Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1597: unexpected one

Chapter 1584 Unexpected 1

After arranging the work, Zhang Zhan took his new wife Andora and flew towards Xiangjiang. At present, there is no direct flight from Fujairah to mainland China. Fortunately, there are special flights from Xiangjiang to Fujairah almost every day. The main reason is that the business volume is too much; Employees certainly know how to cooperate.

When Zhang Zhan left, he had to deal with many things himself. At the same time, the personnel of the Assassin sect had to be arranged. Fortunately, Yassin was more cooperative, and the matter progressed very smoothly. 300 killers, many grades are not young, they all entered the army and became instructors. Although this group of people are not good at hot weapons, they are definitely good at cold weapons.

And Bao Zixuan had already thought about it, waiting until everything in Fujairah stabilized. Let them go to school and become martial arts teachers. It is estimated that only the richest man in the world has such a crazy idea. But after thinking about it, you will find that the plan is still very feasible. Whether the academic performance is good or bad is another matter, but Fujairah students must have a strong body!

What Bao Zixuan didn't expect was that several unexpected people came to Fujairah, and of course there were old friends among them. If you call, you must be well received. Moreover, the influence of these people is really not small, and for Fujairah, it is also a kind of propaganda.

Since Paul Allen was enlightened by Bao Zixuan, his mentality has completely changed. He had a movie dream since he was a child, and soon made new friends in Los Angeles.

It may have been doomed in the dark, Paul Allen has achieved financial freedom because of Microsoft's listing. But I don't work for Microsoft at present, and I am a person who can't sit still, so of course I want to do what I like. Therefore, I came to Los Angeles, hoping to develop a good career in film.

As an upstart technology company, the company has just gone public. It can be said that he is Hollywood's favorite investor. He quickly gained a foothold in Los Angeles and knew many people. Wealth is power everywhere; Hollywood, the world's largest vanity fair, is no exception.

Because Fujairah discovered the treasures of the Assassin sect, and it was also about the relics of Solomon's Temple, the Golden Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. This can bring a lot of material to Hollywood. But except for Miss Button, no one else could talk to Bao Zixuan. At this time, Microsoft's major shareholder came to Hollywood.

And they all know that he and Bao Zixuan are inseparable, this opportunity must not be missed. After getting acquainted, we made an appointment to come to Fujairah together.

Of course Bao Zixuan would not refuse a call from Paul Allen; so a few people went to Fujairah.

There are quite a few people who came with Paul Allen this time, the three most important figures; in the entire Hollywood, they are definitely the masters of the wind and rain.

After the special plane arrived at the Fujairah Military Airport, Bao Zixuan greeted him at the airport in person. This made the people who came here feel incredible. No one thought that Paul Allen had such a big face. The other party was just a shareholder of Microsoft, accompanied by a billionaire; in front of Bao Zixuan, he was nothing at all.

It is not difficult to see from here that the relationship between the two parties is definitely much better than imagined.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I told you a long time ago that I am not happy in the United States, so I came to Fujairah to stay for a while. You kept me waiting for too long. There are all subordinates here, so there is no one to chat with. Nobody."

Hearing this, several people immediately understood what it meant. It seems that Paul Allen must definitely make friends, and the opportunity cannot be missed.

Paul Allen said with a smile: "Aren't you worried that you have a lot of things! After all, there was such a big commotion a while ago. Knowing that we are familiar, I met a few friends in Hollywood, so we made an appointment to come together."

After seeing the people coming, Bao Zixuan certainly knew them; after all, there are not many people in the world who don't know them.

But the character design of the man of science and technology does not allow him to be exposed; he can only wait until Paul Allen introduces it to everyone, which can be regarded as letting these people remember his importance.

Paul Allen said with a smile: "I don't need to introduce this one, everyone is familiar with it."

Then he said to Bao Zixuan, "Bao, this is the director of Star Wars—George Lucas."

George Lucas, born on May 14, 1944 in Modesto, California, USA, is an American director, screenwriter, and producer. He graduated from the Film Department of the University of Southern California.

