Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1492: can't sit still

The hot sales on the first day really made Italian businessmen feel pain and joy. Happy because one day's sales are comparable to previous years' sales. The pain is indeed a bit tiring, and there is not enough product. Even if I send you money, I can't take it; this feeling is really indescribable.

Therefore, they did not have time to rest, and saw their own goods arrive at night. Get busy right away, it's all about money. Only now have I discovered that Japan is a place where money is really easy to make. Why didn't I think of it before, it seems that I still have to deal more with companies like Heiyun Group.

What is professionalism, this is what others are. The Italian government had thought of many ways before, but none of them worked. Now Bao Zixuan has an idea; let them not worry about food and drink in the next few years.

Although some of the profits will be divided, everyone has no opinion on this. Instinctively, I think that big money should be earned by others. If the Italian official comes, whether the Japanese can buy it is one aspect; the most important aspect of planning and publicity will definitely be greatly discounted. Commodities come, no one appreciates, what is the use.

And Bao Zixuan also made a lot of sacrifices today, a Ferrari sports car. Was driven away by a waitress in Tokyo; the number of waitresses in the crowd was too large, so it was quite normal.

Seeing that all the procedures were done, and even the tax was borne by the organizer, Japanese women fell into madness at one time. Ferrari is synonymous with speed and passion. If you can drive this kind of sports car, it will be much more convenient to do everything.

Chen Yuesheng is also looking at the statistics of accountants. Japanese people like to use cash; but Italians want to bring dollars back for convenience. This is also a good thing for Bao Zixuan. After all, the exchange rate is low now, wait until a few years later; Italians will regret it.

Therefore, all funds will be deposited in the Black Cloud Group first. However, Bao Zixuan will not deposit money; he even settles it every day.

After deducting the share, taxes, and other expenses of the Black Cloud Group; the remaining amount will be remitted to the account provided by the Italian manufacturer as soon as possible. After receiving a call from a domestic bank, every exhibitor was excited. This is real money, after all, it is the king who gets it.

It is the Heiyun Group that has thoughtful service, but they are also really powerful. Where is the money still stored here, the domestic remittance has been arranged. This makes the weight of Bao's richest man in the hearts of Italian businessmen heavier.

Italian Prime Minister Bertino Calaxi handles official business in his office, Japan at night; Italy during the day. However, he is very concerned about the Italian Commodities Japan Exhibition. After all, the domestic support rate is not high now, if you don't make some noise; it is estimated that life will not be easy.

At this time, the secretary came to report: "Your Excellency Prime Minister, Italian goods have achieved great success in Japan."

"The sales on the first day alone have exceeded 3 billion US dollars, which is absolutely an astronomical figure. Moreover, the Black Cloud Group has remitted the first day's payment to the accounts of major exhibitors. This morning alone, various Italian Big banks have received more than $1.8 billion in remittances from Heiyun Bank.”

"The Black Cloud Group knows that the Japanese yen is not very convenient. Therefore, they collect the payment uniformly, and then remove the fee; convert it into US dollars and transfer it directly to Italy."

Hearing this, Bertino Clarkey was very excited, not because of the $3 billion. Although I look at it a lot, and I only have 1.8 billion in my hands. The most important thing is the great success of the exhibition, which is a way out for Italian companies. So many small businesses in the country are watching the economy boom. But sometimes it is trouble, and now Japan brings them such a big surprise. If it is the United States, or other places, it is absolutely unimaginable.

However, Bao Zixuan is really good at doing things, and he actually exchanged it for dollars and brought it back. It is said that the Black Cloud Group pays the most attention to business reputation, which seems to be true.

Suddenly thought of Fucaira, maybe where the two sides can cooperate. Returning something in return is not just about asking people to pay.

Now that Italian products have achieved such achievements, as Prime Minister, he must express something. So Betiro-Klaxxi couldn't sit still and wanted to go to Japan to see it. But as the head of state, the itinerary has been made half a year in advance. At most, it can be coordinated at home, and it is not easy to go abroad. Since you can't go there yourself, you can still send someone else to go there.

