Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1470: court drama maker

Chapter 1457 The Court Drama Maker

It didn't take long for the convoy to arrive in Doha, the capital of Qatar. It is not difficult to see from here that the country of Qatar is really not very big.

Doha is the capital and largest city of Qatar, a West Asian country, and a famous port along the Persian Gulf. It is an international metropolis; the largest city in Qatar, and the center of politics, economy, culture and transportation.

Known for its rich oil and natural gas, it has become the economic lifeline of Qatar. Many oil and gas companies are headquartered in Doha. Since the lifeblood of Qatar's economy is based on oil and gas, the Qatari People's Government hopes to diversify their economy.

In fact, Doha was originally a fishing port and a concentration port for pearl fishing ships. After World War II, it prospered with the development of the country's oil industry. A deep-water port, seawater desalination plant, plastic product factory, steel factory, power station and international airport have been built. Many of the residents are oilfield workers.

At this stage, if you invest in Qatar, it is estimated that Doha is okay; as for other places, forget it! Half of the people in the country live here, which also reflects the important position of Doha in the whole country.

The convoy went straight to the palace, where the Emir Khalifa of Qatar was already waiting for him.

Seeing this emir, Bao Shoufu was still very curious deep in his heart. After all, this may be the favorite king of Hollywood directors. Although it is not very legendary, what happened to him is absolutely bloody. Added a lot of creative elements to the court coup drama.

Qatar gained independence from the British in 1971; Khalifa, then deputy emir, staged a palace coup a year later, turning from a tribal chief to emir.

During his reign, it was the large-scale industrial development of Western countries; the initial stage of being highly dependent on oil, relying on rich oil and natural gas resources, Qatar became a rich country.

In order to enjoy a luxurious life, Khalifa announced to the whole country that all oil and natural gas will be nationalized. This aroused the dissatisfaction of other tribes. Since then, domestic protests have continued, but they have all been suppressed by force.

After living a life of great wealth, Khalifa fell into the common fault of feudal mediocre kings - content with the status quo and greedy for pleasure.

He began to frequently go on vacation in Europe, living a life of debauchery; a happy life of luxury and money, and the daily government affairs were handed over to Crown Prince Hamad.

Khalifa, who himself relied on a coup d'etat to wait for the throne, would never have thought that history would repeat itself in more than 20 years. But this time he was a loser, and his son succeeded in taking his place.

In June 1995, as in previous years, the old king called his son Hamad to his side to entrust military affairs, and prepared to fly to Geneva for summer vacation.

The son stood beside his father and respectfully recorded the matters that needed to be dealt with, seemingly calmly. But he was restless in his heart, because he was planning a major event—taking advantage of his father's vacation abroad to replace him.

After the luggage was ready, the old king arrived at the airport under the **** of everyone. The moment Khalifa boarded the plane, his son and a group of subordinates stood under the plane and waved goodbye. They watched the back of the old king, and silently said goodbye in their hearts: "Goodbye, Emir Khalifa".

The hatch closed and the rumble of the aircraft engine sounded the death knell of the Khalifa dynasty.

Before the official attack, the crown prince had made all the preparations. First, he used his military power to control the main departments of the country, and then he won over a large number of tribal members who were dissatisfied with the autocratic monarchy, and won the support of most government officials. In order to avoid long nights and dreams, Hamad summoned military and political officials on the day his father left, announcing that he would immediately replace his father as the emir.

When the coup order was announced, the few who opposed it were either dismissed from office or saw that the hard-charging army had completely surrendered to the crown prince. It can only be agreed and passed, and the entire domestic power transfer process is very smooth and stable.

The new government decree was issued, the new official position was announced, and everything fell to the ground; Hamad dialed the phone number of his father in the villa in Geneva. The old father didn't feel anything strange before departure, and he closed his eyes and rested on the plane. After the plane landed, they lived in a holiday villa leisurely, and then sat on the balcony breathing the moist air and watching the greenery in the courtyard.

The rapid ringing of the phone broke the quiet picture of the years, and the servant conveyed that the call was from the Crown Prince from Qatar. His heart warmed, and he thought it was his son who came to care about his hard work on the long journey, but the other party's words poured cold water on his back, making him furious.