In 1966, he directed his first short film "Freiheit". In 1971, directed the short film "THX-1138". In 1973, he was nominated for the Best Director Award at the 46th Academy Awards with the comedy film "American Graffiti".

In 1977, he was nominated for the Best Director Award at the 50th Academy Awards for his sci-fi movie "Star Wars". In 1980, he served as the screenwriter and producer of the film "Star Wars II: The Empire Strikes Back"; in the same year, he served as the producer of the film "Kage Warrior", for which he won the Best Foreign Producer Award at the 25th Italian David Awards .

In 1983, he served as the producer of the movie "Star Wars: Return of the Jedi". In 1986, he served as the producer of the sci-fi comedy film "Heavenly Soldier".

This one is definitely a super big guy in Hollywood. Moreover, both Lucasfilm and the special effects company Industrial Light and Magic have achieved impressive results; even now, their strength cannot be underestimated.

Bao Zixuan stretched out his hand and said with a smile: "I've heard of your name a long time ago, but I just haven't had the chance to see you. Welcome to Fujaira, Director Lucas."

George Lucas may be a figure in Hollywood, but his overall strength is much worse than that of a super tycoon. Therefore, I didn't dare to make a big deal, and quickly reached out to hold Bao Zixuan together, and said with a smile: "Mr. Bao is really very polite, it's a pleasure to meet you!"

Paul Allen then introduced: "Bao, this is also a famous Hollywood director - Steven Spielberg."

Steven Spielberg, born on December 18, 1946 in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA, is an American Jewish director, screenwriter, and producer.

In 1974, he completed his first feature film "Rampage and Escape". In 1975, he directed the thriller film "Jaws", for which he was nominated for Best Director in the 33rd American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards. On June 12, 1981, the action-adventure movie "Raiders of the Lost Ark" was released. On June 11, 1982, the sci-fi family film "Alien E.T." was released, and won the 40th American Film and Television Golden Globe Awards Film Category - Best Director nomination for this film. On December 18, 1985, the directed feature film "Purple" was released.

Bao Zixuan still showed enough respect for the director with the highest box office in film history in the future, and said with a smile: "Hello, Director Spielberg. I have seen very few movies, and ET is very good."

Bao Zixuan has not watched Star Wars, but has watched ET; although it is unbelievable, being able to talk about the films he shot is also an achievement in itself.

Paul Allen continued: "This is the famous actor - Harrison Ford."

Harrison Ford, born on July 13, 1942 in Chicago, USA, is an American film actor.

In 1966, he made his debut in the film industry. In 1977, he starred in "Star Wars" and became famous as Captain Han Solo. In 1980, he starred in the movie "Star Wars 5: The Empire Strikes Back", establishing his status in the film industry.

In 1981, starring in the film "Raiders of the Lost Ark". In 1982, starring in the movie "Blade Runner". In 1984, he starred in "Raiders of the Lost Ark 2" again. In 1986, he was nominated for Best Actor at the 58th Academy Awards and Best Actor at the 43rd Golden Globe Awards with "The Witness". The following year, he was nominated again for Best Actor at the 44th Golden Globe Awards with the film "Mosquito Coast" Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I know you, although I haven't seen the movie, but I heard from my mother that About your story; Dr. Indiana-Jones."

After finishing speaking, several people laughed. I didn't expect Bao Zixuan to have such a humorous side, I really didn't expect it before.

Three people came together, the purpose is self-evident. Fujairah had just discovered a treasure, and together the three created the famous movie Raiders of the Lost Ark. Among them; one is a paper producer; one is a director and one is a leading actor.

Come here at this time, do you want to plan to shoot the third part?

At present, 2 films have been filmed about Raiders of the Lost Ark. It can be said that the effect is very good, leaving a deep impression on movie fans. Hollywood has a very high degree of sensibility, and of course such good material as the treasure of Fujairah will not be let go.

In fact, many people wanted to make a movie about what Bao Zixuan did during his study abroad at MIT, but they were all rejected. It's still so young, it's far from the time to make a biographical movie.

Harrison Ford said with a smile: "It seems that being an actor is also beneficial, and you can be known by more people. I didn't expect Madam Bao to watch my movie. It's a great honor."

(end of this chapter)