Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1521: Wall Street Shock II

Goldman Sachs Investment Bank knew the news and held a meeting to discuss it; of course, the Morgan family was not behind. Although he knew the grievances and grievances between Old Morgan and Bao Zixuan, if he didn't report it, it would be a serious dereliction of duty. So William - Morgan, report the situation; old Morgan decided to hold an internal meeting of the family.

Even if jp-Morgan Bank is divided, let alone 3 shares, it is divided into 30 shares; the controlling stake is still in the hands of the Morgan family. In this regard, the rich Americans have already firmly controlled the company through a series of complex means such as cross-shareholding. Even though the Standard Oil Company of the Rockefeller family is divided into 37 companies; the largest shareholder of each company is still the Rockefeller family. For these routines, people are familiar with it.

For Bao Zixuan, old Morgan was very complicated. If it wasn't for his stubbornness back then, the Morgan family might not be what it is now. But he doesn't regret it. Although the young man is very capable, he is also a good match for his daughter. But if the two are combined, it will inevitably make the whole world jealous, and a little carelessness will lead to the Morgan family into the abyss.

Therefore, he can't afford to gamble. After all, no one dares to guarantee what the future will be like; as for the complex human heart, he dare not spy easily. Do this even if your daughter doesn't understand.

But as the patriarch of the Morgan family, no one knows better than him the current situation on Wall Street. Highly leveraged buyouts and junk bonds are rampant, and something will happen sooner or later. But whether it is jp-Morgan Bank, or Morgan-Stanley; need projects to expand their territory. If you wait here for a while, then the family will eventually decline.

Contradictions are contradictions, and business is business. The two must not be confused. Moreover, if Bao Zixuan really didn't want the Morgan family to participate, he couldn't say in front of that kid William Morgan that he wanted to establish a stock exchange market in Fucaira. To put it bluntly, he wanted the Morgan family to beg him, or to find him by himself.

Old Morgan has been on the rivers and lakes for so many years, and he has never seen anything. For these things, it is not surprising. But I still want to see what other members of the family think first, most importantly what the son has to say. It is said that my son has grown up recently, and I also want to know what is going on.

Old Morgan called the core members of the family to a meeting, and no one dared to be absent without reason. After all, this is the absolute authority of the Morgan family. Unless they want to leave the Morgan family or leave Wall Street; otherwise, no one has the courage.

His daughter didn't give him face today, and he hasn't come back for several months. I heard that people are not in the United States at present, and they went to Hawaii to open up the market. Where to build a transfer station, the old Morgan did not force it. And I was worried that it would be bad for my daughter to come back, after all, Bao Zixuan was involved. There are also women in Fucaira, whose daughter will definitely be sad when she hears it. In case of being carried away and calling Bao Zixuan to leak the secret, then the Morgan family will definitely be very passive.

Hearing that the housekeeper came to report, the core members of the head of the family had already arrived; Old Morgan came to the conference room from the room. In his capacity, he must not wait for them, this is the rule.

Seeing the arrival of old Morgan, everyone stood up; including his own son. It is a family meeting now, and the authority of the patriarch must be maintained.

After Old Morgan sat down, he motioned everyone to sit down. The others sat down one after another, but they only dared to sit after seeing Morgan sitting down.

With a gesture, William Morgan immediately understood what it meant, which was to let him report first. But he didn't dare to delay, so he sorted out his thoughts and began to say: "On the day Microsoft went public, I was in the Nasdaq room with Bao Zixuan of Heiyun Group and Bruce Bowers of Goldman Sachs; during this period, Bao Zixuan proposed that he wanted to To establish a stock exchange market in Fujairah. And asked Goldman Sachs if they wanted to participate, but when I suggested that Morgan Stanley was also interested, the other party was very flat. Listen to the tone, do not want to cooperate with Morgan Stanley ."

"As for the reason, it shouldn't need to be introduced. But I think the other party is likely to show me; if you really don't want to cooperate with Morgan Stanley, or let us participate. There is no need to say this in front of me, For Bao Zixuan to meet; Bruce Powers will never refuse."

