Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1400: Unlimited scenery six

Chapter 1387 Unlimited Scenery 6

The meaning is very obvious, and it also opens up a way of thinking for other companies. That is, it is good to obtain technical authorization, or try not to purchase core equipment from Heiyun Group. Answering like this will definitely give you a lot of points; at least some members of the family will be very satisfied.

Boeing really wants to purchase engines from Heiyun Group, so once something goes wrong, the probability of problems in the end is definitely not small. The reputation of the company is very important, at least the treasure cannot be placed on a Xiangjiang company. Although the issue of Xiangjiang has been clarified, it has not returned to the past; any accidents are reasonable.

After the reunification, there may be more problems; at least for American companies, they are unwilling to take this risk. At the same time, it is also a reminder to the other three aviation power giants that Boeing will never abandon its existing partners; in this way, everyone's trust will also increase accordingly.

As for other aircraft manufacturing companies, when they heard that Boeing was not planning to purchase directly from Heiyun Group, they gave up their thoughts. In fact, Airbus would like to, but dare not take the risk. Buy a few engines at most to test, and of course worry that the Heiyun Group will find various reasons to shirk. However, Airbus executives have already figured out a strategy, and Bao Zixuan is a smart person; he should know how to choose.

France is the host, and the old Dassault gives people the feeling that every time they participate in the air show, it is like a swan song. If you have any questions, you must lean towards it. If the reporter from the United Press just disrupted the plan, you still have to ask the old Dassault company first.

At this time, a Swiss reporter stood up and asked: "Mr. Dassault, hello! I am a reporter from the Swiss Neue Zurich Zeitung. What do you think about the future development of the aviation industry? Or if you have any valuable opinions, I would like to share with the younger generation. Let's share."

Neue Zurich Zeitung is a newspaper with a long history and great influence in Switzerland. Founded in 1780 and published in Zurich, it is a German daily. The newspaper was originally called "Zurich Zeitung" and was changed to its current name in 1821. The newspaper reflects the views of the Swiss Radical Democratic Party and represents the interests of Zurich finance capital.

Although Switzerland is small in size, no one should underestimate their status on this planet. The financial sector is not to say that it dominates the world, but because of the geographical advantages of a neutral country, it still attracts a lot of money from the rich.

The old Dassault has been engaged in aircraft research and development since World War I, and he is definitely a Taishan Beidou-level figure in the aviation field. Names that can be compared with him; it is estimated that they have all been written in textbooks, and the person has long since disappeared.

As an old man who has witnessed the development of the aviation industry all the way, he is certainly qualified to judge the entire industry and look forward to the future.

In fact, the NZZ also wants to hear the opinions of experts. After all, it still needs to investigate clearly where the Swiss bank funds will be invested. It is very easy for a person to earn 200 yuan from 100 yuan. But let you use 10 billion to earn 20 billion; but it is not that simple. The funds of Swiss banks cannot even be described on a scale of tens of billions; therefore, it is not so easy to maintain a stable income.

Usually it is almost impossible to interview the old Dassault. Bosses who are engineers do not want to be exposed to the spotlight. Perhaps laboratories and production workshops are their favorites. Moreover, the old Dassault is already in his 90s, and normal people can't live to that age.

How can there be time and energy to accept interviews. In the event of an accident during the interview, no one can afford it.

Now, with the opportunity of the Paris Air Show, being able to ask the first person in the aviation field is also an achievement. The New Zurich Zeitung knew that there would be a lot of media interviewing Bao Zixuan, so they didn't want to compete with their peers; it was better to make a fuss about the concept of Dassault's last press conference.

After all, with the physical condition of the old Dassault, even if he can survive to the air show two years later. But to be on stage, to be interviewed; barring a miracle, it's simply impossible.

Even now, doctors disagree. But whoever leaves the French aviation field with no successors can only be the old man himself. Maybe what Dassault said may not be so accurate, but with his influence; at least in the short term, he can still see the effect. This is enough for the banking industry.

Apart from watches and clocks, Switzerland really has no real manufacturing industry. Therefore, making quick money has been engraved in the bones of the people.

