Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1312: Incredibly Shocking Three

Chapter 1300 Incomparably Shocking 3

After the silence, there was applause. This made Bao Shoufu a little confused, after all, this script was not arranged. It's just a press conference, just telling the truth, which also wins applause. It can only be said that after a person succeeds, everything feels reasonable.

Although what he said was very arrogant, the richest man Bao did have the capital of arrogance; he directly said that he would give benefits to employees, and his own income exceeded 20 billion Hong Kong dollars; not the boss, he has done this.

If Baoshoufu’s plan is completed, Hutchison Whampoa will instantly become the company with the highest market value in Hong Kong; directly surpassing HSBC and Jardine, it can only be said that the wealth reaches a certain amount, and it becomes very easy to make money.

After the applause, it returned to calm. Huo Jianning deliberately asked a Jewish reporter to ask questions, after all, he had to take care of the host.

The Jewish reporter stood up and asked: "Mr. Kadoorie, hello! May I ask what made you dare to implement such a crazy plan with Mr. Bao. Currently the world's largest hotel group owns the number of five-star hotels; There are not more than 50. There are considerable risks in investing in so many five-star hotels in mainland China.

"In case of force majeure in the whole plan, the investment funds will go to waste. Mr. Bao Zixuan has the backing of the Black Cloud Group, but the Kadoorie family doesn't seem to have that many assets to squander."

"And I dare not call it investment. It is more appropriate to describe it as gambling. I don't know how you will explain this. After all, this is already related to the public's trust in the companies under the Kadoorie family."

Jewish businessmen are very famous all over the world; moreover, this ethnic group is extremely united. The flat-headed brother in the Middle East is not screaming for nothing. If he is not united, he will probably be rubbed on the ground by the Arab world long ago. Judging from the tone, the Jewish journalist seemed to care about the Kadoorie family, but at the same time, there was also an element of jealousy in it.

After all, investing in 50 five-star hotels in mainland China may make money; but it is helping the Chinese in construction, and Israel will not get any benefits. If this money is invested in Israel, it will inevitably make great contributions to employment and economic development.

Although Jewish merchants have a wide range of branches, they are the wealthiest nation in the world, and there is no such thing as one. If all investments are made abroad, without thinking about Israel; then it will only be personal or family wealth; it will not have much effect on national construction and economic development. So the concerns of the Jewish journalists are normal, but also somewhat poignant.

Michael Kadoorie is such a smart person, of course he can understand the meaning of the other party. But this investment, my father also recognized it very much. At present, we must not shrink back; not everyone has the opportunity to cooperate with Baoshoufu.

If you don't seize the opportunity this time, or seem hesitant; don't trust the other party. Then if there are any business opportunities in the future, it is impossible for people to think about you. We must be firm and unwavering, and we must never back down halfway.

Michael Kadoorie said with a smile: "Thank you, Miss Reporter, for your reminder. In the past, China Mainland invested in the construction of five-star hotels; there are mainly two reasons."

"The first is because of Mr. Bao Zixuan, the Kadoorie family has cooperated with Heiyun Group many times. So far, Mr. Bao has never disappointed. Every investment can bring huge profits, even at this moment I am enjoying The dividends of investing together at the beginning.”

"The same is true for China's mainland investment this time. Mr. Bao's vision has not been wrong, at least I recognize and believe it very much. Moreover, the majority of the investment was made by Hutchison Whampoa, and the Kadoorie family was only involved in the five-star hotel project. .In the entire project, the proportion is not very large.”

"If you want to talk about losses, it is also Hutchison Whampoa who has lost a lot. I don't know if you have noticed, it seems that so far, Heiyun Group has not done a loss-making transaction. It is just a matter of earning more and earning less. And even if it is not now It doesn't matter if you make money."

"The Kadoorie family is the fourth generation here. The wealth accumulated by the first three generations is enough to squander for a while. And the business has reached our scale, and the original accumulation has already been completed. What's more, we need some investment that is both long-term and stable. A profitable business; obviously it was very suitable for Huaxia Mainland to run a five-star hotel in the past.”

