Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1562: Gather in Fucaira 5

All were intrigued by the parchment mentioned. This is the best proof of history. After all, the destruction and destructive power of the Mongols to civilization is too terrifying. As a result, the historical data of the Assassin sect is very scarce, it can be said that there is almost no. These few parchment scrolls brought people to that **** era, and at the same time they could better study that period of history.

It can be said that this information is more important than any cultural relics for Middle Eastern countries. Although Iran does not pay attention to any history now, it also wants to know how powerful Persia was in history. As for the Arabs, I also want to know clearly how Saladin captured Jerusalem and defeated the Jews.

As for the Jews, although they wanted to get the relics of Solomon's Temple and the golden ark of the covenant, they also wanted to find out. What exactly did the Assassin sect do to Jerusalem back then, where was Joah’s secret path, and what secrets were there?

Fortunately, Professor McGidd's answer still satisfied the reporter. After all, it will be reflected in papers and books next. In other words, they have obtained the exclusive authorization of Bao Zixuan, and it is estimated that after the book is published, it will inevitably push the Middle East culture to a whole new level.

At present, the ins and outs of the treasure have been basically figured out. It was the cultural relic that Saladin fought against the Crusaders and the Assassins took the opportunity to **** it back. However, the issue of the ownership of cultural relics is a very difficult thing to do.

These relics originally belonged to the Jews and should belong to Israel. But 1,000 years ago, it was brought back to the Persian Gulf by Assassin. The location of the discovery did belong to the territory of Fucaira; and the discoverer was also from Fucaira. So no matter from which aspect, the issue of the ownership of cultural relics is not controversial.

But those are the relics of Solomon's Temple and the golden ark of the covenant. If they are really put in Fujairah, the Arab country; it is estimated that the Jews all over the world will not accept it. Of course, the same is true for Europeans. The Holy Grail has been lost for thousands of years; now that it has been found, it must be brought back to the Vatican.

The UNIDROIT Convention on Stolen or Illegally Exported Cultural Objects will not be negotiated until 10 years later; even after it comes into force, many countries will not abide by it. If it is really implemented in accordance with this convention, it is estimated that there are so-called four major museums in the world; there are basically no objects that can be exhibited.

Although Bao Zixuan looked very kind, it was because he did not violate his core interests. If you don't pay anything, you will forcibly ask for cultural relics, and it is estimated that the other party will never agree.

It seems that there is no reason to attack Fucaira directly. Moreover, this kid has a very good relationship with the Soviets, and it will not end well at that time.

"The New York Times", sometimes referred to as "The Times", is a daily newspaper published in New York, USA. It is distributed around the world and has considerable influence. It is the representative of high-level American newspapers and serious publications, and has long enjoyed good credibility and authority. . It is also sometimes jokingly referred to as the "Gray Lady" due to its classic and serious style. Its original name was The New York Daily Times, and its founders were Henry Jarvis Raymond and George Jones.

The owner of this newspaper is Jewish; and the reporters sent this time are also of Jewish ancestry. Of course, he wanted to know what Bao Zixuan was going to do with these cultural relics.

The New York Times reporter stood up and asked, "What will Fucaira plan to do with this batch of cultural relics?"

Now no one dares to naively think that the cultural relics should be returned to Israel in a hurry. There is no reason and basis at all, and Jews can't be so shameless.

It was the Assassin sect who robbed Solomon's Temple, only to be discovered by Bao Zixuan. And the final location is in Fucaira. Several historical experts, including two Jewish scholars, can attest. If you want to talk about the ownership of cultural relics, then the whole world will be in chaos.

In history, there are too many classic cases about the problem of problem recovery!

More than 200 years ago, in the Parthenon Temple in Greece; a batch of exquisite marble sculptures were dismantled by the Earl of Elgin and shipped back to the United Kingdom, and were transferred to the British Museum, where they are stored to this day. The national treasure of Greece has thus become the treasure of the British Museum. For decades, Greece has repeatedly asked the UK to return the sculptures, but the UK has refused.

