Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1561: Gather in Fucaira IV

Although the expressions are different, there is still too much information about the treasure, but it is necessary to ask carefully. But everyone understands that the first thing to do is to confirm what the treasure is. Since it is a treasure trove of the Assassin sect, why has no one discovered it for so many years. Even if it can be endured, it is impossible to leave it for a thousand years.

"Le Monde", Iran's influential daily newspaper in Persian. Founded in 1941 by Senator Mustafa Mesbach Zadeh. After the Iranian Revolution in 1979, it was taken over by the "Poor People's Foundation". It is the largest newspaper group in Iran, led by a six-member editorial board. Published every afternoon, 12 editions, with a daily circulation of 350,000 copies.

It's arguably the most influential Persian newspaper at the moment, and it's their turn to ask questions.

The Le Monde reporter stood up and asked, "If it is the treasure of the Assassin sect, why didn't they take it out."

In fact, many people, including Iranians, do not want to mention the Assassin sect, so not many people know about it. Unless they are professionals who really study history, ordinary people know very little. After all, being an assassin is not a glorious thing in itself. Coupled with the current situation in Iran, no one will report them; most importantly, they will not dare.

Bao Zixuan: "Professor Nishapur is more clear about this question, and he will answer the question next."

At present, the United States has been in a state of sanctions against Iran, and inviting Iranian media to come here is also taking a certain risk. But in this treasure excavation process, Professor Nishapur contributed the most. And a lot of unreasonable places have been made up by him. In addition, he also promised that the other party would help to apply for a trip back to Iran, so he must show some sincerity first.

Inviting the Iranian media is one of them, and it is also an expression of goodwill to the Iranian side. After all, the two countries face each other across the sea. If the relationship is not done well, with Fucaira's current strength, it is not necessarily an opponent. Even if it is won, it is estimated that there may be nothing left in domestic buildings.

Hearing the familiar Persian language, Professor Nishapur was very excited. The old man who has not returned to China for more than 60 years suddenly hears the voice of his hometown, and his mood can be imagined.

Nishapur said a little excitedly: "The Assassins have been regarded as a heresy of the sect since its establishment, and the castle they live in is also called "The Eagle's Nest". The founder Sabah, known as The old man in the mountains; but he himself is not a strong swordsman, but he relies on his own thoughts and ideas to establish the supreme authority within the Assassin faction. All religious members take Sabah himself as the supreme leader, and those who violate the will of the leader will be for everyone spurned, until the body perished."

"Although the Assassins live in the deep mountains, they do not make a living by hunting and grazing. Their main "money" channel is to engage in assassinations and receive protection money. How fierce are the Assassins, they blatantly extort money The Arab Empire, killing people without paying for protection."

"In 1251, Mungo met with Shamstin, the Chancellor of Qazvin; seeing him wearing chainmail, he felt strange and asked him why. The Chancellor told him that he was wearing chainmail to guard against Asa. The killer of the Xin faction, and told the bad deeds of these people to Meng Ge."

"In addition to the extortion of the Mongols by the Assasin sect in the past, Meng Ge finally made up his mind to destroy the Assassin sect who disrespected the Mongolian Khan. In terms of murder, who would dare to say that he can surpass the Mongolians! An assassin sect that doesn't even have an army."

"In 1256, Xu Ligu led the Mongolian iron cavalry across the Amu Darya River and advanced to Persia on the order of Meng Ge; established the Ilkhanate in Persia and Iraq. to keep his life safe.”

"The last old man in the mountains, Rukhnaddin, was shocked by the might of the Mongolian army, and he led all his men to surrender. After Hulagu collected their weapons, he ordered the destruction of the castle stronghold; and killed all the Assassins, not even the children. Let go."

"In this way, the Assassin faction, the Assassin group that has been raging in Eurasia for nearly 200 years, was destroyed. However, although Hulagu did things relatively neatly at the time, there were still some people who performed tasks outside and were not caught in one sweep, some ordinary people. The assassin escaped anyway."

"But the fish that slip through the net are not core members. For such a huge treasure, the insider must be the core person. That is to say, no one in the Assassin sect knows the whereabouts of these treasures at all; those who do know have already become dead. ."

"I think you should know the style of the Mongolians. They are all masters of killing people without blinking an eye. Therefore, not only this batch of treasures, after investigation, it was found that many treasures of the Assassin sect were not found."