At this time, it’s better to get some credit, but the people can’t feel it; the government doesn’t do anything at all. Therefore, Vice Minister of Commerce, this position is neither high nor low, and it was just right in the past.

As for Akio Morita, Jiro Takakura and others, they left after walking around. They are all busy people, and it is not easy to come to join us.

However, although I do not understand the computing center proposed by Bao Zixuan, I am still very interested. Moreover, it is related to computers at first sight. As a master in this field; even many media evaluate him as Japan's top expert, and Takakura Jiro should know what is going on.

Akio Morita: "Takakura-kun, I just want to know what happened to the global computing center proposed by Mr. Bao."

Hearing this, Takakura Jiro knew that the president was really moved. It seems that his status will be further improved.

Takakura Jiro: "I used to feel that I was very good in the computer field. Now I realize that I just touched the high-end technology field."

"When the president asked me to study for a PhD in computer science at MIT, I thought it was unnecessary. Now it seems that what I have learned is far from enough to achieve greater success in the computer field."

"Supercomputing centers are computers that can perform large amounts of data and high-speed operations that ordinary personal computers cannot handle. As far as the composition of supercomputers and ordinary computers are concerned, the components are basically the same, but there are differences in performance and scale. Supercomputers The main features include two aspects: huge data storage capacity and extremely fast data processing speed, so it can do some work in various fields that people or ordinary computers can't do."

"The supercomputer center should be a combination of many supercomputers, or to build an unprecedented supercomputer. When I was studying in school, my supervisor once published a paper on the supercomputing center."

"The application after the supercomputing center is built is also described."

“First; the supercomputing center uses its powerful data processing power to help people change the way people understand the natural world; providing huge benefits to society. It simulates the atmosphere, climate and oceans, and can accurately predict earthquakes and tsunamis. It can be better understood Tornadoes and hurricanes, or deciphering the forces that cause geomagnetic storms, the Yellowstone supercomputer and NWSC will lead to better predictions and better economic protection for the public."

"It is used for complex meteorological analysis and processing global meteorological satellite data. The fast data processing capability of supercomputers can predict global meteorology, and conduct centralized data processing, quantitative analysis, and modeling analysis on the information of meteorological satellite reconnaissance."

"Secondly, using the powerful computing density of supercomputing centers, for some high-risk industries that have a high accident rate and pose a great threat to life safety, supercomputing centers are used to replace manual operations; such as underground coal mining, high-altitude operations, and blasting work. and oil exploration and other data for processing and analysis.”

"At the same time, bioinformatics will become a new application field of supercomputing. For example, the processing of massive data generated in the process of human genome sequencing is inseparable from supercomputing centers. In the medical field, supercomputing is also used to simulate the working mechanism of various organs of the human body. and various biochemical reactions in the human body.”

"And if it is built in one place, it can be used in other places. The Black Cloud Group is setting up communication optical cables on the seabed. As long as it is in Japan, it can mobilize computing power from all over the world to serve scientific research projects."

"But the supercomputing center has very high requirements on the environment and power. According to Principal Bao, it is estimated that the power consumption will not be less than that of a medium-sized city."

"But after it's completed, if other countries and companies don't have the strength to compete with it. Then in the computer field, and even in the network field, it must be the Black Cloud Group."

Akio Morita looked at Takakura Jiro, feeling that the young man was still unwilling. So he smiled and said: "If you are in charge of Sony's business in the United States; you and Haruko go there together. At the same time, you can go to MIT to continue your studies, if you don't even feel that you understand it very well; other people can't. Me and Mr. Ibuka It's old; Sony's future is with you."

Takakura Jiro certainly understood what Akio Morita meant; this was to let him continue his studies. And in order to reassure him, he also handed over the US branch to him. This kind of trust and support cannot be achieved by any company.

Sure enough, a week later, Takakura Jiro brought his fiancée to the United States; he was in charge of Sony's US branch business.
