Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1530: different voice

Chapter 1517 A Different Voice

The richest Bao also hesitated for a long time about whether to disclose information about the Soviet Union to Prince Sultan. Although the two parties have a close relationship, the cheap old man is a core member of the Saudi royal family after all; the third person in the country is likely to take over as the king of Saudi Arabia in the future. As far as he is concerned, Saudi Arabia's interests must be given priority, and then other interests.

But if the Saudi side is not prepared at all, then when the Soviet Union really disintegrates, it will inevitably fall into a passive position. The United States has become the only superpower in the world, and the big players in the Middle East are masters at the mercy of others.

The notification is also worried that the other party will not believe it, or disclose it to the Americans. People's hearts are separated from each other, except for themselves, maybe no one can be easily trusted.

But after a comprehensive analysis, it was decided to let Saudi Arabia make a preparation in advance. Unless it is absolutely necessary, Saudi Arabia should not destroy the relationship between the two parties; of course, the premise is that he should try to keep a low profile and not touch Saudi Arabia's bottom line. At the same time, Saudi Arabia has always considered itself a major country in the Middle East, and certainly does not want to be a junior to other countries. As long as Saudi Arabia has the determination to strengthen itself, then everything still has a chance.

And I, a cheap old man, can be regarded as a hardliner. But other members of the Saudi royal family may not be so tough. This was also the reason why Bao Zixuan hesitated. After all, in the previous life, Saudi Arabia fully supported the United States to attack Iraq; of course, this may be the need of international politics. But if it is replaced by Fujairah; Saudi Arabia may do the same thing for its own benefit.

In fact, in essence, the relationship between the Saudi royal family and the current president of Iraq used to be very good, because both Saudi Arabia and Iraq are Sunni countries and both face the threat of Iranian Shiites. Therefore, during the Iran-Iraq War, Saudi Arabia fully supported Iraq's attack on Iran and gave money and strength, which can be described as a honeymoon period.

But during the Iraq war in the previous life, Saudi Arabia spared no effort to support the United States. Although this aspect is intriguing, we can also find out some clues and reasons.

First, the ambitions of the Iraqi president. After the Iran-Iraq War, although Iraq won in name, its national strength was severely depleted. From the main creditor country before the war, it has become a debtor country after the war; and it still owes a lot of debts, and it has not got the seaport it wanted. So it invaded Kuwait; after occupying Kuwait, Iraq assembled a large number of troops on the border of Saudi Arabia, and had a great ambition to win Saudi Arabia in one go. Saudi Arabia is also very worried about this, and as the largest Sunni in the Gulf region, Saudi Arabia does not want to disrupt the existing state order in the Gulf, especially annexation. Therefore; Saudi Arabia completely broke with Iraq for its own safety.

Second, the boss battle. Saudi Arabia has always had a big dream, which is to become the boss of the Middle East. However, Iraq at that time was not only rich, but the Iraqi president, with the prestige of victory in the Iran-Iraq War, began to regard himself as the leader of the Middle East and the leader of a Sunni country. Moreover, the Iraqi president is also relatively tough with the outside world, which completely obscures Saudi Arabia's limelight. And Iraq becoming the new leader is unacceptable to Saudi Arabia anyway; so it is necessary to kill the Iraqi president, after all, one mountain cannot accommodate two tigers.

Finally, keep up with the United States. Saudi Arabia is the largest ally of the United States in the Middle East, and Saudi Arabia also relies on the blessing of the United States to maintain national stability and economic development. Otherwise, how could a monarchy country survive so well in the modern world. Perhaps the revolution had already broken out. therefore. In terms of foreign policy, Saudi Arabia basically follows the United States; the United States will support whatever it does. Especially for the Middle East, Saudi Arabia must keep pace with the United States; in this way, it can claim credit in front of its master and strengthen its relationship with the United States. Therefore, for Saudi Arabia, it is necessary to kill the Iraqi president.

Now the whole world knows that it is Baozixuan who occupies Fujairah. In the eyes of the world, the richest man or the President of Iraq; whichever is more threatening, it is estimated that many people will think it is the former. Iraq looks strong and strong, known as the fourth military power in the world. But its own military industry is in a mess. All cutting-edge weapons and equipment are imported, and it is estimated that only he dares to call his country the fourth military power in the world.

