Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1529: situation analysis

Chapter 1516 Situation Analysis

The problem of the cheap old man made Baozixuan a bit incompetent. After all, even the Saudi royal family, which is stupid and rich, can see the problem, so other countries, including the Soviet Union, have no reason to be unclear. Is it that he usually eats ugly, or people feel that he is born to be a profiteer.

In fact, there was really no reason for Bao Zixuan to think so. It's not that he looks ugly, and no one has ever suspected that he is a profiteer. It's just that since I started business, I have never done a loss-making business. Now that the investment is so large, people will take it for granted that this time it will definitely be able to take advantage of a lot.

Moreover, the internal problems of the Soviet Union were serious, and the national order was relatively chaotic. But for foreign businessmen, it is a huge business opportunity. The more irregular the place, the higher the product profit may be. And there is no need to worry that the Soviet Union does not have the financial strength to pay, just pull something out of the warehouse and come over to offset the debt; there are still many countries and companies that recognize it.

Especially in the field of military industry, maybe apart from the United States, the Soviet Union is the most developed. Now that Bao Zixuan invested so much, could it be that he really has no idea at all, and people wouldn't believe it if he said it.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Your Highness, do you feel that the development of the Soviet Union is a big problem?"

Hearing this, Prince Sultan seemed to understand what it meant; but it was not particularly clear. After all, it is such a powerful country with nuclear weapons; it is unimaginable that anyone would dare to easily start a war with it and destroy it.

It's just that the way the Soviet Union didn't exist makes anyone feel incredible. If Bao Zixuan didn't come from time travel, it would be difficult to find out.

Seeing that Prince Sultan had finished contemplating, Bao Zixuan continued: "The Soviet Union seems to be very powerful, and its military industry is very powerful; the main reason is that the Soviet system gave priority to the production of "maximum military industry". Enterprise cooperation, the acquisition of technical intelligence from Germany and the Allies in the late 1940s, and petrodollars in the 1960s and 1970s allowed the Soviet Union’s military industry to survive and expand. However, it may succeed or fail, and its model directly leads to institutional resources. In fact, the Soviet Union has been maintaining about half of the total economic output of the United States in military expenditures comparable to that of the United States, such a misallocation of resources is likely to drain the life of the Soviet Empire.”

"Everything I do now is planning for the future."

"The Soviet Union is composed of fifteen republics; among them, the three countries of Kievan Rus, which is the core of the Soviet Union, and Russia is the core of the core; they are Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, followed by the three Baltic countries; Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania. And foreign countries Three countries in the Caucasus; Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia. Add five countries in Central Asia; Kazakhstan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan. Finally, a country in southeastern Europe; the Republic of Moldova."

"It looks like the country is very powerful, with a vast land and abundant resources. But there are many hidden dangers, among which the allocation of resources is a very serious problem. Even if the top officials in Moscow want to balance, it is difficult to achieve a balance."

"As the main body of the Soviet Union, it is normal for Russia to become the leader. On the surface, Ukraine is the second child, and in fact it is. But no one wants to be second to others forever. Even though previous Soviet leaders tried their best to appease Ukraine, one person can never be alone. Will not be satisfied, let alone a country."

"So this powerful country will not be breached from the outside. Even if all the countries in the world go to war with the Soviet Union; the old man will not be afraid. And the Americans are not stupid. After all, the Soviet Union has so many nuclear weapons, enough to restart the earth. Certainly it cannot be resolved by force, and once it is done, it is no different from courting death."

"The fortress is the easiest to breach from the inside. It is estimated that the Americans will use the same method to deal with the Soviet Union. Especially the Chernobyl nuclear power plant leak accident, the Soviet Union suffered heavy losses. To a certain extent, this will increase the tension between the republics. contradiction."

"The nuclear power plant is located in Ukraine and serves Ukrainian companies and people; it does not make any contribution to other countries. However, Moscow does not have much funds to deal with the aftermath. It is even more nonsense to rely on Ukraine itself; Extracted from Union Republics.

"The republics in Europe have also suffered heavy losses, but they must pay for the leakage of the nuclear power plant in Ukraine, which will definitely be very uncomfortable. At the same time, the five Central Asian countries will have great opinions. They have no part in construction and reaping benefits; now there is a problem. , but they need their help to wipe their ass."

