Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1318: Seek cooperation

Huo Yingdong couldn't be calm for a long time after leaving Baozixuan's office. The shock given to him today is really not small, it turns out that this kid sees so long-term. There is also the question of how much money Heiyun employees have deposited in the bank. All of this is quite a mystery. Everyone knows that the Black Cloud Group has made a lot of money, and Bao Zixuan is the richest man in Xiangjiang. However, the most authoritative investigation agency in the world can't figure out how many assets there are.

Heiyun Group is not a listed company, and many of them are valuations. Moreover, Baozixuan has investments in many countries and regions around the world. How much is the exact amount, I may not be very clear myself. From this point of view, the gap between Bao's richest man and their families is widening.

After so many years, if the Huo family hadn't made a lot of money by investing in rare earth minerals in recent years, they might not be able to catch up with others by a fraction. The more powerful Bao Zixuan is, the better it is for the Huo family. Mainly worried about the charter king, but at this time Huo Yingdong has already thought about it. When the two really start a war, the Huo family must not participate.

Even if he is not around, he still has to entrust his descendants; the Huo family will never be able to participate in the double-pack fight.

Huo Lao is still very satisfied with one thing, at least today is not in vain. After getting Bao Zixuan's affirmative reply, he could reply directly to China Mainland, which would also give everyone a reassurance.

For what Bao Zixuan said, Huo Yingdong was still very interested in investing in the energy industry in the Middle East in the past. The Huo family members are definitely considered prosperous, and there are many capable people among their descendants. It is absolutely possible to disperse them all over the world. While increasing the family industry chain, it can also allow future generations to have their own businesses.

Before, I felt that the Huo family had a lot of assets, but when Bao Zixuan said that he wanted to marry his daughter hundreds of billions; Huo Yingdong became uneasy. Although it can't be compared with Bao's richest man, it can't make people fall too much. Just staring at Xiangjiang's one-acre three-point land, how promising can it be. If you want to make a lot of money and be respected by others, you really have to go out. Like Bao Zixuan, when the whole earth is a stage, then making money may be the easiest thing.

Why are there so many businessmen in Xiangjiang, all the media only rated Bao Zixuan as an entrepreneur. Not only because of their contribution to the society, but of course, in terms of employee benefits and benefits, it is much better than other companies in Hongkong; it can also add a lot of points. But the most important thing is that the money earned by Heiyun Group basically comes from abroad.

In Xiangjiang, there is no money at all, and even money is posted. Xiangjiang Chinese tycoons basically started their business by real estate and shipping. Real estate seems to be very profitable, but it is also easy to attract criticism. After all, it is ordinary people in Xiangjiang who earn money; decades, even generations of savings.

Even after buying real estate, ordinary people will think so. You made him a lot of money, and there will be resentment in your heart. How can such a business be respected and loved by others?

As for the shipping industry, it is not much better. The sea is very stormy, and it is inevitable that there will be casualties of the crew. In addition, I basically stay at sea all year round, so it can be said that I don't see my wife very often. If the ship owner is harsher, it is absolutely normal to be scolded.

It is estimated that only Baozixuan will not be criticized. Heiyun Group is engaged in high-tech manufacturing industry. The product is very technical and has high added value. Moreover, the theme is still to change human life, and it is very generous in treating employees; at the same time, it is not stingy in building Xiangjiang, especially in charity. Of course, it will be supported by the entire Xiangjiang, and even the whole world.

In fact, the richest man does not do much in charity. Basically, he invests in the establishment of schools in mainland China in the name of his mother. However, Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology has a lot of enrollment places in Xiangjiang every year; and all of them are free, which can save a lot of money in four years. Let some students in Xiangjiang with excellent academic performance and poor family conditions see hope.

In recent years, with the continuous expansion of Yulin Institute of Technology, graduates have a good place to go. The reputation is getting bigger and bigger, although Yulin Institute of Technology is not as high as Xiangjiang University in the university ranking list made by the British. However, in European and American companies, especially high-tech and computer companies, Yulin Institute of Technology is comparable to MIT, Caltech, Stanford, and Oxford, which shows the quality of teaching.

A genius who changes the world with knowledge and technology, and perfect in every way. The contribution to society is also obvious to all, and of course he can be called an entrepreneur. In contrast to other Chinese tycoons in Hong Kong, Wo Lidou may be better at it; at most he can be regarded as a successful businessman.