"Although the Mongols scavenged a lot of gold and silver treasures in the castle back then, they were nothing compared to the two hundred years of accumulation of the Assassin sect. It's just that some of these treasures were discovered, and some were submerged in the long river of history. "

"As for this batch of treasures, it's because it's too troublesome to transport them back; maybe there's selfishness at work."

"The Assassin sect had sent someone to assassinate Saladin before; although the alliance eliminated the Crusaders and occupied Jerusalem. But the estrangement between the two sides is difficult to eliminate."

"It is estimated that the old man in the mountain also knows that even if the protection is tight, there must be Saladin spies in the castle. If he sees so many gold and silver treasures brought back, then Saladin will definitely be dissatisfied."

"After all, whether the Crusaders or the army in Jerusalem, it is mainly the Saladin army that is attacking. The Assassin sect is only responsible for the assassination of core members, although the credit is not small; but if they share too much treasure, they will not let the Arabs People are convinced."

"And this time they also excavated Solomon's Temple, and even found the legendary secret passage of Joah; and brought back the golden ark. If the Jews knew it, it would be an endless situation. Therefore, for their own safety, at the same time also Don't want to make Saladin and the Jews suspicious; decided to hide the loot halfway through. And have to admit, the caves we found on the island. Naturally a great place to hide, Middle East; Find a better place than where."

"At the same time, I can tell you responsibly that these are not speculations. Instead, we found several parchment scrolls in the cave at the same time. The contents were written in the secret language of the Persian royal family, which detailed the origin of the treasure and the entire incident. ."

Hearing that there was still such a tortuous story, the reporters at the scene also fell into contemplation. Persian culture has always been known for its mystery, and outsiders really don't know it very well.

The person in front of him is definitely an authoritative figure in Persian culture and historical research; at least in the field of Persian culture, no one dares to say that he is more proficient than him.

The origin of the treasure has been introduced very clearly. For Bao Zixuan to achieve this effect, he must not be suspected by the Israeli side.

Before, the Jews always believed that the relics of Solomon's Temple and the golden Ark of the Covenant had been stored in Israel, under the ruins of Solomon's Temple, that is, in the secret passage of Joah.

Now that it has been discovered directly in the Persian Gulf, anyone can accept it.

Roosevelt once said that the fate of the United States is determined by only more than 200 companies, and only six or seven Jews control these companies. This statement reflects President Roosevelt's concern that it is not a good thing for a small group to gain so much influence. Today, the Jewish influence has become greater, and they control not only Wall Street, but also many other key areas through capital operations.

Therefore, if you can not sin, you should not conflict with the Jewish community. Now this result is very good, at least there is no doubt that he has personally excavated the ruins of Solomon's Dingding.

Arab News was founded in Jeddah on 20 April 1975 by Hisham Hafez and his brother Mohammad Hafez.

Because of the support of the royal family, although the establishment time is still short; but in the Middle East, it is already quite influential. At present, there is no media organization in Fucaira; but this is the Middle East after all, and the mood of the Arabs must be taken care of. Therefore, it is reasonable to invite the Saudi media.

The news reporter stood up and asked, "May I ask why there are so many Arabic artifacts in the treasure."

The Assassin sect fought together with Saladin, so even the Arabs were robbed; Saladin just looked at it, and those who did not understand would of course be puzzled.

Bao Zixuan: "Professor McGide will give a specific answer to this matter."

After making a gesture, Mejid said very seriously: "As for why there are so many Arab cultural relics in the treasure, it is easy to understand. Jerusalem has been a prosperous place for commerce and trade since ancient times, so where do Arabs, Persians and Jews live? . Unlike Saladin's army who had to live in Jerusalem; the Assassins knew that they couldn't stay here for long."

"After all, the great Saladin won't allow it, so you can only do your best to **** the property. The Arabs in the city will definitely not dare to attack. The Persians are of the same clan, and they will not directly **** it."

"Then the final result can only be that the Jews are unlucky, so these Arab cultural relics, including Persian cultural relics, were all robbed from the hands of the Jews. There are clear records on these parchment scrolls, Mr. Bao Zixuan has agreed to publish the specific content, and we will discuss later. It is reflected in papers and books.”

This made the Jews at the scene very unhappy, what is the bad luck of the Jews. The ancestors were too difficult, and at the same time they understood that without a strong national defense, they could only be the masters who were slaughtered by others.
