Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1552: top bag man

Chapter 1539

A bonfire party makes the relationship between each other more familiar. And after contacting in the past month, I found that Bao Zixuan was the same as the rumors. He never interfered with the work of his subordinates, and he didn't have much time to come to the cave. Except for the first day, I came here when I found the gold plate and the holy grail of Solomon's temple drawings. Although the rest of the time is on the island, he is busy with his own work; in fact, it is easy to understand, after all, he is a top engineer.

Maybe he is designing some kind of technological product, and maybe he can surprise the world in the future. It's no wonder that at such a young age, he can build such a big business from scratch; just this kind of courage, most people don't have it. You must know that it does not say that every cultural relic is priceless, but at least one of them is a museum-level collection.

It is estimated that there are really few people in the world who can handle it with confidence.

Professor Nishapur suddenly said: "Mr. Bao, I have an unfeeling request. I wonder if you can take me around the Persian Gulf after the press conference is over. I think you should know what I mean. Although I have already left at the age of 3, but I can come back, I still want to see what my hometown looks like."

As a former royal family of a country, it can also be said to be a down and out prince. Given the current domestic situation in Iran, it must be inconvenient to go back. But looking at it across the sea is also a thought.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Of course there is no problem. I will arrange a ship for you to take a good look at when the time comes. If necessary, I can communicate with the Iranian side, and maybe I can go back and have a look."

Nishapur was not surprised to agree to this simple request; after all, this request was not too much. But it's very rare to go back and have a look.

With the current situation and system in Iran, it is really not so suitable for him to go back. But if the other party can say it, he must have absolute confidence.

Although because of the Iraqi bombing incident, Iran once considered Bao Zixuan a confidant and enemy. But the cooperation between the two parties is very good now; and if they want to develop the economy and advance in technology in the future, they really need to rely on Bao Shoufu.

At the same time, if the two countries unite, the entire Persian Gulf can be blocked in an instant. That way, no matter who it is, they have to show face.

In fact, Bao Zixuan still has some confidence in saying this. If it is a member of the royal family of the Pahlavi Dynasty, because the time for abdication is still short; there are still many remaining forces in the country to support, maybe the Iranian side will have scruples.

A member of the royal family of the Qajar Dynasty, it has been too far to leave the country. It is estimated that the youngest person who can remember them should be 70 years old. Those who were really in power back then, unless they lived to be 100 years old, no one would know about them.

Although the Iranians are crazy, they are not crazy. Of course, they know how to increase their influence and let more famous people speak for them. As a former member of the royal family, Nishapur is now a university professor. It can be said that the status and status are very suitable. If he can win his support, it will also be of great benefit to the improvement of the country's image.

Bao Zixuan can really communicate well, and if he goes back to Iran, his safety must be guaranteed. It is really an opportunity, so Nishapur said excitedly: "It would be best if there is an opportunity, but don't force it too much."

Professor Nishapur definitely contributed the most to the identification of the treasure this time. The other five people absolutely agree with this statement, at least in terms of the knowledge reserve of Middle East history and humanities, they are much better than them. The old man explained many problems very clearly, but it saved Bao Zixuan a lot of trouble.

The rationality of the treasure still needs to rely on others; therefore, of course, some sweetness must be given.

When Bao Zixuan and others were cleaning up cultural relics on the small island, the staff of the Black Cloud Group were not idle. They are sending out invitation letters, and there are a lot of journalists invited this time; as long as they are influential media from all over the world, they are basically invited.

Of course, there are also points of focus. Israeli domestic media, Jewish-controlled news organizations, and Roman newspapers invited a lot of invitations. Although everyone is a little confused, no organization will refuse an invitation from the Heiyun Group.

The richest man Bao, who disappeared for a long time, is finally ready to come out. And it was a big deal when he appeared on the stage, unexpectedly inviting so many news organizations at the same time. You must know that Bao Shoufu is definitely not a person who is aimless, such a big movement; there must be some achievements or discoveries that shocked the world to be announced to the outside world.

Angela Rothschild has been in Jerusalem for a while, during which time she called Bao Zixuan, who said she was busy. It will not appear in the public eye in a short time, I hope you can understand. The woman didn't say anything about it. After all, the relationship between the two is just lovers, and it's not that solid at all.

