Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1509: recall the past

Chapter 1496

You can't freeze here, no one can talk. Shen Bi came here with a strong purpose, but there were few British people on the scene; the Bauhaus-Sanderson had been very strong just now, and now it was his turn to play.

Shen Taipan was also very helpless. Once upon a time, he was among the many Chinese tycoons in Xiangjiang; But now, some people dare to directly oppose his opinion.

Huo Yingdong didn't say anything, after all, the other party had never been polite to him. But Zheng Yutong, in the process of making a fortune, HSBC definitely made great efforts. Moreover, many Chinese tycoons present here have definitely received the full support of HSBC Bank in the process of development and growth. Now for the benefit, he made himself so uncomfortable. It seems that it is really impossible to make friends with businessmen, and the only one who suffers in that way is himself.

Shen Bi has a very close relationship with such outstanding Chinese businessmen as Bao Yugang and Li Chaoren. Bao Yugang went to Xiangjiang to develop in his early years and planned to enter the shipping industry, but he lacked funds. Shen Bi took a fancy to Bao Yugang's business strategy. At that time, shipping companies used short-term rentals to make money. In this way, although the profit is high, the empty period of the ship is also long. Bao Yugang broke the tradition and leased the ship directly to customers. In this way, although the profit is less, in the long run, the benefit is actually greater.

Shen Bi liked Bao Yugang's strategy, so he strongly supported Bao Yugang. With financial support from HSBC, Bao Yugang bought ships on a large scale, and became the world's shipping king in less than 20 years. Pao Yugang's success depends half on his own efforts and half on the support of HSBC.

In the late 1970s, after Shen Bi came to power at HSBC, he gave more support to Chinese businessmen. At that time, HSBC and Cheung Kong Group jointly built the Huaren Building, and Li Chaoren left a very good impression on Shen Bi. In the days to come, he will give Li Chaoren financial help many times.

And in order to get involved with Shen Bi, Li Chaoren didn't even have to make money, just to please HSBC. Now that I see myself being besieged, how can I be indifferent? Do I still have a conscience?

The key battle for Li Chaoren's fortune was the rebuilding of the Chinese Bank business in 1977. Li Chaoren opened a small plastic factory in Xiangjiang in the 1950s. Although he was the king of plastics in Hong Kong in the 1960s, how can the profits of manufacturing be compared with finance and real estate? At that time, Li Chaoren was just a small rich man in Xiangjiang. From the early 1960s, Li Chaoren gradually started the real estate business.

In 1972, Li Chaoren's Changjiang Group was successfully listed, and he gradually became a middle-class rich man in Hong Kong. However, in the following ten years, Li Chaoren's career has only been steadily improved, and there has been no leapfrog development. In 1977, because of an unprofitable business, Li Chaoren got to know a nobleman all his life, and only then did he really make a fortune.

Xiangjiang Central is a place where every inch of land is expensive. In the 1970s, Xiangjiang was booming in construction, and the speed of development in Central was changing with each passing day. At that time, HSBC, the richest man in Xiangjiang, bought the Central Chinese Bank. Huarenhang is a building built in the early 20th century. This building once witnessed the rise of Chinese merchants in Xiangjiang, so it was called Huarenhang.

The famous Far East Stock Exchange was born in Huarenhang. It was the birth of the Far East Exchange that Li Ka-shing, Lee Shau-kee and other rich Chinese companies were able to go public to raise funds and achieved leapfrog development.

HSBC was the largest company in Xiangjiang at that time. The total market value of his bank accounted for about 10% of the listed companies in Xiangjiang, which can be called the giant of Xiangjiang.

After HSBC bought Chinatown, because the building was too old, it planned to demolish and rebuild it. At that time, many real estate companies participated in the bidding one after another, and it was the dream of every rich man to get online with HSBC.

Li Chaoren naturally hopes to win the business of rebuilding the Chinese Bank, but in the face of menacing opponents, Li Chaoren is not sure of victory. In the end, the plan submitted by Li Chaoren was almost unprofitable. As for the unprofitable strategy, it successfully attracted the attention of HSBC. Shen Bi naturally handed over the business of rebuilding the Chinese bank to Cheung Kong.

Li Chaoren has a very long-term vision. He does not only want to do business with Chinese people; he hopes to get on the boat of HSBC through this business. It only took Cheung Kong 2 years to build a new Chinese bank. The new building was 22 stories high, with a total area of ​​240,000 square feet, and the exterior walls used the most advanced technology at the time. In addition, the lighting and fire protection systems of the building are controlled by computers. Both HSBC and Shen Bi were very satisfied with the new Chinese tour. During the two years of contact, he also had a comprehensive understanding of Li Chaoren.

