Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1315: Very shocking six

Chapter 1303 Incomparably Shocking 6

Answering questions lightly on the stage, investing hundreds of billions of dollars with a flick of a finger; without blinking an eye, the female reporters in the audience were fascinated by watching. This is the charm that a man should have, much stronger than those so-called movie stars. In other words, there is no comparison between the two. A pretty face will disappear with age; but a smart brain and business experience will continue to increase in value.

Baoshoufu announced to the world through a press conference what a king is. Originally thought that it could stop for a while, but unexpectedly made such a big commotion.

The questions that should be answered are basically answered. But there are other national media, but they don't intend to let him go.

The reporter from the Soviet Union stood up and asked: "Mr. Bao, hello! As the most successful entrepreneur on the planet, he also has a deep research on the world economy. The Soviet Union is undergoing economic reforms. Will you invest in the Soviet Union in the future? !"

This year, with Gorbachev becoming the top leader of the Soviet Union. At this time, he began to reform in his heart. Gorson is currently reforming the economic field. He proposes to speed up economic development and reform the economic operating mechanism. To be fair, the economy of the Soviet Union had some problems at that time, even some serious problems. If benign reforms were carried out on the economy, Gorbachev's reforms would not lead to tragedy. However, Gorson wanted to reform politics. After the improvement of US-Soviet relations, Gorbachev's political reforms were in full swing. He loosened some of his control, letting go of things that the common people didn't know, and saying things they didn't dare to say. It would not be tragic if Gorbachev's reforms merely reformed the irrational parts of politics.

Although now the Soviet Union is gradually opening up some fields, allowing foreign capital to invest in the past. But at this moment, Soviet investment in the past is definitely a tragedy. Many policies are not perfect, and there are too many internal problems. For the USSR, even investment had to wait until after the millennium.

At that time, the time is ripe, and it cannot pass now even if you are killed. However, the Soviet reporter's question also reminded him. In the past, it was not impossible to invest for show. At least more personnel could be sent to the territory of the Soviet Union, and there was always a reason for doing anything.

Although the Black Cloud Group is in the Soviet Union, it has branches and offices. But it is more about the trade situation, and not many people are needed at all. Now we used to build factories and recruit workers; it is equivalent to building a stronghold in the Soviet Union, and when there is a problem in the whole country, we can act first.

The Soviet Union has too many technologies and resources to attract the richest man, and the achievements in aerospace alone cannot be ignored.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Heiyun Group entered the Soviet Union very early, and has maintained a good cooperative relationship. The largest trading company in the Soviet Union should be Heiyun Group. The annual purchase of titanium alloy and other metal raw materials alone exceeds 10 billion Ruble scale."

"Actually, I also wanted to go to the Soviet Union to build factories. After all, many large-scale industrial products, such as aircraft shells and frame beams, are more suitable for processing in the Soviet Union. It's just that there has been no chance. After all, the Soviet Union has clear regulations on this aspect."

"If your country allows foreign-funded enterprises to enter, then Heiyun Group will certainly consider entering. At the same time, if the titanium alloy processing plant wants to sell, Heiyun will also buy it at a high price."

"I have always emphasized that Heiyun Group is an enterprise, and I am a businessman. Doing business does not want to involve too many political factors. Although it is difficult for a company to reach a certain scale, it is difficult to be a pure businessman; but it must also move towards this goal There are too many resources in the Soviet Union, and these are the best industrial raw materials. As one of the largest industrial groups in the world, if your country allows it, I think the Black Cloud Group has no reason to refuse to invest in building factories."

In the past, China mainland invested, and perhaps it was still in the past. Now this kid actually wants to go to the Soviet Union, what exactly does it mean? You must know that because of the war in Afghanistan, the Soviet Union was boycotted and sanctioned by the whole world. Bao Zixuan really dared to say anything, and even wanted to invest in the Soviet Union to build a factory.

Take the initiative to say that it is a bit too arrogant to import more than 10 billion rubles of titanium alloy and other metal raw materials from the Soviet Union every year; don't you worry about being sanctioned by the international community?

In fact, the richest man has also thought about this. After all, many media in a country that thinks it is a democratic country will report his words with embellishments. For example, every time the Black Cloud Group sells a product with titanium alloy, it is turned into a shell fired into Afghanistan and so on.

