Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1534: by conflict

Chapter 1521 With Conflict

Since there are such profound ethnic and religious contradictions, they can be fully utilized. And Bao Zixuan can basically confirm that Solomon's treasure is still hidden in Jerusalem. In the previous life, there were no relevant reports about finding the whereabouts of the treasure, whether it was Egypt, or the Solomon Islands; or any other place where the treasure might be hidden, there were no clues. With the shrewdness of the Jews, the treasure is not so easy to be snatched away so easily.

It's just that for various reasons, I didn't find it. After all, too many interests and historical issues are involved. Add a city, the capitals of two countries; at the same time, the two countries are still hostile countries. The time to find the treasure has never been very ripe.

Nasser was a radical member living in Jerusalem, and he was very uncomfortable seeing the suffering of Arabs. Therefore, I have always wanted to look good to the Jews, and I must make trouble for them.

Although he has high prestige in the clan and has manpower, he is seriously short of funds. Therefore, in terms of weapons and equipment, there is no comparison with the Israeli army. But today Nasser felt that either he met a liar, or it was his lucky day. An organization that claims to be a wealthy and powerful Arab organization actually found him; it expressed its willingness to provide weapons and equipment for it to fight against Israel in Jerusalem.

As for the so-called Arab rich and powerful organizations, I have never heard of it before. However, there is no need to be overly skeptical about the newly established organization.

Israel is known as the flat-headed brother in the Middle East, and its strength must not be underestimated. Therefore, on the Arab side, a new organization will be established every three to five times; although this is not conducive to the unification of thinking and the development of the organization. But it may also be very good to avoid Israel's recovery. After all, the tree attracts the wind, and many things must be prevented before they happen.

Although the opponent is obviously Arab, there are many things that have to be guarded against. If the Jews are planning behind it, then they will suffer a lot. It's not that Israel has never done it before, and Mossad is even more familiar with it.

But the other party's first meeting ceremony dispelled this idea. All the rifles and rocket launchers he needed were delivered; there was no perfunctory or discount at all. This rich and powerful Arab organization may really be helping Palestine hit. Even if the Israelis went fishing to enforce the law, they would not spend such a large amount of money.

The other party promised to give them a second batch of weapons and equipment, and the quantity is absolutely sufficient. But there is a prerequisite, and that is to shoot at Jerusalem. I don't know what the Arab rich and powerful organizations are capable of, but they actually delivered three 155-caliber howitzers.

You must know that this is a big guy, and here are the capitals of two countries. Being able to transport heavy firepower into the city under the eyes of the Israeli military can not help but make people wonder; what is the origin of this rich and powerful Arab organization in front of us.

The opponent's strength has been recognized, and the request is well-meaning, so roll up your sleeves and it's over.

So that night, three 155-caliber howitzers fired at the marked coordinate points. It can be said that it was very sudden, and the Israeli army was caught off guard. With such heavy firepower, it must be a large-scale attack. But it is destined to let it be used. After each artillery fired three rounds of shells, there was no movement.

But one thing I have to admit is that the Israeli army responded really quickly. The location of the artillery position was quickly calculated. But when the army came, all the personnel had already evacuated; there was no trace of nostalgia, let alone any clues left behind.

This shocked the Israeli high-level officials, how the three 155-caliber howitzers were transported to the city. If there is no internal response, no one will believe it.

At the same time, for the Palestinians who lack guns and ammunition, how can they give up such heavy firepower so easily. Is it just to drive a few guns into the city to feel at ease, what is it for, it is really confusing, it is purely sabotage. But is the price too high? There are too many mysteries to be solved.

Li Ergou did not expect that the opponent's so-called thunder was shelling. Although less effective, the principle is basically the same. And there are so many shelling echoes; with his ears, the space below is already familiar to his chest.

According to the judgment, start drawing the underground space. The drawings are very rough, but this is a general idea; the main purpose is to obtain treasures, not to repair the palace, so there is no need to be too precise.

At the same time, the core engineer of Heiyun Group began to optimize Li Ergou's drawings. At the same time, the surrounding environment and geological structure are systematically analyzed. Since you want to do it, you must ensure that nothing goes wrong.

The Israeli side was very annoyed that the shelling was too sudden; the murderer didn't worry about weapons and equipment at all, so they didn't catch any of them. Is it possible to directly eliminate the Arabs now, or look for them from house to house; that would make things worse. The most important technology of the Arabs is really not very good. Although the shells were fired at the holy places of Judaism, they all fell on the open ground and had little impact.

In fact, this is also related to the charge, deliberately using yellow gunpowder that is less powerful; the purpose is not to shake the foundation of Solomon's temple site. Li Ergou only needs to be louder and be able to hear the echo, and he doesn't have high requirements for other aspects.

If the shell is too powerful, it is likely to cause damage to the geological structure; if it really blows out the secret passage of Joya, the treasure will really have nothing to do with Baozixuan.

The Israelis did not retaliate wildly because of the shelling, in their view; the first task now is to understand the situation clearly. Who on earth has such a great ability to be able to transport three heavy artillery to the territory of Jerusalem. If the root cause is not found, there will be endless troubles. As the capital of a country, even in name. The head of state must also come here often, otherwise it would not make sense at all.

If they are bombarded at this time, they will suffer heavy In order to find out the exact information, Mossad almost all dispatched, the purpose is to find out the bombers. And this matter has to be done in secret, so that the other party can bring heavy weapons in without knowing it. If it is stated that there is no inner ghost in Israel, no one will believe it.

However, Nasser's actions made the other party feel incredible. After all, in their hearts, it seemed that they had no influence other than themselves that could make such a big commotion in Jerusalem.

At this moment, Yassin, the founder of Hamas, felt very strange. If his subordinates planned to attack the Israeli army, it is impossible not to report in advance. But the bombardment took place in Jerusalem, and no one other than Hamas has such a great ability.

Being able to use heavy artillery shows the strength of the opponent, but it is not weak at all. This made him very curious, and at the same time, calculations appeared in his heart.

At this time, Yassin really wanted to meet the hero who bombarded Jerusalem. The bombing locations were all so-called holy places of Judaism. From this point of view, the opponent can be regarded as an Arab hero.

Thinking that the Israeli side will retaliate wildly, members of the Nasser family are very low-key at the moment. Almost all of them are hidden, for them; perhaps today is the most fulfilling day in their lives so far. From the bottom of my heart, I will also be grateful to the country that can provide it with weapons and equipment. After all, it is these countries that give themselves the opportunity to become the pride of the country and the people!

(end of this chapter)