"Even if time is tight, such a major project can definitely be squeezed out. It's just that Morgan Stanley can take the initiative to find him and then sell it."

Old Morgan: "William has made it very clear, what is everyone's opinion?"

At this time, everyone turned their attention to Xiao Morgan, meaning that you should speak first; otherwise, we would not dare to express our opinions indiscriminately.

The people who can come to the meeting belong to the elite of the Morgan family; if you can't understand such a superficial truth, then don't stay in the family at all. Everyone is afraid to say the wrong thing, it is a very dangerous thing. No one can guess the old Morgan's mind, so they all want to get some useful information from the young Morgan.

Although I don't want to be the first to speak, I can see from everyone's eyes that I'm letting myself speak first. Little Morgan is not stupid. Of course, he knows the character of the family, but he has no good intentions in his heart. Then he must not be able to make this early bird, because of the previous mistakes; at this time, he has seen everything clearly.

I don't want people to take advantage of it, especially in myself.

But everyone is looking at you, as the heir of the family; you can't say nothing, so Jr. Morgan said very formally: "I just heard about this, William met with Bao Zixuan; at the same time he is in charge of the investment banking business. , we still listen to his professional opinion."

At this time, William Morgan was also guilty for a while, when did Jr. Morgan respect him so much. It seems that people are all for their own interests, this kid is really mature.

Maybe don't pay attention to what Little Morgan said. But William Morgan didn't dare to be indifferent to the look in old Morgan's eyes that he couldn't refuse. So he said: "Bao Zixuan definitely wants the Morgan family to participate. First of all, the project is huge. It requires a lot of funds and resources. Goldman Sachs alone will definitely not be able to handle it."

"Bao Zixuan just wanted Morgan Stanley to look for him, so he said this in front of me. But I feel that for the sake of business, I can make a profit. All this is not a problem, not all customers will take the initiative to find us. As an investment bank, you should invest wherever there is profit space; where you can make money, you should invest in the past.”

"As for the so-called contradiction, there is no need to think too much about it."

"Palmerston once said that the British Empire has neither eternal allies nor eternal enemies, but only eternal interests. This sentence is basically applicable in any field. Therefore, my opinion is to take the initiative, at least not let Goldman Sachs Eat alone."

In fact, Goldman Sachs alone will certainly not be able to handle it. But I am afraid that Goldman Sachs will join several other investment banks, then Morgan Stanley will be passive.

It can be said that William - Morgan's analysis, or very reasonable. But now the decision is not in his hands; at most one suggestion is made, and whether to implement it depends on what old Morgan means.

When it comes to Bao Zixuan, it must not be treated like other customers.

If someone expresses an opinion, then Morgan Jr.'s speech is not much of a problem. It was possible to say that I didn’t know before, but I definitely can’t now; and even if I said it, no one would believe it.

JPMorgan: "Business is business, UU reading contradictions are contradictions; they must not be confused. And even if there is a conflict between the two in the future, as long as they can intervene in advance; it is equivalent to burying the ground in the Fucaira stock market. A mine."

"In the field of science and technology, the Morgan family may not be as good as the Heiyun Group. But in the financial industry, Bao Zixuan is definitely not our opponent. We suffered from losses before because we underestimated our opponents. And we are still playing at the opponent's home court. Given the chance, it will never make him feel so good."

At this time, the rest of the family said in a fuss: "We should cooperate, and we can't miss the opportunity or something." Hearing this, Old Morgan thought for a while and said, "Since you all think that the Morgan family should not give up, then William Morgan will go to meet Bao Zixuan."

"The Morgan family hasn't fallen, and we're still the king of Wall Street. So don't be humble, cooperation must be based on fairness."

Even now, old Morgan still refuses to put down the air; but it's normal to think about it. As the patriarch of the Morgan family, he must have his own pride. If it is not tough, everyone in the family will definitely not be convinced.