But in order to be able to lay out in advance, these are irrelevant. Perhaps the Arab countries will be uncomfortable, but they also have to purchase weapons, equipment and other materials from the Soviet Union.

If you want to sanction and boycott, it also depends on whether you have enough cards in your hand. Middle Eastern countries may not need to rely on the Soviet Union for energy, but weapons and equipment, as well as metal minerals, need to be obtained from the Soviet Union. At most, they support it secretly. As for sanctions and boycotts, it seems that they don't have the guts yet.

As for European countries, without Soviet energy, their winters would be very cold. Even if wood is burned in winter, it is sourced from Siberia. Moreover, it is a war with Afghanistan, which does not have much impact on them at all.

But like the richest man Bao, there are really no businessmen who dare to directly disclose the trade volume with the Soviet Union and plan to invest in the Soviet Union. After all, I am young, I really don't know what's going on here! Maybe he is not familiar with international diplomatic affairs, but with the current strength of the Black Cloud Group, it is not a big deal. At most, it will receive some condemnation internationally, which is harmless.

But this is extremely precious to the Soviet high-level, and even the Soviet people. It provided a good foundation for Heiyun Group to invest in the past and establish a stronghold. At least the Soviets would feel that Baozixuan was a friend; the Black Cloud Group was not only powerful, but most importantly, loyal.

It is in line with the character of the Soviets to make friends, and they will definitely want to further strengthen cooperation.

But it is not so friendly to journalists in the Middle East; what does Afghanistan say, it also belongs to the Arab country, what does this kid mean.

However, Saudi, Kuwaiti, and Iraqi journalists dare not ask some questions; after all, offending Bao Zixuan will never end well. Instead, an Arab reporter from the American media stood up and asked, "Mr. Bao, hello!"

"Because of the war, the Soviet Union is being boycotted by the international community. As the richest entrepreneur in the world, don't you think that doing business with the Soviet Union has invisibly hurt ordinary people who have suffered from the war!"

As soon as the voice fell, the atmosphere immediately became weird. At this time, everyone wanted to know how Bao Shoufu would deal with it and what words he would use to answer the reporter's question.

The press conference is getting more and more sidetracked, and it has gone from an ordinary capital increase and share expansion; investing in the construction of Hutchison Plaza to an international affairs issue. At this moment, Bao Shoufu also felt that something was wrong, maybe someone was digging a hole for him. Before cooperating with the Soviets, it did not receive so much criticism. What happened today? It seems that we still need to strengthen intelligence collection, otherwise we will easily fall into a passive position.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Heiyun Group is just an ordinary company, although it is also involved in military production; but the Soviet Union does not need to buy any weapons and equipment from Heiyun."

"As for what you said, international boycotts and sanctions. May I ask whether European countries are still using Soviet natural gas, and whether American companies are still buying Soviet mineral resources. Are only European and American companies allowed to cooperate with the Soviet Can't Black Cloud work!"

"Without the mineral resources and raw materials of the Soviet Union, many factories of the Heiyun Group would stop production. What to do with so many workers? Could it be that they are unemployed? Then what to do with their families, their children cannot eat, and they all sleep on the road. I am a Pacifists, and no one likes war. But many things are unavoidable, and there should be no double standards in what to do."

"Once again, the Black Cloud Group is a company; it will not involve politics. Wherever it invested in the past, there was only one purpose, which was to make profits. But one thing I can assure you is that the company will not engage in criminal activities; more There will be no tax evasion and deliberate exploitation of employees."

"As for whether the world is peaceful or not, it is simply not something that a businessman can decide. Let's get back to the topic and don't ask some topics of international sympathy; I am not an expert in international affairs, nor have I engaged in professional studies. I hope everyone can understand. "

Bao Shoufu’s words are still very rigid, and European and American companies still cooperate with the Soviet Union; why don’t you mention sanctions and boycotts. Instead, he came here to talk about the Heiyun Group, thinking that he was easy to bully.

At this moment, it has made it clear that it refuses to answer irrelevant questions. Therefore, the following questions are basically about the construction of Hutchison Square, and Huo Jianning can solve them perfectly; there are still a lot of troubles left!

(end of this chapter)