Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1399: Unlimited scenery five

A beauty violated the rules and asked a question, and an even bigger beauty helped intercede. It is estimated that even a man with a heart of stone cannot remain indifferent. This kind of lethality is so great that once Bao Zixuan does not answer the question; men with high hormones all want to come over and preside over justice.

At this moment, Bao Zixuan somewhat admires this most beautiful French woman and is familiar with Chinese culture; and it is really not easy to resolve all conflicts from a woman's perspective. It itself is to make the French lose their credibility and make the two countries pinch each other. I didn't expect a few words from the beauty, and it was easy to get it.

If I don't answer the question now, I feel that I'm being careful as a man. And even when answering questions, it's not that the French deliberately give Americans privileges, it's just that beautiful women have different rights than other journalists. At this time, the problem was thrown back to the richest man in Bao, which was really unexpected before.

Since the ball has been kicked back, we can only shoot directly. There is really no better solution at present. Let a woman give a lesson, it seems that you really can't be blind and arrogant.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Since the host has already said so, if she doesn't answer, it is likely to offend all the male comrades at the scene, which is too uneconomical."

"The reporter from the United Press may not understand a concept. The combination of four companies will inevitably achieve the effect of one plus one greater than two. The four companies are all indispensable, so I don't want to hear it next time. Similar problems. We have only just cooperated, that is, everyone saw hope, and some people started to sow discord. Fortunately, I understand the people of the other three, otherwise the business must be disturbed by you."

"The first is McDonnell Douglas, which itself develops and manufactures aircraft. The h3m-111 prototype was developed by McDonnell Douglas. Could it be that we can develop the aircraft without leaving McDonnell Douglas. Wind tunnel tests, structural strength, etc. All problems need to be considered. Without the participation of professionals, it is impossible to play at all.”

"So you can say that McDonnell Douglas doesn't participate; we can also develop an aircraft, which is simply a nonsense."

"Next is Motorola. All the aircraft's avionics, radar, communication equipment, etc., are provided by Motorola. In fact, it is far more than that. The chips on the aircraft are all developed and produced by Motorola. If there is no Motorola, it is estimated that the h3m-111 Aircraft, probably at the level of World War II."

"As the world's top chip-ranking company, most of the electronic equipment of Heiyun Group purchases Motorola chips. Now whoever says that Motorola is not important, then he must have a grudge against Mr. Robert Calvin. But according to my research You know, he is a kind person, and he shouldn't hold grudges with others easily."

"If it is malicious rumors, or even slander; then I have to suspect ulterior motives. Although Robert Calvin is a kind man, he is not the master of being slaughtered by others. I hope that you should think carefully about what you do."

"As for Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, it is even more indispensable. The reason why our aircraft is so light and its structural strength is better than other aircraft. It is entirely because Mitsubishi Heavy Industries provides a large number of carbon fiber materials. It is the application of these new materials that makes the aircraft performance, has been greatly improved.”

"There is one more thing you may not know. Mitsubishi Heavy Industries is the company that provides the most parts for this aircraft. Even McDonnell Douglas does not provide as much as Mitsubishi. 35.4% of the parts of the whole aircraft are all produced by Mitsubishi. and processing.”

"As for the Heiyun Group, it still has certain advantages in the field of aero-engines. That's why it is recognized. As for other aspects, there are really no other companies that are strong."

"As for the issue of the three-rotor engine you mentioned, of course there is no problem. I don't say a lot of money, but there is still a lot of money. And if you want to continue to maintain the technological leadership, you must introduce a competitive mechanism. Heiyun Group authorized the three-rotor engine. Go out and use the money you get; develop four-rotor, five-rotor, or even more advanced engines.”

"We must look at the problem from a developmental perspective, and we must not rest on our laurels, which are doomed to be eliminated by the market."

Bao Zixuan said this, obviously showing weakness. And there is a kind of intention to lower himself, of course, this is the effect he wants to achieve. If you want to satisfy your partners, you must constantly discover the advantages of each other. Moreover, he holds a lot of stocks in the other three companies, deliberately exaggerating the role of the three companies, and the company's stock price will naturally rise sharply. This is a good opportunity for him to make money.