But Baozixuan is different. It can basically produce its own weapons and equipment; moreover, it is the most advanced existence in the world. In addition, through two wars, the world has already realized that this is a military power. Although there are no strategic weapons, but at the tactical level; with the same force, even the Americans dare not say that they are doing better than Fujairah.

Fujairah has no strategic weapons, and neither does Saudi Arabia. If there is a real battle with real swords and guns, it is estimated that Saudi Arabia will not be able to take advantage of it. After all, Oman, known as the second military power in the region, did not take a single round in front of Fujairah. Although Saudi Arabia is stronger than Oman in terms of military strength; but in terms of tactical thinking, weapons and equipment, the gap is not that big.

In other words, to besiege Fujairah, Saudi Arabia must dispatch several times, or even ten times more troops. Fujairah is likely to be another Israel in the Middle East, even more terrifying than Israel.

Now it is a close ally, but when it threatens Saudi Arabia's position in the Arab countries in the Middle East; then it may become an enemy. Bao Zixuan was also worried that Saudi Arabia would do the same to himself like it did against Iraq in the previous life. It is not impossible that Iraq invaded Kuwait; but Fujairah also seized a large piece of land from Oman. And it is still a critical throat. Even if Saudi Arabia has a lot of oil, it must be exported to foreign countries through the Fujairah waters.

The Persian Gulf belongs to Fujairah on one side and Iran on the other. Arab countries, of course, know how to choose. Then the stronger Fujairah is, the more serious threat it may be to neighboring countries.

They will all worry that Fujairah is too greedy for land, and they will not be able to control it at that time, and they will be unlucky at that time.

Iraq and Saudi Arabia are both Arabs, and their struggles are also internal conflicts within their own clans or sects. But Baozixuan definitely belonged to heretics. On the face of it, Sarah is the chief. All this seems to have no effect, Fujairah is still an Arab country. But anyone with a discerning eye understands that Arabs will definitely be in the minority of the people of Fujairah in the future.

In fact, there are already signs of this, but no one talks about it. This is why I learned that when Sharjah united with Oman to attack Fujairah; Abu Dhabi and Dubai did not stop it, and even seemed to enjoy it.

After all, the two of them are also worried, if Fujairah becomes a country dominated by Chinese and Slavs; then whether their land can be kept. Even if it still belongs to them now, who can say for sure in the future.

The father-in-law's statement today made Bao Shoufu very happy. Perhaps he also saw the problem and knew that there were different voices among the Saudi royal family; therefore, he decided to cooperate in private. For the time being, I don't want to involve the entire royal family, so I leave a room for maneuver.

Prince Sultan said very seriously: "There are too many members of the Saudi royal family, and the population is thriving; but it is not a good thing."

Of course Bao Zixuan understood what Prince Sultan meant, but this was an internal matter of the Saudi royal family; it was difficult for an outsider to make any comments.

Everyone in the world believes that Ibn Saud was a born conqueror, and he conquered Arabia with Riyadh as the center. In order to consolidate the rule, every time a tribe was conquered, a certain woman in the tribe was married; it is said that Ibn Saud married more than 300 times in his Before Ibn Saud died, in order to ensure the rule of the Saudi family Able to transition smoothly; the succession system of "brother ends up with brother" was established.

More marriages means more wives; then naturally there will be no fewer children. There will be a huge age difference between the eldest son and the youngest son. And each of the brothers has a feeling that they have a chance to be king. Then it is natural to want to have more children, which can be regarded as more helpers.

When there are more people, right and wrong will inevitably increase. And not everyone is comfortable looking at Baozixuan, and some of them inevitably have ulterior motives. Coupled with the fact that the US CIA is in Saudi Arabia, it can be said that it is pervasive. So as a prince, he must be the focus of attention. The working and service personnel around the royal family members may be receiving CIA salaries.

They are inseparable from each other, making many members of the royal family think that Baozixuan, Heiyun Group, and Fujairah will threaten the status of Saudi Arabia.

Today, my father-in-law said so, which shows that the worrying thing has happened. It seems that we still need to be careful, not to mention keeping a low profile; but at least we are not yet able to turn against Saudi Arabia. Perhaps this is also a growing process, allies are temporary.

To be able to stand among the strong in the world, one must be strong enough.

(end of this chapter)