Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1403: Unlimited scenery nine

In Japan at this time, there are still a few sober people after all. Even if he is awake, he is willing to choose to pretend to be asleep. After all, the country's strong economy is a huge achievement for the Japanese. To give people a kind of superficial pursuit, perhaps this is also the inevitable law of economic development to a certain period of time.

The press conference continues, and you have a lot of questions to ask. I believe that after the air show, there will be too many companies paying attention to Japan and looking for Boeing to communicate. Of course, these two together may not be as good as the Heiyun Group. Whether it is a flying saucer or a high-thrust engine; the world-renowned companies are all eager to see.

A very interesting thing has happened since the press conference. Bao Zixuan hasn't put on his headphones. Could it be that he doesn't want to listen to other people's interviews? It can be said to be very arrogant. Although he knew that this kid could speak many foreign languages, he seemed a little arrogant at this time.

Le Monde, the full name of Le Monde 21, is one of the newspapers with the largest circulation in Spain, with a daily circulation of more than 200,000 copies, and even has a certain influence in South America.

English, Mandarin, French, Russian, Spanish and Arabic are the six official languages ​​of the United Nations. This is a level that neither German nor Italian has reached, so the Spaniards have their own pride.

The Le Monde reporter stood up and asked, "Hello, Mr. Bao! I'm a reporter from Le Monde from Spain. Will the Black Cloud Group invest in the Iberian Peninsula in the future? What are your views on Spain's economic development and planning?"

The Iberian Peninsula, also known as the Pyrenees Peninsula, is located in the southwestern corner of Europe, bordering the Mediterranean Sea to the east and southeast, the Atlantic Ocean to the west, and the Bay of Biscay to the north. The Pyrenees Mountains are in the northeastern part of the peninsula and are the natural boundary connecting with France. The south faces Africa across the Strait of Gibraltar. It covers an area of ​​about 584,000 square kilometers and has a population of more than 52 million. Includes Spain, Portugal, Andorra and British Gibraltar.

The Iberian Peninsula is the second largest peninsula in Europe and one of the three largest peninsulas in southern Europe.

Most of the peninsula is Spanish territory, a small part of the southwestern corner is Portuguese territory, and the northeastern Pyrenees are French. The coast is straight, with many plateaus and mountains; there are lowlands in the west and southwest. The Meseta Plateau in the middle has an average altitude of 610 meters and accounts for 60% of the peninsula area. Murasen Mountain is 3478 meters above sea level, the highest peak in the peninsula. There are about 1,800 rivers in the peninsula, the longest being the Tagus River. Non-ferrous metal deposits are abundant, and energy deposits are relatively scarce. Spain on the peninsula is one of the countries with developed tourism in the world. The central coast of Portugal is rich in grapes.

To say that it was the Iberian Peninsula in the past, it is actually better to directly say that it is to invest in Spain. But there are some things that can't be said clearly, after all, everyone has to have a good face.

And the reporter deliberately used Spanish to see how Bao Zixuan reacted. If the Black Cloud Group invested in the past, it would be a huge boost for the Spanish economy. Although the king of the era of great navigation has fallen, the country still needs to develop, but domestic enterprises are not up to par in this regard.

If the Black Cloud Group can come to invest, it will also be an opportunity to increase employment for Spanish nationals.

Bao Zixuan also said in Spanish: "The auto industry and shipbuilding industry in the Iberian Peninsula are very developed. Therefore, the Black Cloud Group is investigating. If there is a suitable opportunity, of course, where to invest. I am a businessman, and my dream is to fully The world has factories. It’s still a long way from that goal, so Spain is a good choice.”

"As for what you think about the Spanish economy, it's really hard to say. After all, Spain is already a developed country, which shows that policymakers are still very far-sighted. I'm just a businessman, and I don't dare to dictate a country's economic development and planning."

This is the first time that Bao Zixuan has answered questions in Spanish in an official setting. Let the media at the scene not know how many languages ​​this kid can speak. Could it be that there is something knocking on the door of learning a language? This aspect can really be explored.