"The second is that my father is also very optimistic about this project. He visited China Mainland at the beginning of the year. The negotiations were very harmonious, and the mainland's policies for investors are very good. Of course, there is another key point. The people of China Mainland are very hardworking, and the workers are more It is especially able to endure hardships. A nation that knows how to endure hardships and stand hard work cannot stagnate economically."

"Investing in hotels is not about building 50 hotels in one day. It needs a process. If you encounter any problems, you can adjust them in time. I don't worry about project failure at all, because I can't find any reason for failure."

Michael Kadoorie's answer was quickly recorded by the on-site reporter. The richest man Bao is Chinese after all, so he has his own subjective tendencies. But Michael Kadoorie is a Jew, so his evaluation of China Mainland will be more objective.

Unexpectedly, not only him, but even his old man was very optimistic about the future development of China mainland. Coupled with the addition of the vision of the richest man, it seems that the chance of success of the project is very high.

At this time, the reporter was also considering whether to buy some Hutchison Whampoa stocks. If it is not possible, the shares of the Peninsula Hotel Group can also be considered. Michael Kadoorie didn't know yet, his remarks directly increased his net worth by several billion Hong Kong dollars.

The press conference will continue, but Bao Shoufu has not shown up for a long time. Now that the process that should be done has been completed, of course he cannot be let go.

The American reporter stood up and asked: "Mr. Bao, hello! I don't know if Hutchison Plaza will enter the American market in the future. The United States has a mature business district and residents' spending power is stronger. Compared with mainland China, it should be more suitable. Build Hutchison Plaza."

"It stands to reason that as an entrepreneur with the largest tax payment in the United States, you should be very optimistic about the American market. At the same time, the American people admire you very much, and they should like to patronize the business circle you have established."

The question of the American reporter immediately attracted the attention of all reporters. The so-called Hutchison Square can not only be built in the Chinese mainland; it is also applicable to other places. For major cities, an instant can become a business card. Where Bao Shoufu invested in the past shows that the local area must have a lot to do; it is a huge good news for attracting investment.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Hutchison Plaza is based on the American CBD model and improved. If the time is right in the future, it will definitely be promoted around the world. As the world's largest economy, Hutchison Whampoa will certainly not I missed it. In fact, I originally wanted to go to the United States; I was only worried about lack of experience, coupled with a series of factors such as land issues, so I had to consider China Mainland first."

"Once the time is right and enough experience has been accumulated; even if I don't want to go, Mr. Kadoorie probably wants to open the hotel on American soil."

"A good business model can be replicated slowly. Not only in the US market, but in the future there is such a suitable opportunity. Any big city in the world hopes to see Hutchison Plaza."

"I'm a businessman. As long as there are business opportunities and where I can make money, I will naturally invest there."

"As for saying that I am the most tax-paying entrepreneur in the United States, first of all thank you for your There are many great companies in the United States, and there are many successful businessmen. Which one can become the most tax-paying one shows the strength of Heiyun Group The performance did not disappoint.”

"Paying taxes is the duty of an enterprise, and it is also the obligation of a businessman. I am a businessman, and I like to be aboveboard. How much money I make, I should pay less tax, so I can't lose a penny. Heiyun Group has so far , where the place of registration should be.”

"Last time, a financial person gave me an idea to establish several offshore companies in the Cayman Islands; the annual profit of the Black Cloud Group can increase by at least US$10 billion."

"I didn't say anything when I heard this, and I asked the vice president in charge of personnel to fire him. Making money by being clever, or squeezing the blood and sweat of employees, is a trick that any businessman can do. Some money can be made, and some money can't. It's up to us to save."

"As for saying that the American people admire me, in fact, everyone thinks too highly of me; but I still want to express my gratitude. I also miss the days at MIT; it may be one of the happiest times in my life. Every day Don't think about anything else, as long as you finish your studies."

"But I also know that these days are gone forever, at least I can't go back. Fortunately, there are many projects that cooperate with my alma mater, and I can often communicate with former friends, which can make up for some regrets. "

(end of this chapter)