more properties. Nanyang Commercial Bank is indeed a high-quality asset; and the banking industry must have great potential in the future. Wheelock & Co., although it has developed well However, the industry is relatively traditional, and the Zhang family has a large population; if it does not radiate to other industries, problems will arise sooner or later.

"As your natal family, I don't want to see this kind of thing happen. So I asked Zhuang Shiping to find my father-in-law; first of all, I said yes, but I didn't pay any money."

"The Zhang family's assets are still very rich, at least more than I imagined. And it seems that the father-in-law is very confident, and there will be absolutely no problem. In addition, Heiyun Bank will form a strategic cooperation with Nanyang Commercial Bank, and the future performance will not be too bad."

Zhang Youran was not so angry when she heard that her husband didn't pay. It's just helping each other, it's not a big deal. But I was still a little unhappy, after all, I didn't say anything beforehand.

Zhang Youran said very seriously: "Husband, I don't care about other things. But now that I am marrying you, can you tell me about the matters of my natal family in advance. How to say, I know the Zhang family better than you. Now I'm already a married daughter, so of course I have to protect the interests of my husband's family."

"It's not that I'm here to pick things up, but some practices are not worth it."

Bao Zixuan knew that his wife must have heard what Zhang's family said; or something unpleasant had happened before marrying him.

Bao Zixuan hugged his wife and said: "No problem, this is the last time, and I will not be an example. In the future, I will communicate with you in advance about the cooperation with the Zhang family. Then it is up to you to decide. If you say cooperation or support, I will act."

Hearing what her husband said, Zhang Youran felt much better. But now the two are still sleeping separately, and there will be no next move.

At this moment, the phone suddenly remembered. This is a private number, and not many people know it; it is likely to be someone familiar, so Bao Zixuan picked it up.

Shen Bi's voice came from the phone: "Is it Junior Bao! I'm Shen Bi, don't you feel very surprised!"

Bao Zixuan was not surprised at all why Shen Bi was able to obtain his own private number. Shen Daban has a lot of energy in Xiangjiang, and he can ask questions immediately with just a phone call. He is often with Bao Yugang, maybe the charter king is right next to him at this time.

Even if there is great hatred with the other party, there is no need to show it verbally. Everyone is a person of status, and they are not shrews cursing the streets.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "It turned out to be Senior Shen, what's going on today, he thought of me as a junior."

The other party is commensurate as an alumni, so Bao Zixuan can only return as an alumni; this is the most basic question of politeness.

Shen Bi: "I don't know if Bao Xuexue has time tomorrow morning, I want to talk to you face to face about some things!"

Although I don't know what medicine the other party sells in the gourd, it definitely has a lot to do with the recent bank acquisition frenzy. It is very likely that they sent money to him. Bao Yugang and Zheng Yutong just bought the bank, and the equipment still needs to be purchased from Heiyun Group.

Bao Zixuan: "Senior Shen made an appointment, even if you don't have time, you have to make time. I don't know how it is at the headquarters of Heiyun Bank. I think the senior should be more interested in where!"

Hearing that Bao Zixuan asked him to meet at the headquarters of Heiyun Bank, Shen Bi immediately understood what it meant. The kid already guessed that he was negotiating the purchase of banking equipment in the past, and at this time a big net was already waiting for him.

But this is also something that can't be helped, who wants to ask others now!

Shen Bi: "Then tomorrow at 10 o'clock in the morning, we will meet at the headquarters of Heiyun Bank."

Hanging up the phone call with Shen Bi, Bao Shoufu fell into deep thought. Whether to sell the bank office system and ATM machines to Zheng Yutong and Bao Yugang is a question worthy of discussion! But after thinking about it, why not do something that can make money. Although the Hong Kong banking industry cannot be unified, it is also a great progress to be able to formulate standards.

Moreover, Zheng Yutong will be dealt with in a few days, so it is entirely possible to bleed him first. This time, if I don't kill the shark with the same knife, I will feel sorry for myself.

The next day, Bao Zixuan came to Heiyun Bank early in the morning. If Shen Bi wanted to come over, he must explain in advance.

Yuan Tianfan did not expect that the boss would come so early.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "HSBC Taipan Shen will come over later, I received the news too late yesterday, so I didn't bother you. But I guess it must be because of the bank's office equipment and ATM machines."

Unexpectedly, Shen Bi from HSBC would come over, and he still wanted to buy banking equipment. That will definitely kill him severely, and such opportunities don't come along all the time.

Yuan Tianfan: "Shen Bi is now on fire with Zheng Yutong and Bao Yugang. Even if he wants to buy equipment, it is probably not just HSBC. Moreover, HSBC also bought a few ATM machines before, and put them in the lobby of HSBC Bank headquarters. The utilization rate is not high. Not high, after all, it uses an ATM machine; without a supporting central computer, it simply cannot exert its full power."

This is indeed a fact. When Heiyun Bank opened, Shen Bi saw how convenient the ATM machines were; he also bought a few of them and planned to promote them in HSBC. However, it was found that the effect was mediocre, and it needed the cooperation of the central computer group, otherwise it was just a decoration.

Regarding the central computer group, the Heiyun Group quoted more than ten million US dollars, but Shen Bi was not willing at that time; he thought that he could buy British or American products. Who would have thought that the most advanced product in the world is in Xiangjiang, and it is produced by Heiyun Group. Coupled with the escalation of the conflict between the two, the matter will come to an end.

Now it’s not just There are Zheng’s Bank and Bao’s Bank behind it; if they don’t change, they can only be eliminated by the market in the end. Even though he knew he would be brutally slaughtered by Bao Zixuan, he still wanted to stick his neck out.

At present, there is no such thing as network security, so I don't think too much about it. If we let them know that Bao Zixuan can easily break through the system when he enters the network society; if he changes data at will, he probably won't buy equipment from Heiyun Group if he is killed.

Bao Zixuan: "We must not let them go this time, but we still have to grasp a degree. Our core is to make money, and we can't lose the big because of small things. And the popularization of the banking system may be more important than making money. While making them hurt, but also You can't just beat him to death with a stick."

"On the basis of other banks' quotations, an increase of 50% is a reasonable price."

Although the sparrow is small and has all five internal organs, HSBC Bank is definitely considered a giant, not to mention its size. Bao's Bank and Zheng's Bank alone need to buy at least two industrial computers; the price has increased by 50%, although it will not scare the charter king and the shark. But it must also be very heartbreaking, after all, it is not easy for anyone to make money.

He took the initiative to send him to the door and was slaughtered, and the other party slashed so hard with a big knife; it's strange if there is no opinion. But so what if you have opinions, if you want the bank not to lag behind at this moment, you must face it with a smile.

(end of this chapter)