Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1338: talents gather together

Chapter 1525 Talents Gather 1

Back and forth, I stayed in Palestine for a month. Even so, the post-production work is not over; however, the crypt of Solomon's Temple has been filled with sand; only the finishing work of the tunnel remains. As for He Xiaobo, he brought the battle mole back to the Soviet Union, so that it would be easy to borrow and repay.

Zhang Zhan returned to Fujairah with the treasures of the underground palace of Solomon's Temple. As for the golden ark of the covenant, he personally escorted it. For safety reasons, they are all transported by submarine; after all, the Israelis cannot be suspicious.

After explaining the follow-up work, Bao Zixuan returned to Saudi Arabia. Intentionally or unintentionally, he showed it to let everyone know that he never left. Even recently, he often came back secretly, just because he was worried about being discovered.

The Palestine-Israel conflict is so fierce, and it is easy to associate with Palestine at this time, and the golden ark of the covenant was found. Now that everything is in place, a solution must be found; let the world know that the golden ark of the covenant has appeared in Fujairah.

Of course, Oman must be the one who regrets the most. Without this war, the treasures would belong to them. With the golden ark of the covenant and the relics of Solomon's Temple in hand; whatever they want, the Jews will try their best to satisfy them.

At present, there is still a foreshadowing, that is, to hire well-known professors from various universities in Europe and the United States to come to Fujairah for joint research. Moreover, there must be professors who study Arab history, well-known Jewish scholars, and authorities in the study of Persian culture.

After all, the cultural relics discovered before on the small island in the Persian Gulf are very messy. Moreover, geological experts are required to conduct relevant research on the cave climate and formation conditions.

This involves three national cultural relics, which are sacred objects to be exact. Of course, we need to find the top scholars of their respective nations, only they can prove the authority of the items. And most of them deliberately recruited from the United States, which is also a kind of goodwill.

That is his recognition of American academia, and people will also instinctively think of identity and graduate school. At the same time, the participants are all top scholars from various universities in the United States. Through this research, their academic research will definitely be brought a step closer. The US government and military cannot participate, but Bao Zixuan also wants the Americans to know that he has not concealed it from them.

However, his alma mater, Oxford University, is after all the world's number one archaeological comprehensive existence, and of course it should be taken care of.

Professor Farrelly is a Jewish professor at Duke University in the United States. The main research direction is ancient Hebrew, and at the same time, he has also done in-depth research on Solomon's Temple.

Founded in 1838, Duke University is located in Durham, North Carolina, USA. It is a private comprehensive research university, the largest university in the southern United States, and one of the best universities in the United States. Duke University is a member of the Global Alliance of University Research Institutes and the Association of American Universities.

Duke University is recognized as one of the top institutions of higher learning in the world today, with multiple disciplines including biological sciences, statistics, humanities, public policy, psychology, computer science, political science, engineering, etc. ranking among the top in the United States. The college, law school and medical school rank among the top ten in the United States.

Perhaps for ordinary people, Duke University is best known for basketball.

Duke sports is exceptionally good, and it is a representative of the famous private schools in the United States. The US sports channel ESPN selected the top ten basketball schools in the United States. Duke beat the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and the University of Kansas and ranked first with an absolute advantage. It is a well-deserved top basketball school. Duke's student sports are well-known, and it is considered that "Duke has the best basketball team in the world".

However, in the field of archaeology, Duke is also well-deserved as the number one school in the United States; it is even higher than Harvard.

Regarding the invitation from the Black Cloud Group, Professor Farrelly instinctively wanted to refuse. But the other party said that Bao Zixuan personally invited him, and promised that he would never be disappointed. At the same time, a private plane will pick you up and you will be able to get a lot of money. In addition, he can bring students along, which makes Professor Farrelly very excited.

If Bao Zixuan is just an ordinary businessman, then it doesn't matter. But the other party's reputation in the academic world is also very well-known. To be able to invite him so formally means that he must have discovered something, otherwise he would never have been specially invited, and he would have been offered such a high reward.