The old Dassault said with a smile: "I am old, and I may have some experience, but there are no young people who are active in thinking. At least in terms of aircraft design, it is already behind this era."

"But since the reporter has already asked a question, out of politeness, I will say a few words. If there is anything wrong, please bear with me."

The old Dassault can be said to be the youngest one participating in the exhibition. Respecting the old and loving the young is applicable in any country. Coupled with the brilliant achievements in the aviation field, it can only be said that he is very humble.

The applause came naturally, which was a recognition of character and respect for a living fossil of aviation.

The old Dassault continued: "In the future, aviation equipment will still be dominated by aircraft; although Dassault has also introduced flying saucer technology, aerodynamics and wind tunnel tests have shown that the overall performance of flying saucers in the atmosphere is really good. Nothing compares to an airplane."

"Of course I'm talking about fixed-wing aircraft. If a helicopter is compared with a flying saucer, the latter has an absolute advantage. But once it reaches beyond the atmosphere, that is to say, when there is no air resistance, the flying saucer can definitely crush the aircraft."

"But this is no longer in the aviation field, and it can only be left to future generations to develop and think about."

"Of course Dassault will not give up the research and development of flying saucers, and it is also responsible for the entire human race. Maybe that day, we will take a butterfly aircraft and leave the earth. Although it feels very sci-fi, who can say for sure in the future! I I can’t see that day, and I hope that day will never come.”

Old Dassault spoke very slowly, so everyone could hear him very clearly. The old man's meaning is very obvious, within the atmosphere, the plane has an advantage; but when it comes to outer space, the disc will take the initiative. During the U.S.-Soviet struggle for hegemony, the competition for outer space was fierce. It is estimated that the two will compete fiercely in the field of flying saucers.

But thinking about the fragile economy of the Soviet Union, it may not be possible to play well. It seems that flying saucers are indeed promising, at least they are investing in the future of mankind.

A successful entrepreneur needs to have a sense of social responsibility. When you have enough economic strength, you can improve your core technology by doing something that seems useless and beyond your actual use value.

Of course, these Western countries will think more about these things, after all, there are many developing countries; but they can't even eat enough; how can they have the heart to think about so many unrealistic things.

The old Dassault said that flying saucer technology is promising, and it is even related to the future survival of human beings. Then things will not be easy. It is estimated that many countries and companies will definitely spare no effort in this regard.

As the inventor of this technology, Heiyun Group has already taken the lead at this moment. It is estimated that after the exhibition, there will be many well-known aerospace companies wanting to obtain related technologies in the field of flying saucers. It's so easy for Baozixuan to make money, it's really incomparable between people.

As another powerful country in Europe, although its economy is worse than that of West Germany and France. But compared with other countries is definitely much stronger. But Italy really doesn't have much influence, and it's very strange to say it! But it is considered a developed country after all, so of course we should give them a chance to ask questions.

Corriere della Sera is the oldest newspaper in Italy. Published in Milan in March 1876, it is the earliest newspaper in Italy. It's called the evening paper, but it's actually the morning paper. Founder and first editor-in-chief Eugenio Torelli-Violier. Editorial policy is known for its independence. It has been owned by the Italian publisher Rizzoli Group since 1974, and the capital is controlled by the Fiat monopoly consortium.

The reporter of Corriere della Sera stood up and asked: "General Ustinov, hello! I am a reporter from Corriere della Sera in Italy. Will the Soviet Union conduct research on flying saucers?"

The scene immediately became quiet, which can be said to be able to attract so many people; the reporter of Corriere della Sera Italy has created a miracle by not speaking all at once.

The main reason is that the question is too memorable. After all, it is related to any movement of Lao Maozi, especially in the military field; the entire European continent will take it seriously.

Although the national strength of the Soviet Union is weakening, the European continent dare not ignore the oppressive feeling of the Soviet army at all. Now directly ask people whether they will develop flying saucers, isn't it just looking for trouble!

Worried at the same time, but also want to know, can only say that the heart is very contradictory.

(end of this chapter)