Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1536: action begins

It was another dark and stormy night, and the so-called Arab rich and powerful organization found Nasser again, indicating that if they want to get more assistance. Jerusalem must be attacked. The bottom line is to create chaos in the Israeli-occupied area. In order to be able to achieve his goal, the richest man Bao also spent a lot of money. Shipping weapons from outside to Jerusalem can cost more than the weapons themselves. That is to say, he is rich and powerful, and he doesn't care about the cost; if it were someone else, he would definitely not dare to play like this.

Although he didn't understand what the other party meant, but he could cause trouble for the Jews and get a large amount of weapons and equipment. For Nasser, there might not be any more cost-effective deal than this.

As for the purpose of the Arab rich and powerful organizations, Nasser also had doubts. But with his IQ, he couldn't think of a reason at all. It's not as good as it is now, doing things according to other people's requirements. Equipment that they didn't even dare to think about before, can now be easily used. From this point, it is not difficult to see that this organization is really capable. And it definitely belongs to the category of friends, otherwise who would spend money to make trouble for themselves.

You must know that this is Jerusalem, the place where the Jewish inspection is the strictest. If you can do this, if you have a little less ability, you will definitely not be able to do it. This time the richest man is ready to play a big one, although the fighting mole moves fast. But it is still easy to be discovered, after all, there are many earthquake monitoring equipment now.

Therefore, if you want to enter Solomon's temple, you must cause chaos in Jerusalem; of course, nothing can create more chaos than armed conflict. As long as it attracts the attention of the Jews, then doing anything will become very convenient!

After hundreds of batches, the combat mole was finally transported to Palestine. That is to say, the inspection here is not very strict. If it is placed in other countries, it is unimaginable.

In a huge cave that had been prepared long ago, a large crane began to hoist the parts into the ground one by one. After all, this thing is too big. Even if the Americans don't care about it, there are still many military satellites on it. Maybe at any time, there will be one passing by the head, which can be regarded as a precautionary measure.

In about a week, all the work is ready. Bao Zixuan also came to Palestine from Saudi Arabia. In order to deceive others, he stayed in Fujairah for two days before returning to Saudi Arabia. In the eyes of Americans, this kid is accompanying Princess Aisha who has just given birth. This made the monitoring agents only envious.

Whoever made them so rich can get any kind of woman they want. I can only say that I don't have that ability, maybe this is the gap.

Regarding Bao Zixuan's romantic affair, it is considered an open secret in the Middle East. Everyone feels nothing about it; a man with ability, wealth, and good looks is the most important thing but still so young; is it possible that his wife is holding back her pregnancy? I guess no one can do it. Perhaps capable men have all kinds of excuses for cheating!

Although he is in Palestine now, American agents still believe that he has been staying in the villa. The main reason is that the disguise was so good that even the Saudi royal family didn't know that Bao Zixuan had left.

After 3 months of preparation, everything is ready. Now let's see if Nasser's chess piece is strong and can create opportunities for action.

But one thing is lucky, the climate in Palestine is too dry; there is no water source at a depth of 60 meters underground. In other places, it is simply impossible.

With the money and weapons in his hands, Nasser now has confidence in his heart. Not to mention creating chaos in Jerusalem, even attacking Tel Aviv feels like it can do it.

However, just to be on the safe side, he informed Hamas chief Yassin of the plan before taking action; after all, having more staff means more chances of success. And the armed forces in Palestine are also ready. As long as there is chaos in Jerusalem, they are ready to go to support at any time.

Whether it is day or night; Israeli soldiers patrol the streets of Jerusalem. If the safety factor of global cities is ranked, Jerusalem is definitely on the list. It is estimated that it is either the last one or the second last one. After all, the relationship here is too complicated, enough to cause headaches for the United Nations.

