Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1629: Dinner Exchange Session Three

Chapter 1616 Dinner Exchange Meeting 3

Since His Majesty the King has already asked, and it is not a commercial secret. Even for both parties, it is a matter of great benefit, so there is no need to hide it. Moreover, Kamprad's meaning was very obvious, that is, let him announce it; after understanding what the old man was thinking, he was also speechless for a while.

It may not work now, but when I get old, I really need to learn a lot from others. You can be arrogant when you are young, but when you are old, you must know how to restrain yourself. Otherwise, outsiders will always think that you are not stable enough, and at the same time, the children will have no room to play.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I have basically reached a cooperation agreement with Mr. Kamprad just now. IKEA will become the furniture supplier of Heiyun Group and Fujairah. The furniture procurement budget of the two places will exceed 20 billion U.S. dollars , we will hand over most of them to IKEA for production."

"At the same time, IKEA will build a very highly automated furniture factory in Fujairah to supply production in the Middle East. In addition, Heiyun Group will develop new woodworking machinery according to the operational needs of IKEA's home furnishing workshop."

Although what the richest man said is very simple, the news revealed inside is not simple at all. An order of 20 billion US dollars is an astronomical figure, especially for traditional enterprises such as furniture. It is estimated that IKEA, if it were other factories, would not be able to accept this order.

It's just a pity that IKEA is not a listed company yet. Otherwise, this order alone would cause the stock price to skyrocket. In fact, the old man and Bao Zixuan are very similar. They both started their businesses when they were less than 20 years old; and they always insisted that the company should not be listed.

Although this makes the company's development process, the lack of funds from the market. But it can avoid a lot of trouble, and no one has the right to interfere when the most important decision is made. Enterprises can follow their own ideas, invest in what they want, and develop in that direction; they can do whatever they want!

What makes Kamprad even better is that he knows how to retire after success. Knowing that children should be raised and handed over to them in advance, when there is a crisis or a major decision needs to be made, I will come forward to coordinate. Only in this way can the child grow up, even if one day dies; there is nothing to worry about.

For example, in order to get orders from Heiyun Group and Fuchayira this time, the old man decided to do it himself! Although the son is about the same age as Bao Zixuan, three people can't chat with each other alone, in case the brothers have disagreements during the process; then the order is not useless, but at least it will make people suspicious of IKEA.

Now that the old man goes out in person, his sincerity is enough. And you can do things according to your inner thoughts. Although I don't want to admit that Bao Zixuan is about the same age as his son, or even younger; but there is still some unequal status, after all, he is an entrepreneur.

So far, the effect is very good. Although the son did not succeed in connecting with Bao Zixuan; but as long as the two parties can continue to cooperate, there will definitely be a lot of opportunities.

As for why most of the purchases are from IKEA, not only Kamprad, but also others understand. IKEA mainly produces furniture with very high cost performance, which means that the grade will not be too high. Bao Zixuan, the world's richest man, would definitely not use these furniture. Therefore, it can only be used in ordinary offices or residences of ordinary employees.

The grandeur of the room construction is not very appropriate to use IKEA furniture.

The large order of tens of billions of dollars made people around envious and shocked at the same time. After all, the two of them have not communicated for a long time. It is really incomprehensible that they did not expect to negotiate a large order of tens of billions of dollars so quickly. Could it be that the efficiency of super tycoons is so high!

Although it is only an intention, no contract has been signed; even if one party repents, the other party can do nothing. But if Bao Zixuan dared to say it in front of everyone, it meant that the matter was basically confirmed. Compared with cooperation, integrity may be more important to Bao Shoufu.

Gustav is also very happy, although the cooperation between the two parties is not because of him. But this can be regarded as a witness, and it can also greatly increase the influence of the Nobel Prize. Although the Nobel Prize is a simple award, there are circles everywhere. Even when the Swedes are being honest, they have to do something with it.

It is a very good opportunity to promote the royal family and the country.

I believe that through this cooperation, the influence of the dinner will definitely increase; in the future, if anyone is invited, they will come running over.

At the same time, this has also greatly increased national taxes. IKEA's headquarters is in Sweden, and its largest factory is also in the country. Through the order, not only will the Black Cloud Group and Fujairah be opened, but it may also drive the Middle East market and China's layout. Although $20 billion is a lot, it is just an order.

In the future, through the black cloud order as an opportunity, it will radiate to more places and open up a larger market.

As the national taxation increases, the supply costs for the members of the royal family will not increase, but the people will definitely not be too much. All in all, this is definitely good news.

Gustav said with a smile: "So we have witnessed a history. The largest order in the history of furniture was born in the Stockholm Mayor's Hall."

What this said is true, looking at the entire history; there is no one who dares to build a city alone like Baozixuan. And all internal planning is done by one company. Then it was even more arrogant, even daring to plan a small country by one person.

In short, such a crazy thing, normal people don't even dare to think about it.

Kamprad said with a smile: "I have been in the furniture industry for more than 40 years, and this is the first time I have seen a customer like Mr. Bao. Not only is it very straightforward, but the most important thing is to let the supplier not save him money. No wonder the black It seems that the cloud group has developed so rapidly, and it really makes sense."

Rich and willful, it can be said to be vividly reflected in Bao Zixuan. It can only be said that the brain circuit of a genius is different from that of a normal person.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Mr. Kamprad, don't say that, my money is not that easy to make. If IKEA can't produce high-quality and cheap products, I can make trouble for you."

"Heiyun Group is mainly engaged in industrial production. Of course, it knows that it wants to keep a company in business. It must have enough profits to support it. Otherwise, how can there be funds to invest in product research and development, upgrade machinery and equipment, hire better skilled workers, and upgrade factories? scale."

"Everything needs funds to support. Therefore, I will never be jealous of my partners making money, and I even instinctively think it is very normal. I am also a businessman, of course I know; the business of beheading may be done by someone, but the business that loses money , but no one wants to try!"

"Actually, we have done a lot of research on IKEA, which is also one of the purposes of my trip to Sweden. Now through communicating with Mr. Kamprad, I feel the sincerity and business philosophy of IKEA. Then the cooperation will be a matter of course."

"At the same time, my experience is very similar to that of Mr. Kamprad. Now many people say that I am a young entrepreneurial leader. But I can tell you that Mr. Kamprad is more legendary than my entrepreneurship. "

"Heiyun Group was founded by me when I was 19 years old, but IKEA was founded when I was You must know that I decided to create Heiyun Group because I studied in the UK for two years and knew what the market needed. Cloud gaming company."

"But Mr. Kamprad started IKEA when he was in middle school."

Hearing this, everyone felt incredible. Kamprad was able to win the order of Heiyun, and his own strength is absolutely beyond doubt. Don't underestimate the 2-year-old gap; you must know that there is a difference of 2 years before the age of 20. In terms of ability and experience, the difference is not a star and a half.

There are many Swedes present. As the number one company in China, of course I know that IKEA is currently mainly managed by Kamprad's three sons. I started my own business at the age of 17 and achieved great success. Then he announced his retirement at the age of 60, and the main work was handed over to his son.

Everyone understands that the situation is so special that the son may not be able to handle it; even if it is done, it will not achieve this effect.

After Bao Zixuan finished speaking, Kamprad himself was embarrassed. Of course, some people knew about the fact that I started my own business at the age of 17, but it was not widely reported. It is estimated that tomorrow the whole world will know that this kid can really surprise people.

At the same time, the other party said that he had inspected IKEA in advance, and now it seems that the credibility is very high. Otherwise, how could it be so clear, even when I started my own business at the age of 17.

(end of this chapter)