The Parthenon marble sculptures come from the Acropolis of Athens, Greece, and have a history of more than 2,500 years. In 1982, the then Greek Minister of Culture, Melina Merkuri, put forward a motion at the UNESCO General Conference asking the British Museum to return the Parthenon to Greece. The request was supported by a majority of the members' representatives present, but the vote was not binding on the UK. Since then, Greece has been asking Britain to return the stone sculptures, but the British have refused.

The relationship between the UK and Greece is not bad, but even so; the other party still refuses to return the cultural relics belonging to Greece, and you really have nothing to do with them.

However, there are two time-point restrictions on the recovery of cultural relics: one is to file a lawsuit within three years after the owner of the lost cultural relic and the location of the cultural relic are found; and in any case, to file a lawsuit within 50 years after the loss of the cultural relic . Another difficulty is that in order to recover the cultural relics lost due to the war, the individuals, organizations or countries holding the cultural relics need to recognize and prove that these cultural relics are obtained by plunder. In addition, due to the age, the lost cultural relics have changed hands several times; it is difficult to legally sue the cultural relic holder for "illegal" possession.

The relics of Solomon's Temple have been lost for more than 1,000 years; if they want to get them back directly, it is estimated that no one can do it.

For a long time, the international search for cultural relics has been a long and complicated process. The current methods of recourse to lost cultural relics overseas mainly include legal recourse, commercial repurchase, diplomatic negotiation and donation. Among them, legal recourse is the most difficult. Commercial buybacks are a helpless move. Intergovernmental diplomatic negotiations and donations are also common ways of returning cultural relics.

Now the legal basis is basically untenable, so it can only be solved through diplomatic channels and commercial negotiations. Fortunately, Bao Zixuan is a businessman, and the wealth of the Jews themselves is not bad; I believe that some cultural relics will be able to return to Israel.

At this time, everyone on the scene focused their attention on Bao Zixuan. After all, the final direction of the cultural relics was all within his thoughts.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "To be honest, I didn't think at first that this batch of cultural relics would be so important. It just feels like there are a lot of them and they are more beautifully made."

"When I first discovered the golden ark, it felt like an ordinary golden ark, and there was nothing special about it. At that time, my subordinates also said that I could make a dowry for my daughter. After all, in China, there is a tradition of dowry gold and ark. Although the child is very small, but Usually it starts from the moment of birth.”

"As for the drawing of Solomon's Temple, it is even more whimsical, and I want to reproduce a new one in Fucaira. However, after communicating and exchanging with six experts these days, I found out how unrealistic these ideas are."

"The golden ark, which originally belonged to Solomon's Temple, should be returned to his original place. But I am a businessman, and I cannot do business at a loss, so I hope to exchange a batch of cultural relics."

"After all, the Black Cloud Group has already started to build a museum, and Fucaira also has the idea of ​​building a museum."

"As for other cultural relics in Solomon's Temple, the same method will be adopted. For example, I got a large number of Solomon period gold coins this time, the number exceeds 100,000. It is useless to keep too much of this stuff; I am not a miser. I'm missing that money."

"Other cultural relics can be obtained through exchange. And I have decided that UU Reading will hand over the exchange of cultural relics to Sotheby's and Christie's. This is also the fundamental reason for inviting them to come here. Professionals should Responsible for professional matters."

"I am a scientific researcher, I have no interest, and I have no time to deal with cultural relics every day."

"As for the Holy Grail, I'm still not sure if it's true or false. After all, the six experts around me are not particularly good at identifying Christian holy relics. If it's a fake, then it's going to make a big joke. Therefore, I will invite The Vatican will come to verify it; if it is identified as genuine, then the two sides can negotiate amicably on how to resolve the matter.”

"If it is identified as a fake, you can only keep it for yourself. At the same time, I will also take out some items and give them to employees, relatives and friends. I am not a miser, and I must share good things when I get them. Of course, I came to Fucai this time. La's journalist friends will not come in vain; everyone will get a silver coin from the Solomon period as a souvenir."

Bao Zixuan's answer, not to say that it is seamless, but at least no one can pick out any faults. Moreover, the reporter can get a silver coin, which is a worthwhile trip; but he dare not ask some questions that deliberately provoke the other party.
