Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1623: Dream come true Nordic six

Chapter 1610 Realizing Dreams in Northern Europe 6

After Bao Zixuan finished speaking, the King and Queen of Sweden really didn't react for a while. It is really unexpected that the other party not only understands the current situation in Sweden, but also is so familiar with Swedish history. It is said that Bao Zixuan has a super memory, and now it seems that what he said is true. After all, understanding foreign history requires a certain amount of time and energy; if you just read it, the analysis will not be so thorough.

As for the status quo in Sweden, Gustav also feels that there seems to be something wrong in some places; he also feels that many underdeveloped enterprises in the world are not willing to cooperate with Swedish enterprises. We must know that Sweden has always pursued the principle of neutrality, and there are basically no political conditions attached to cooperation. In addition, domestic companies in Sweden have not bad technical strength, and the cooperation is relatively fair.

But even so, it is still difficult for Swedish companies to go global. At present, only IKEA and Volvo are relatively better. Of course, Saab is a military product, and this needs to be taken out separately. The procurement of weapons and equipment, the doorway inside, is much more complicated than civilian products.

Now it seems that it is because the speech is inappropriate to offend people, and after being unable to eat and enjoy oneself, he asks the beggar to do so. Although the metaphor is somewhat inappropriate, it is true.

And among so many countries, it seems that only Sweden has been shouting slogans there; other countries are busy making money, isn't this helping their opponents in disguise!

To put it bluntly, the mindset needs to be changed, otherwise no one can save them.

Gustav said very seriously: "It's no wonder that Mr. Bao is able to make such a big business, and he sees problems more thoroughly than us. The Swedish people's life is too superior, so they have nothing to do every day, so they can make random remarks everywhere! "

"But this is a matter for the government. Sometimes being a king is helpless!"

In a country with a constitutional monarchy, the royal family really cannot participate in too much government affairs of the country. If that is the case, it is easy to be impeached; you must know that the number of royal families in the whole world is getting smaller and smaller!

Seeing that the timing was almost the same, Queen Sommerlet said with a smile: "Mr. Bao is the most successful entrepreneur in the world, where do you think the royal family's funds should be invested?"

Speaking of the royal family, the first thing I feel is the story of the prince and the princess. In the impression of many people, the royal family is very rich. After all, the Thai royal family, the British royal family, and the Saudi royal family all give the impression of local tyrants. But not all royal families are very rich.

Among them, there are many exceptions. The Swedish country is very rich, but the royal family is very poor. The Swedish social welfare system is also world-renowned, but the royal family is also well-known for its poverty. While the crowns of other countries are made of gold, silver and jewels, the Swedish royal family is made of steel and amethyst. The 13 most precious crowns are also inherited. As for life, there is almost no difference between royal family members and ordinary people.

Public information shows that the Swedish king's personal assets are 10 million US dollars. Although this amount of money is already a huge amount of wealth for ordinary people, it is nothing compared to the royal families of other countries. Although he is the head of a country, the life of the King of Sweden is very civilian, and he has no airs of the king at all. He drives to the palace by himself every day to go to work, and works diligently and conscientiously.

At the same time, the annual support of the Swedish royal family is very small, which is completely incomparable with other royal families. Moreover, Sweden's high tax rate has also brought a very heavy burden on the king's property; because Swedish law stipulates that the royal family has to pay taxes like ordinary people.

On the surface, although the Swedish royal family is relatively poor materially, it is very rich spiritually. They keep pace with the times, are friendly and romantic.

Of course, nothing can be seen on the surface, after hundreds of years of inheritance, and the royal family had real power before. The most important thing is that Sweden has never experienced a war, and every war can make a fortune; the royal family will definitely not be as announced, and some things will be over if they know it.

After all, the Swedes have always advocated equality for all, and the domestic people are very well educated. And think that the wealth of the country belongs to all the people. If you really find that the royal family is very rich, or even richer than imagined, then you must take to the streets to parade.