Heiyun is not a listed company and does not need to show its performance to anyone; let alone be responsible to anyone. As long as you feel comfortable, the problem will be solved.

Sure enough, after speaking, all the reporters at the scene looked at Robert Calvin, Little MacDonald, and Hiroyuki Iwasaki. It turns out that these three companies are so important; it seems that I will inform my family soon and buy some stocks quickly. This is a good opportunity to make money. At the same time, I admire the richest man Bao, who is so young; it is not easy to be greedy for merit and profit, but it is not easy.

All contradictions were easily resolved, and even several families became more united. This is Bao Zixuan's ability, most people really can't envy him, at least he can't reach the height.

And he has already stated his attitude that he wants a three-rotor engine; it is enough to pay for it, which also makes many companies feel at ease.

Although Bao Zixuan is the most topical, the press conference cannot just ask him questions. These are all well-known figures in the aviation field, and they should not be left out in the cold.

West German reporters didn't want to ask questions at all. After all, several representatives on the scene did not have a good relationship with them. On the surface, Bao Zixuan represents the United Kingdom after all; two world wars, war with Germany, how can the relationship be better. As for the old Dassault, France has even worse relations with Germany.

After World War II, I interviewed a Frenchman. What are your thoughts on splitting Germany into two countries? As a result, the Frenchman actually said: Germany should be a country for everyone, and in that case, it will never develop again. This shows that the contradiction between France and Germany is much deeper than imagined.

Needless to say, the Soviet Union, the two countries fought fiercely back then; they couldn't even be described in words. Coupled with the current ideological problem, if it is not for the strength to not allow it; I really want to cause some trouble for the Soviet Union.

As for the Americans, although they did not demand German war reparations, they were the ones who grabbed the most from German scientists and engineers. It can be said that American technology is developing so fast now, which is based on packing and taking away German scientists and engineers.

Science knows no borders, but scientists have their own nationality. Use a smart brain to build a once hostile country; no one can feel good in their hearts.

But since I'm working as a reporter, even if it's a routine job, it's fine to act like a man! In short, the main committee of the Paris Air Show has given you an opportunity, and you cannot waste it.

If it is not difficult to ask a question to one person, then German journalists will definitely choose Wilhelm von Stillman. After all, everyone belongs to the same clan, which can be regarded as some origins.

The West German reporter stood up and asked, "Hello, Mr. Stillman! May I ask whether the Boeing 747x project is going to buy aero engines from the Black Cloud Group or get it from a previous partner."

To put it bluntly, let Stillman express his attitude. After all, everyone wants to see; Boeing, the absolute king of civil aviation; at a critical moment, how to make a choice.

Is it to safeguard the dignity and interests of the United States, or only consider the future of Boeing.

William von Stillman said with a smile: "I think Mr. Bao Zixuan has already given the answer to the question of the three-rotor high-thrust engine. He doesn't mind licensing the technology and So Boeing is sure Together with our previous partners, we will re-improve engine technology."

"Boeing 747x needs a professional supporting engine. Although the engine performance of the h3m-111 is very strong, it is not necessarily suitable for Boeing. Therefore, Boeing plans to purchase the three-rotor engine after the partner has changed."

Boeing has good cooperation with the three largest aircraft engine manufacturers in the world. Now the meaning is obvious, whoever obtains the technology and patent authorization of the three-rotor engine, Boeing will definitely cooperate with it.

This is in line with Boeing's core interests, at least not to limit the engine to a Hong Kong company. While the representatives of Rolls-Royce, Pratt & Whitney, and General Dynamics were excited, they were also a little worried. Heiyun Group is preparing to authorize the three-rotor engine, but with Bao Zixuan's character, there will be no shortage of chips. In the past, negotiating technology and patent licensing issues will inevitably be slaughtered.

But this knife really has to be hit so hard; otherwise, in the field of aero-engines, it will inevitably be in a passive and backward situation.