The question that should be asked has already been asked. And on the topic of the air show, there is not so much to dig. A topical figure like Bao Zixuan must not be easily let go. Don't like giving interviews per se, plus it's been a long time; not appearing in public.

There is such a rare opportunity, and the reporters do not want to give up. After all, after passing this village, you might have to wait until you reach the next store. Gu Yu

Isabella-Adjani felt that this was an opportunity, so she said with a smile: "Mr. Bao, the data shows that you can speak many languages; you can tell us how many languages ​​you can master. And what is the point of learning languages? Tips, I guess it's not just adults; maybe kids are more interested in this topic."

"And how quickly you can master a foreign language, can you share it with us!"

Obviously, mastering a few foreign languages ​​has nothing to do with the air show. But Paris, the romantic capital, has never played cards according to common sense. Bao Zixuan has huge influence all over the world, even many teen idols. Some of his learning experiences; both parents and children are willing to listen.

The reporters at the scene were also interested, after all, this is a very topical issue. It is even more concerned than the air show. After all, people all over the world need the experience of learning foreign languages.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Actually, there are no statistics, but I still have some experience in learning foreign languages; that is to look at the scientific and technological documents of various countries. In addition, Heiyun Group has too many national employees, if you want to know them; or In order to facilitate communication, it is of course necessary to master the language of the employee's native language."

"As for learning foreign languages, interest is very important. For example, I like science and technology, so I will watch scientific and technological materials from various countries. Others like literature and can try to read books from various countries. If they like history, they can study history. In short, you must find topics and subjects that you are interested in. ; Boring study is not very meaningful."

As for how long it takes to master a language, it seems that it takes the shortest time to master Polish. I went to Poland in 1981, and within a week or so, I was able to communicate and communicate with the locals proficiently.

The richest man Bao's answer can be described as domineering. To master a language in a week, it is estimated that it is difficult for Einstein and Newton to do so. If Bao Zixuan is not a genius, then there is no other person in the world who can use this title.

The press conference is already off topic, which is not a good thing for the air show; but it is not bad news to increase the attention. But for professional media, it is not a good thing for magazines whose readers are professionals in the aerospace field.

American Journal of Aeronautics and Astronautics is the most well-known and authoritative professional journal in the world. It can be said that in the entire aerospace field, it belongs to the level that no one knows and no one knows about.

But the audience is very narrow, so of course the sales are not as good as other media. But after all, it is a professional media, and it is difficult to accept the chaos of other newspapers' problems. After all, they won't report that Bao Zixuan has studied a few foreign languages, and where the Black Cloud Group plans to invest in the past.

In that case, readers are bound to have opinions; after all, people pay for magazines to understand the professional knowledge, and the future prospects and development of aerospace. The magazine must have dry goods. If you add too many boring and useless reports, it will reduce the magazine's taste.

Without scruples about other people's ideas, UU reading www. A reporter from American Aerospace Magazine stood up and asked, "Hello, Mr. Bao Zixuan! I'm a reporter from Aerospace Magazine, an engineer graduated from aerodynamics. What do you think about UFO technology, and whether human beings will be able to pass it in the future? He achieves interstellar travel; at the same time there are those technical difficulties that need to be solved and breakthrough."

Although a little rude, but also successfully pulled the press conference back to normal. There are still too many professionals, and there are many aviation equipment manufacturing companies on site; I want to know the next move of the Black Cloud Group.

When people answer questions that they don’t know in advance, they will inevitably respond instinctively or as expected before. Even if Bao Zixuan is a genius, it is not so easy to make it up now.

Although I don't want to admit it, the actions of the Black Cloud Group are absolutely related to the next stage of development in the aerospace field. At this moment, Bao Zixuan already has the name of leading aerospace development, just because he is not an American; many countries and companies do not want to admit it. For an Asian to be a representative of the aerospace field, it is still unacceptable for a while!