Shen Bi believes that although Li Chaoren is not the top rich man in Xiangjiang, his vision and ability are unmatched. At that time, the former taipan of HSBC was interested in Bao Yugang's ability, so he supported Bao Yugang to become the richest Chinese man.

Li Chaoren Gai Jianhua Pedestrians, although not making money, has earned something more important than money. After another year, Li Chaoren bought shares of Wharf in the market. At that time, Jardine Matheson found Shen Bi and asked him to persuade Li Chaoren to stop. Li Chaoren sold his face to Shen Bi again. In this way, Li Chaoren gained Shen Bi's favor even more.

Therefore, when Superman Li had any financial needs, Shen Bi would provide them without hesitation.

Without Shen Bi, Chinese merchants would not have developed so fast. But without the assistance of Chinese businessmen, HSBC would not have the scale it is today. It's just that during the Hong Kong dollar crisis, Shen Bi cooperated with Wall Street in order to realize the globalization of HSBC. It makes a good hand of cards be played poorly.

But in Shen Bi's heart, he still felt that these Chinese tycoons were very dishonest. Back then, in order to get the project, he intentionally flattered me. My words, you can give up the benefits at your fingertips. Of course, Shen Bi did not let his friends suffer, at least in terms of providing funds, he was never stingy.

Now, for the sake of profit, he is ignoring HSBC and him. It's not that these Xiangjiang businessmen don't know that if there is any problem with HSBC; then what is waiting for Shen Bi can only be to return to England to retire. After all, because of a series of incidents in recent years, the board of directors no longer has that much trust in Shen Bi. It's just that the pressure of competition is very high now, and a suitable successor has not been found, so Shen Bi has no choice but to let Shen Bi continue to sit in charge.

Shen Bi thought for a while and said: "You are all Xiangjiang tycoons, the richest people. Although I, Shen Bi, am not from Xiangjiang, I came to Xiangjiang at the age of 21 and worked in HSBC Bank. It has been 40 years now. It can be said that It is watching Xiangjiang become an international metropolis step by step. The feelings for this city are definitely no worse than anyone else."

"But haven't you seen what Xiangjiang is like now? People live in a high-cost environment. It can be said that if you don't work hard for a day, there will be an economic crisis. Living in this kind of city, there is no happiness at all."

"People who can save money in the bank are rich people. Even if the interest rate is lower, it doesn't matter to them. But people who take out loans are people who really need money. Many people have no choice but to run a business. I only went to the bank to get a loan. If you want Xiangjiang to develop, you must reduce the cost of capital.”

"Everyone has basically received help from HSBC in the development process; HSBC and I, Mr. Shen, have never charged high interest! It is not a trivial matter to increase the cost of capital use. Therefore, I hope everyone should be cautious. Entrepreneurs need There is a sense of social responsibility, and it cannot be done as a rich and unkind thing."

Shen Bi really has a talent for speech, it would be a pity not to perform. After playing the emotional card start to talk about friendship. This made many tycoons at the scene deep in thought, after all what Shen Bi said was true; at the same time, Youde's expression could not deceive anyone at all.

If you continue to fight Shen Bi to the end, then Youde will definitely introduce new policies for the development of Xiangjiang Economic Law. The banking industry must be the first to bear the brunt. Don't you see that the policy is changing.

That's really toasting and not eating fine wine, just looking for trouble for nothing.

At this time, Bao Yugang suddenly said: "Everyone, lowering deposit interest rates is good for everyone. But the situation of each bank is different. After all, some banks can only attract customers through high interest rates. The brands of most banks have not yet So loud."

"Reducing interest rates will inevitably lead to the loss of customers, and a bank will lose customer deposits; then even if the family is rich, it is estimated that it will be very difficult to operate. A compromise must be found, which can stimulate the economy, reduce the cost of capital for enterprises, and ensure The core interests of small and medium-sized banks."

"After all, we also need to survive. Both HSBC and Standard Chartered Bank are century-old companies with profound foundations and can be trusted by customers. But if we banks don't attract customers with benefits, why should the public trust you?"

It can be said that Bao Yugang's words are still very reasonable; it can be regarded as impartial, and he has found the crux of the problem.

(end of this chapter)