On the other end of the phone, the crown prince conveyed his enthronement in a tone of notification: "Father is on vacation with peace of mind. I have announced today that officials at all levels and the public will replace my father as the new emir."

Everyone behaved the same way in the face of the bad news. At first, Khalifa thought it was false news he heard in a dream;

After calming down, he informed his entourage to book a ticket to return to China to save the situation; only to find that his son was resolute in his actions and had frozen all his accounts. He was a king who spent money like water in the past; now he is penniless and unable to move, so he can only stay in Geneva.

There was no armed conflict, no bloodshed; Qatar's usurping coup seemed to succeed overnight.

In fact, if you want to cooperate, it is more reliable to negotiate with the crown prince. Khalifa's idea of ​​centralizing power is a thing of the past. The continuous outbreak of civil protests proves that the country needs to reform and realize democracy; while the old king advocates absolute power and refuses to delegate power.

In terms of economy, the young prince proposed that oil and natural gas are non-renewable resources; one day the national economy will become impoverished again due to the exhaustion of resources, and it is necessary to develop a diversified economy; refer to Europe and the United States to develop modern industries and establish new pillar industries.

The old king abides by the conservative development strategy and refuses to introduce successful experience from abroad. Focus on enjoying the moment and ignore these suggestions. Looking at the world, although Qatar is very rich, it is not a developed country. Because the evaluation criteria of developed countries require advanced industrial technology and advanced technology, Qatar is lagging behind in these two aspects, which makes the young crown prince indignant;

Therefore, Khalifa did not show much enthusiasm for meeting Bao Zixuan. In his heart, if foreign people come to invest, they must want to make money from Qatar. But foreigners do not come, relying solely on Qatar's own strength; even if it has money, it has no technology; it is not so easy to develop.

Khalifa just said politely: "Mr. Bao, hello; welcome to Qatar!"

After that, there was no more to say. Listening to the tone and looking at the expression, I knew that the arrival of the richest man Bao was not so welcome.

But Bao Zixuan is no longer the novice when he first started business, and he has met many political leaders. It was not enough to be angry because of such a trivial matter, so he said with a smile: "Hi, Your Majesty. I have heard of your name a long time ago, but I have never had the chance to see you. It is also an honor to meet you today."

It stands to reason that the richest man Bao has been low-key enough, even a little out of character. Those who are familiar with it must be surprised, is this person in front of Bao Zixuan himself!

But the king felt nothing, only that the other party was a businessman who wanted to make money from Qatar; it was no different from everyone else.

Khalifa: "Although Mr. Bao is young, it's good to have this kind of insight. Heiyun Group is a good company, and it can do business with Qatar."

Hearing what his father said, Hamad was speechless for a while. As the number one industrial enterprise in the world, Heiyun Group is considered good in the eyes of the old man. It was finally invited, but in order to strengthen Qatar's industrial strength; let people come and invest. With Bao Zixuan's identity and status, not everyone can be invited here.

How many countries in the Middle would like to invite people; being able to come to Qatar, but gave the sky a big face. But now he is still the crown prince; the country still has to make major decisions, and it is up to the father to decide. So I can only be anxious, thinking of explaining to Bao Zixuan in private.

Unexpectedly, Bao Zixuan was not angry, but said with a smile: "Thank you for your approval, Qatar is a rich country; no businessman will give up this opportunity."

After Bao Zixuan finished speaking, Hamad felt incredible. No wonder he was able to succeed, although he is young, but the city is definitely not shallow. It can even reach the point where you can't show your emotions or anger, and you may not even be able to do it yourself.

If you really want to get in touch with such people more, you can definitely learn a lot.

It can be said that the two people are not speculative, but the richest man can still chat for more than an hour. Without deep skill, absolutely can't do this.

Khalifa has stated that Heiyun Group can come to Qatar to do business. It can be regarded as a harvest, after all, ordinary companies are still looked down upon by others.

It may be because of knowing something, or it may be because of Bao Zixuan's performance, he is very satisfied. It's still very face-saving, having dinner with the richest man in the palace; for this king, it is not easy.

(end of this chapter)