"If you were the leader of the five Central Asian countries, how would you feel? So I'm making preparations; you have to plan ahead. If a problem, or even a conflict, really breaks out among the republics of the Soviet Union; you have to get self-protection object."

Aisha is about to give birth to a child, so it can be said that the relationship with Prince Sultan has also taken a step further. Many things require the cooperation of the Saudi side, so there is no need to hide them. If the Saudi side is willing to cooperate, then the benefits will definitely be more.

Moreover, Bao Zixuan mentioned weapons that could protect himself. Prince Sultan, who was born in a soldier, of course understood what he meant. It seems that this kid is still thinking about the long-term, at least his strategic vision is much stronger than theirs.

But after thinking about it, I never said this before, why would I disclose it now. Is it because Aisha is going to have a baby that makes the relationship closer. Probably not all of them, after all, Bao Zixuan has too many women; Xiongxiong will not harm his core interests because of a woman.

Being able to talk to him is not just about trust; it is likely that Saudi Arabia has value, or that the two sides can cooperate. It's not terrible to be taken advantage of by others, just shoot them and they will ignore you at all. There's no point in living when the whole world doesn't need you.

Although my son-in-law has already controlled Fujairah. But where the land area is too small, many weapons or launch platforms cannot be deployed. Saudi Arabia is different, at least the territory is large enough. And from the perspective of Heiyun Group's development direction, the other party will not give up on aerospace engineering.

A man of science and technology, super rich. When the earth has no more challenges, outer space is bound to be the next target. At that time, a rocket launch base will inevitably be established, and it can be seen from the fact that it has already begun to plan for the separation of the Soviet Union!

If it is in Saudi Arabia, build a rocket launch base. Then long-range ballistic missiles, for them, there is no technical problem. It seems that this is an opportunity, an opportunity for Saudi Arabia to become a military power.

Of course, we also know that the Americans will not allow Saudi Arabia to become stronger. It seems that everything must be done in secret, at least until the Saudis have mastered the technology, and the Americans cannot know it.

In fact, Prince Sultan did not say exactly how many American spies there are in Saudi Arabia; but he does know some.

And this can't be hidden from people at all. The White House already knew about it just after the members of the royal family discussed the countermeasures. Even beside him, there are many American spies; therefore, he decided to secretly support Bao Zixuan's development. The so-called strategic technology must never be obtained in the name of Saudi Arabia.

Prince Sultan said with a smile: "You still think about the long-term. If the Soviet Union separates, then you can really get a lot of benefits. I will not report this matter to the king and crown prince. Please rest assured. I will Saudi Arabia still has its own sphere of influence; it should be able to support the plan until it takes shape."

Unexpectedly, my father-in-law is also a smart person, doing this; even if the Americans find out, they come out to be a scapegoat. At worst, resign from all positions and go home to retire. In his capacity, even if the Americans are domineering, they will not kill him. If so, it will inevitably arouse the resentment of the Saudi royal family.

They will think that Prince Sultan's life can be killed today; will it be my turn tomorrow. Even if it is as strong as the United States, it dare not take such a risk.

If it succeeds, Saudi Arabia will immediately become the most powerful country in the Middle East, and there is no one; there is no doubt about this. Sacrificing the happiness and future of a family to complete the whole country; it is estimated that members of the royal family know how to choose.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "If father-in-law wants to participate, of course it would be the best. The premise must be kept secret, and the required manpower must be absolutely trustworthy."

"At the same time, prepare the place. After all, our plan is huge; if there is no place, then we won't get much benefit."

Both are smart people, and many things are tacit. From Bao Zixuan's address, Prince Sultan knew that he had already regarded him as a trustworthy elder, and that he could discuss anything with his family.

Moreover, the separation of the Soviet Union is also an opportunity for Saudi Arabia. Follow behind the son-in-law, help out, provide some necessary support, and maybe drink some soup. Being able to drink the soup of such a powerful country, Saudi Arabia will become a giant in an instant, but it must be much stronger!

(end of this chapter)