After Mr. Huo left, Yuan Tianfan and Huo Jianning came to Baozixuan's office. The effect of the press conference has already appeared. Many local brands in Xiangjiang have begun to contact Hutchison Whampoa and want to seek cooperation.

As the most economically developed city in Asia, Xiangjiang is not only because of the existence of these super tycoons. Small and medium-sized enterprises are also very important, at least their contribution to the economy is not bad at all.

Hutchison Whampoa Plaza, with a shopping center inside. So for clothing stores, there must be demand. Therefore, the largest clothing brand in Xiangjiang, the crocodile took the initiative to find it. The meaning is simple, Hutchison Whampoa is a shopping mall in Mainland China, and they all want to rent a storefront.

You must know that the Lin Baixin family has not yet invited foreign investment. No wonder the Lin family has been able to stand in Xiangjiang for a hundred years. In terms of business sense sensitivity, it is definitely much stronger than its competitors.

Not only Lin Baixin's family, Maxim's Food also intends to participate in the Hutchison Plaza project. There are many similar merchants with only one purpose; to participate in the Hutchison Plaza project if they want to get a seat in advance.

Now that the project has not yet landed, there are so many merchants coming to the door. Even Huo Jianning didn't know what to do, and some even found Yuan Tianfan. Although President Yuan does not hold a position in Hutchison Whampoa, public information shows that he is a member of the board of directors of Hutchison Whampoa. And the last time he went to Kyoto to negotiate, he was with Huo Jianning.

Heiyun Group and Hutchison Whampoa Company are basically the same business, and they are not familiar with Huo Jianning. Of course, they need Yuan Tianfan's help to introduce them.

As the general manager and actual person in charge of Heiyun Bank, Yuan Tianfan often dealt with these merchants. Whether it is large deposits or loan approvals; they will come into contact with President Yuan. Moreover, he is a president, management is only one aspect, and making contacts is also an important task.

Before the project started, so many businessmen came to seek cooperation; it should have been a good thing. But as a responsible and strictly prohibited enterprise, it must not deceive people. Now there is nothing, not even mall planning. Don't dare to collect money and sign a contract. But the merchants are too enthusiastic, and it is not easy to refuse; after all, it is also a blow to the enthusiasm of others, which is not conducive to future investment.

Xiangjiang merchants are not stupid~ Bao Shoufu dares to play like this; it means that there is absolutely no problem with the project. Rare earth minerals did not catch up, and even if they did catch up, there would not be so much capital investment, and they might not take you to play. Hutchison Plaza will definitely need hundreds of brands to fill it up. It is definitely a good opportunity, Xiangjiang is only big. Compared with the Chinese mainland, which has a population of more than one billion, it is absolutely insignificant.

Working with Bao Zixuan, it seems that I haven't heard of anyone who has lost money. The richest man eats meat, wouldn't it be nice for them to drink some soup in the back! Although the project has not yet fully started, but when it is launched at the door; it is estimated that even the soup will not be available. But hurry up, at least let Huo Jianning, Yuan Tianfan, and preferably Bao Shoufu know; they want to enter Hutchison Plaza, and earning an impression point is not bad.

There is no way but to report the matter to the boss. These small and medium-sized enterprises and families in Xiangjiang are really too enthusiastic. This is also the first time for the two of you to encounter this kind of situation, and they all take the initiative to send you money. But some money, I really dare not accept it. It is one aspect that Hutchison itself is not short of money; it is even more troublesome to return the money because it did not meet the requirements of the other party in the end.

Bao Zixuan didn't expect that Xiangjiang merchants were really brave. Hutchison Plaza now doesn't even have a piece of land or a single blueprint. Some people came to give money, could it be that his business reputation has reached such a point.

It seems that they can really be used well. Among the Chinese merchants in Xiangjiang, there are many hidden dragons and crouching tigers. Although their assets are not very large, they are definitely a force that cannot be ignored. Cooperating with a super tycoon does not necessarily follow your own opinion, at least it will be with your own opinion. But these medium-sized businesses will definitely follow the lead of the dark cloud. It is entirely possible to take the opportunity to cultivate influence; in the end, let the small and medium-sized merchants fight against the charter king, shark gall and others; just direct and support yourself from behind.