Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1554: family decision

In recent times, the old Rothschild has not been feeling very well. I used to think that I was getting older and my body might not be as good as before. But after a detailed inspection, it was found that everything was normal. This made him have a bad premonition. The last time this happened, the family suffered a lot. Could it be that something happened recently, but after thinking about it for a while, I still have no clue; I can only keep comforting myself, hoping that it feels wrong!

But the more afraid of something, the more it comes. When I received the call from Haim Herzog, I was a little surprised at first. Does the Israeli side need the Rothschilds to do something, or encounter other difficulties.

It is not impossible that no one dares to deny the status of the Rothschild family among the Jews. In fact, they also have the idea of ​​building a country, and as time goes by; this idea is getting stronger and stronger.

Bao Zixuan, a businessman who has only made his fortune for a few years, can get things done. Their family has been prosperous for 200 years, is there anything they can't do.

In fact, the establishment of the Rothschild family has long been put on the agenda. It was only because there were too many family members and different ideas that they were not finally implemented.

The core members believe that if you want to build a country, you should be in Europe. After all, Europe was the world's economic and technological center at the time; if you go elsewhere, the family will naturally decline.

Some family members believe that this situation is very good now; if the family becomes a royal family, it will not gain the trust and support of the royal families of other countries.

Since the middle of the 19th century, the Luo family has been the guests of high society in various countries. With the gentrification, the postal system within their family has also become the courier for the dignitaries of various countries. Relying on the family network and Hebrew encryption, this efficient and confidential system is popular among the upper echelons. People such as Queen Victoria and the Prime Minister of Austria are their loyal users. Even before the outbreak of World War II, dignitaries from various countries would use this channel to exchange some important opinions with each other.

Looking at the status of the Rothschild family in the political and business circles of Europe in the 19th century, later generations dubbed them as the "sixth empire" in Europe at that time after the British Empire, Germany, France, Austria-Hungary, and Russia. However, their counterparts prefer to call them "world-class feed pumps". Because the Roche family is more of a middleman, providing services to the capital holders and demanders.

The royal houses of Europe, trust them and let the Rothschilds help with many things. That's because they are just a businessman. Although this businessman does a lot of business, it is not a big threat to the country and the throne. If the Rothschild family becomes the royal family, then it will compete with other European countries; who would dare to trust them unconditionally.

Some family members believed that they should return to Jerusalem. With the strength of the Rothschild family, things can definitely be done. You must know that the founder of Saudi Arabia at the time, Ibn Saud initially started with more than 40 families. Although it has a lot to do with my bravery, courage, and identity. However, it cannot be denied how weak the combat effectiveness of the Middle East countries is.

It would definitely be easier for the Rothschilds to establish a state in Jerusalem than in Israel. After all, no oil was found in the Middle East countries at that time, and the weapons and equipment were very primitive. Organise a large Jewish army in Europe, surrounding Arab countries; absolutely nothing can be done against them.

It is because there are too many family members and opinions are not unified. As a result, there was no unified opinion, and the founding of the country was delayed.

The third son of the family founder, Meyer, Nathan, was the first to leave Germany and opened a branch in 1800. The other four sons also showed their skills in various European countries. They watched and helped each other in different countries and were later known as the "Roche Five Tigers".

Therefore, there are five core members of Roche, and there are countless other branches. After 200 years of development, the family members are estimated to be only a little less than the Saudi royal family.

Although the old Rothschild was the patriarch, many things had to pass through the council of elders. Everyone represents different interests, and they have their own little ninety-nine; it is very difficult to twist them together.

The old Rothschild said with a smile: "Your Excellency, I don't know what the Rothschild family needs to do this time."

The tone of the old guy made Haim Herzog a little uncomfortable. Although he called himself the president, he didn't show much respect from his tone. And calling him by himself, is it to ask the Rothschild family to help. It seems that the old boy feels really good about himself and thinks that everyone who calls him is asking for help.

How to say that he is also a head of state, is it a little arrogant to talk to himself like this.

Haim-Herzog: "Mr. Rothschild, everyone is a friend. And they are all Jewish. No one can contribute to the establishment of Israel and the development of the Rothschild family. Ignore it. But please pay attention to one point, things should not go too far, let alone harm the interests of the Jewish nation."

Hearing the other party said that he has done things too much and harmed the interests of the Jewish nation; it made the old Rothschild feel inexplicable. When has the Roche family harmed the interests of the Jewish people? Isn't this a frame-up!

The old Rothschild said very seriously: "President Herzog, I don't know what you mean. If there is anything, let's just say it directly. Everyone is Jewish, so there is no need to hide it."

Hearing that the old guy was still stubborn, it was obvious that he was pretending to be confused.

In fact, from the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to tear his face with the Rothschild family. But now it has reached this point, if the other party still can't stop. Then, for the long-term interests of the Jewish nation, a choice must be made.

Perhaps this choice is not his own intention, and it is not good news for the entire nation. But in order to survive, Israel has no choice.

Haim Herzog: "Some time ago, Jerusalem was bombarded and rioted. I think Your Excellency should know. As for who planned it, it should be clear. I don't want to say more here, because it is meaningless to say it thoroughly. "

"Miss Rothschild is currently exploring the Temple Mount generation, don't say it's her personal intention."

"What I want to say is that the situation is very complicated. The Arabs are of course aware of the fact that Mossad can find her! Every Jew in Solomon's Temple wants to find her, but they must pay attention to the method. At present, the military strength of Arab countries is not large. Weak, if Israel provoked the war, it would be untenable in the international community.”

Who is the old Rothschild? He doesn't talk about human beings; but if he speaks so clearly, he still doesn't understand, so he won't be allowed to serve as the head of the family. Haim-Herzog made it clear that the bombardment of Jerusalem was planned by the Rothschild family. Isn't this wrong!

But I don't dare to deny it completely. The granddaughter has always wanted to make some achievements; it is likely that she participated in the planning.

Before, she was asked to go to Jerusalem to keep a low profile, but she did not expect to go to Temple Mountain to probe at this time. Isn't this not arrogant to make people misunderstand!

But now that something has happened, it must be investigated.

If it is true that family members are involved in the planning, they must give an account to Israel and all Jews. If it was planned by someone else, he must be found out, and the Rothschild family must not suffer injustice.

Old Rothschild: "I don't know what I'm saying You may not believe it. But this matter will definitely give an account to the Jewish people. I will go to Jerusalem in person, and after I understand the specific situation , will come to find you."

Hearing that the old guy was coming in person was incredible to Haim Herzog. Could it be that the Luo family really didn't participate, or that someone below did it secretly, and the old guy didn't know about it.

In order to be concerned about the influence, the old Rothschild really did not come to Israel very often. After all, the main body of Rothschild is still in the UK and always comes to Israel, so the UK will definitely have great opinions. It's okay to want to help your fellow clan, but you must keep a low profile. Family patriarchs always go to other countries; England is not comfortable, and is sure to trouble you.

Completely avoidable trouble, no one wants to be targeted.

After the two hung up the phone, the old Rothschild decided to call his granddaughter first and hold an internal family meeting at the same time.

This matter is a bit strange, and the Solomon Temple understands it well; but the fact that the Palestinians bombarded Jerusalem is also blamed on the Roche family, so it is somewhat unreasonable.

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