Being able to bring students along is also an internship opportunity. At the same time, they can also make friends with Bao Zixuan, no matter what counts, they will not suffer.

But when I arrived at the airport, I saw that Professor Holway of Harvard University was also there. Farrelly found it unusual that the two were on par with each other in the study of ancient Hebrew culture. They are rivals, but at the same time they admire each other; Bao Zixuan invites them both at the same time, what exactly does it mean.

However, this also made both parties more curious. The cost is one aspect; if it is not a particularly important archaeological research, they will definitely not invite both of them at the same time. That is to say, something must have been discovered in Fujairah, and it may even shock the existence of the archaeological community, which makes both parties look forward to it.

Professor Farrelly said to Professor Holway, "Hi! Long time no see; I didn't expect that Heiyun would also invite you to Fujairah."

In fact, Holway was also surprised by Professor Farrelly. The current study of Jewish history and the mastery of ancient Hebrew culture, the two of them are definitely the top existence in the world. Inviting the two of them together at the same time, did Bao Zixuan discover some important item, or was he playing tricks on there?

Professor Holway: "It's really strange. To be honest, the Black Cloud staff made an offer that I couldn't refuse, otherwise I would definitely not come here. But I didn't expect them to invite you as well. It seems that this matter is not It's not that simple."

"Although Bao Zixuan is a businessman, no one can ignore his achievements in science. It can be said that he is the same as us to a certain extent, but the research direction is different. The strict prohibition of science will never It is doubtful; now that we are both invited at the same time, there must be some major discovery."

"It's just not very clear now, but I heard that Fujairah is doing a lot of construction; could it be that something was found underground. I heard that in order to build a fortress city, Baozixuan has underground space below almost all buildings. That is the whole The country's underground, basically hollowed out."

"Could it be that Jewish cultural relics were discovered? It's not impossible. Otherwise, the two of us would not be invited over, and it should be more important artifacts. After all, the movement this time is a bit big."

It's no secret around the world that Fujairah is going through a lot of construction. Where it already belongs to Lao Cao of Baozixuan, so it can't be built any more. Although the two tend to study history, they are not stubborn old people who keep their ears open. Know something about the major events in the world.

In particular, their main research field is about Jewish history; the Middle East must be of great concern.

Farrelly: "You're right, otherwise there would be no need to bother. Fujairah is located in the Persian Gulf, although the Jews have never been there. But there are many Arabs who need to pass through and enter. to Israel; it is naturally possible to bring Israeli cultural relics back to the Persian Gulf."

It is really euphemistic or implicit to say so After all, in history, Jews and Arabs have always been in confrontation. And there were not many times when the Jews took advantage of it. In other words, many cultural relics may be robbed by Arabs.

In addition, the Arab region has been in a state of war for a long time, even if any treasure is obtained, it may not be able to be preserved for a long time. Therefore, many Arab leaders will hide the treasures they have stolen. Then leave the clues to posterity, this kind of thing often happens.

But many treasure maps or treasure clues are basically buried in the long river of history with the change of dynasties, wars and killings. Fujairah itself may not have such a long history, but its geographical location is very superior, and it is an important traffic route between countries. It is reasonable for many people to bury the treasures they robbed.

At the same time, two of the world's top Jewish cultural research experts were invited, not to mention big money; but the matter is definitely not small. If they were all ordinary cultural relics, Bao Zixuan would definitely not do this, because he couldn't afford to lose that person.

With curiosity, the two embarked on a trip to Fujairah. To be honest, the two don't communicate much; after all, they belong to two different universities, so there are few opportunities to meet each other. I happened to meet on the plane, so we could have a good chat. Even if the ability and cognition are stronger than the other party, but historical research, pay attention to opportunities; therefore, they all want to get some useful information from the other party; the journey is very pleasant.

(end of this chapter)