And she is also a woman who knows how to advance and retreat, but when a man tells you that he is very busy, maybe there is something wrong. But more is that they don't want to be disturbed. If you can't even see this, it will only make people annoying.

But since he came to Jerusalem, he must not return empty-handed. She also wanted to take a good look at Temple Mountain. Although it is not clear whether the method Bao Zixuan said is feasible, he can give it a try.

And he would not invite any grave robbers, this method is really unimaginable. For the Rothschild family, there is absolutely no shortage of modern detection tools.

But what Angela Rothschild didn't know was that all her actions were under the monitoring of Israel's Mossad. The last two times were really unbelievable, and there must be powerful forces behind them. Otherwise, how could the Palestinians get so many advanced weapons and equipment, and even got three 155-caliber howitzers.

Although it was produced in Germany during World War II, its power is not comparable to ordinary rifles. Moreover, the Palestinians not only have heavy artillery, but also many other advanced light weapons and equipment. With the capabilities of the Palestinians, it is definitely impossible to transport them in. There is a high possibility of help from one's own people, so the Mossad has been very strict in monitoring Jerusalem recently. The top management puts a lot of pressure on them. With so much funds allocated every year, they must make some achievements.

Now not only are there no results, but nothing has been found. As one of the four major intelligence organizations in the world, Mossad cannot afford to lose this person

Miss Rothschild is here at this time; the Israeli side will definitely have doubts about what she intends to do. When they saw this young lady carrying equipment to explore the temple mountain, the Israeli executives were very upset.

The Rothschild family has been spying on Solomon's Temple on Temple Mount for more than a day or two. Could it be that they deliberately support the Palestinians and cause trouble for their own people?

No one dares to excavate the current Temple Mountain with great fanfare. There are not only the ruins of Solomon's temple, but also many famous buildings in the world. If you don't want to intensify the conflict, you must not act rashly. The situation is relatively stable now, coupled with the increasing military strength of Arab countries.

If Israel really dares to attack Temple Mountain, then the only thing waiting for them is war. Even though they have never been afraid of war, no one wants to take the initiative to provoke troubles.

Iraq has a stealth bomber in its hands, and it would definitely be uncomfortable to give them a casual shot.

Miss Rothschild, who thinks she is very secretive, doesn't know yet; her every move is under surveillance.

The news was quickly reported to the Prime Minister's Office of Israel, and Yitzhak Shamir was very excited when he learned about it. But when it comes to the Rothschild family, there are many things that are difficult to explain; after all, this family has made great contributions and support to Israel; and everyone is Jewish, so it is not easy to make the relationship stalemate.

There is no way but to consult with the current President Chaim Herzog.

Israel is a parliamentary state, and the parliament is the highest authority; the president is the symbolic head of state, and his functions are basically ceremonial.

Even if there is any dissatisfaction with the Rothschild family; but to communicate with them, it is best for the president to come forward. As soon as the prime minister spoke, it meant that there was basically no room for relaxation.

Yitzhak Shamir: "The matter about Jerusalem is basically certain; intelligence shows that there is a shadow of the Rothschild family behind Angela Rothschild is currently active in the Temple Hill generation, Looks like he's looking for something."

"It is estimated that they want to take advantage of the chaos in Jerusalem to create convenient conditions for their own actions. Although the Rothschild family has made great contributions to the establishment of Israel, they should not be above the law, let alone harm the interests of the nation!"

"The data show that their family has been active in Temple Mountain since the 1930s. Maybe they have clues about the ruins of Solomon's Temple, or know where Joah's secret passage is."

"But he just didn't say anything. It's clear that he wants to take the cultural relics of Solomon's Temple as his own, or has other ulterior secrets."

Mossad also wants to find someone who is responsible for the blame. Seeing Angela Rothschild coming with equipment at this time, he must put the **** bowl on her head.

In fact, I also blamed myself for not listening to the old man's words. The old Rothschild told her; the current situation in the Middle East is very reviewing, and it is not suitable to make too many small moves there. So it's good to go around in the past, the most important thing is to understand the trend of Baozixuan.

But the eldest lady felt that she could do it, so she brought people and equipment to Jerusalem. It happened to be caught by someone, and it can be said that Bao Zixuan was blamed for it invisibly.

(end of this chapter)