Although the Palestinians are not well equipped, they often engage in sneak attacks and create chaos. Therefore, the Israeli army is hard to defend against. However, this has also exercised the combat ability of Israeli soldiers in disguise, which is worthy of their individual soldier quality; it can definitely rank in the forefront of the world.

This time the Israeli side did not expect that the Arabs had so many advanced weapons and equipment. Last time, the three howitzers were very old objects; they were produced in Germany during World War II. And there are obvious traces of burial, maybe it was the weapons and equipment left by the Germans back then, which happened to be found by the Palestinians. After investigating around and finding no clues, he voluntarily gave up.

Purchasing advanced weapons and equipment requires a lot of money. Although there are many wealthy owners in Arab countries, they will not blatantly support militants. Going against Israel will never end well. It's just that no one would have thought that this time supporting the militants was a rich local tyrant.

According to the agreed time, Nasser immediately organized his men to attack the Israeli soldiers patrolling the city. Just want to catch the opponent by surprise.

This happened so often that the Israeli army quickly fought back. However, this kind of scene was being staged in various parts of Jerusalem, and soon the city became chaotic.

The Israeli side also found that the army seems to be insufficient. But the Jews had already planned, and the troops stationed in the surrounding areas quickly gathered in the city. Although I am puzzled as to why the Palestinians suddenly launched an offensive. But the enemy has already hit the door. If you don't fight back violently, it is definitely not the style of the Jews.

In this way, the two sides began to fight in various urban areas of Jerusalem, and the scene became very big. And because it was a street fight, they didn't dare to use heavy firepower.

The sound of gunshots and rocket explosions can still serve as a good cover. Let Heiyun Group's plan be implemented smoothly.

He Xiaobo personally led the team to control the battle mole, probably no one is more familiar with this thing than him. The old Maozi's engineer had nothing to hide, and the battle mole started smoothly and moved forward quickly.

In one day, the fighting mole finally opened up the passage.

As for why it's so slow, it's not because the combat mole advances slowly. The main thing is to put; then the insiders of the fighting mole must be buried.

A magnificent palace appeared in front of everyone. Bao Zixuan did not go down, in case of a landslide, everyone would not be able to Therefore, for the subordinates, as long as they participate in it, everyone can get a basic bonus of 100,000 US dollars, and the rest depends on their contributions. In short, after this job is done, many people can make a lot of money.

In order to achieve fast transportation; engineers and technicians began to lay tracks and erect lights in the tunnel. Many gold and silver products need to be moved. The rail cars had been hard-prepared inside the sand mining area a long time ago, and it was just in time for them to come in handy.

At the same time, Bao Zixuan was also lamenting that Soviet technology should not be underestimated. The fighting mole is definitely a sharp tool for digging the ground. If you want to make trouble at this time, it is estimated that Jerusalem will be very dangerous.

As for the fighting in the city, it seems that there is a tendency to intensify. Although the Israeli army has higher combat literacy, it does not seem to have an advantage in terms of numbers. How do you say that the Arabs are the most numerous existence on this land.

Before heavy firepower was used, the two sides fought evenly.

Bao Zixuan can't control what's going on in the city, although he doesn't know whether it's right to start a war for no reason in order to get what he wants. , One will be successful, and the bones will be wiped out, not to mention that the two sides have their own conflicts, which are just intensified in advance. At present, I can only comfort myself continuously, and there is no other good way.

The excavation work still needs to continue, otherwise it will really be a waste of time.

For the sake of safety, Zhang Zhan also came to Palestine with his confidants; people's hearts are separated from each other, and if someone has any evil thoughts, then there will be a big mess. In fact, Bao Zixuan was also worried that if someone leaked the news, he must be unlucky in the end. As for killing everyone, it is not realistic.

Unless you are invincible, you really can't do it; at present, you can only control it as much as possible. Those who participated will all be transferred away. At most it can continue to serve in the Fujairah Army. Anyway, Israel will not stay any longer, and only hopes to reduce the risk of leakage as much as possible.