But the arrival of Bao Zixuan gave the Swedish royal family an opportunity. This is the most profitable man in the world, his opinion is very valuable for reference.

It turns out that he invited himself to wait for him here! Now he is really famous, and he will be asked this question wherever he goes.

Bao Zixuan thought for a while and said, "But invest in some financial products such as stocks and funds appropriately. Or create a brand that suits your own image based on the characteristics of the royal family."

"Of course I don't know much about your country's system, so I dare not give any specific opinions."

It involves the royal family, and they don't know anything about the specific situation; but they dare not talk nonsense anywhere.

Seeing that the kid didn't let go, Gustav was very anxious. However, as a king, he can't take the pole like this; but he still didn't give up and asked: "Mr. Bao, don't make any assumptions. In Sweden, everyone is equal, and the royal family members are the same."

Hearing this, Bao Zixuan suddenly remembered; a news report in later generations caused quite a stir in England. The Swedish royal family has issued a statement that Prince Carl Philip's two children and Princess Madeleine's three children are no longer members of the royal family. But they remain members of the royal family, retaining the titles of Prince and Princess. But "His Royal Highness" is no longer used in title.

Not only does the change ease royal duties for grandchildren, it also means they will no longer be entitled to royal allowances paid for by the taxpayer.

Because before, due to the increasing number of royal families; the Swedish parliament announced a few years ago that some principles about the monarchy would be re-examined, including family size.

This decision allows Prince Philip and Princess Madeleine the greatest freedom to educate their children. "They can be who they want to be, including politics or business. They don't have to be carefully 'care'. Instead, they can live a happy life." An ordinary life, but still a member of the royal club."

As for why this news aroused great repercussions in the UK, the main reason is that there are quite a few members of the British royal family. And it costs a lot more than Sweden, so of course the public will pay attention!

In other words, the Swedish royal family cannot do business now. Perhaps it is impossible to directly compete with the people for profit, after all, the royal family itself needs taxpayers to support it! Asking him now may be a preparation for the future. After all, the number of members of the royal family continues to expand; coupled with the emotions of the domestic people, there will definitely be conflicts in the future!

At present, King Gustav already has three children. According to each person having two children, the family will have six more members. The expenses of members of the royal family are much higher than that of ordinary people; according to the consistent character of the Swedes, they will definitely not be satisfied.

It seems that these two couples are far more powerful than imagined; things that will happen after 20 years of planning, or even longer.

The opinions given by Bao Zixuan just now are more in line with the investment of the royal family. Can't start a business, buy company stock, but no problem at all. The same is true for creating a brand that is in line with the royal family.

No specific plan was asked, which disappointed the king and his wife. Fortunately, there is still a long time for them to prepare. After all, the children are very young, and it will take decades to get married and have children.

Knowing that he will attend the Nobel Prize award ceremony After Bao Zixuan had lunch, he returned to his residence. Although he wasn't the one to receive the award, it was a very honorable thing for the three members of the Black Cloud Department to win the award together.

It's just that the nationality of the award-winning scientist is a bit embarrassing, but there is no other good way to solve this matter now.

After Bao Zixuan left, King Gustav said to his wife: "It seems that we have to speed up our pace. Although Bao Zixuan didn't give any specific advice today, it's not that there is nothing to gain. The brand effect of the royal family is, on the contrary. It can be put to good use.”

"As for investing in stocks, it's very simple. Although we don't understand, Bao Zixuan has good vision. I heard that he is going to establish a stock exchange in Fujairah, so we can use some of the funds to try it out."

Swedish domestic companies, although the royal family also buys a lot of stocks. However, the development of the company is too stable, resulting in basically no growth in the stock. Fujairah is an emerging market, Bao Zixuan's ability is absolutely beyond doubt.

Once the Fujairah stock exchange market is established, it will definitely be sought after by capital. Then as long as you get the first batch of places to enter, you will definitely not lose money. A royal family can stand for hundreds of years; there must be a reason, and the prediction in advance is still in place!

(end of this chapter)