Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1648: thunderbolt means

It seems that Peng Yifei is really not in vain in Germany. He has such a thorough grasp of not only the German economy, but even history. Since the relationship between the two parties is irreconcilable, it is unlikely that the Black Cloud Group will be betrayed, which also means an opportunity. Of course, no one can believe it except yourself; you must be prepared, and of course you will come up with conditions that the Germans cannot refuse.




Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Since you think you can find a breakthrough from Germany, I won't participate, nor will I ask; it's all up to you; I just need the results."




If you want your subordinates to be on their own, you must absolutely authorize them. If you can't do this, then it's harder to grow and improve; it feels more important than practice.




Hearing this, Peng Yifei immediately understood what it meant. This is a test for himself. If he passes the test, there will be more important tasks waiting for him in the future. If the ideal effect is not achieved, then in the future, only a firm executor will be able to achieve limited success.




A man lives in the world, and after finding an opportunity, which one does not want to make a contribution and make a career. Zhang Zhan commanded tens of thousands of people to fight against the enemy. The two were basically the same from the same background, but they could not be compared with each other.




Peng Yifei did not stop, and went straight back to Germany. Because some things have to use thunder methods, at least let the Holy See know that it is easy to clean them up.




As for Fernando Kamprow, after receiving a call from KK Christiansen for help, he immediately got in touch with an important figure in Denmark who has ties to the Holy See. When the other party heard that Billund was supposed to decide the dispute between Lego and Black Cloud, Copenhagen should not overly participate; he immediately understood what it meant, although he knew that doing so would not benefit Denmark’s economic development and national credibility at all.




But I don't know what happened, so I agreed. The pressure from Copenhagen disappeared instantly, making KK-Chrissen feel the strength of the Holy See. The Christian family has been operating in Denmark for three generations for nearly a hundred years; but after encountering problems, there is still no way to solve them. The Holy See can easily resolve it with a phone call, which is still easy for others.




It also made him firm in his determination to fight Bao Zixuan and the Heiyun Group to the end. What if the other party had money? Could it be richer than the Holy See?




After Peng Yifei returned to Germany, he immediately started operations.




The strength of the Black Cloud Group in East Germany is absolutely no worse than that of any intelligence agency, and even the Soviet KGB is not necessarily an opponent. Soon an army of beggars and vagabonds was organized and began to go begging in various churches. At the same time, we started to deal with various material suppliers for the church. That is to say, whether it is water, electricity, gas; and other living materials, all cut off.




On the one hand, so many people need to be rescued, on the other hand, his own life cannot be guaranteed. Churches everywhere were miserable, and the news was quickly reported to the Vatican.




This made the Pope a little confused. After all, there was no sign of things, and there was no sign before. You don't have to think about it to know that someone must have targeted it on purpose. Although the living conditions in East Germany are not as good as those in West Germany, basic living materials can still be guaranteed. Plus nothing like this happened anywhere else in the city, only churches were targeted. And it didn't happen in a city, so you don't need to think about it to know that someone is planning this.




At the same time, companies related to the Holy See are also being hit; it shows that the other party is definitely prepared.




Seeing that the East Germany effect was so good, Peng Yifei also started planning in West Germany. Originally, West Germany did not want to do this, but who made many things need the help of the Black Cloud Group.




At present, the situation is very clear, the influence and control of the Soviet Union is getting weaker and weaker. Every country in Eastern Europe is ready to move, but has not found an opportunity. How to say East and West Germany is also a brother of the same clan and the same origin. After the merger, it will be beneficial to everyone; and it can instantly take Germany to a higher level.




At present, the biggest obstacles are the Soviet Union, the United States, and Britain and France. At this time, the strength of Britain and France can be ignored, after all, their economy cannot catch up with West Germany; and it is not the two of them who have the final say on the earth.




As for the United States, West Germany has basically done it, and even hopes that the two Germanys will merge; this can greatly weaken the strength of the Warsaw Pact. Then the biggest obstacle, there is only one - the Soviet Union. If Lao Maozi didn't nod his head, this matter would not have been done at all.




If you want to talk about the relationship with the Soviet Union, even if Heiyun Bao Zixuan is not the eldest brother on the list, he is not too far behind. Therefore, I have always wanted the Black Cloud Group to be a matchmaker. International issues require enterprises to coordinate, which seems incredible; but at present, no one dares to regard Heiyun Group as a pure enterprise; at the same time, Bao Zixuan is not an ordinary businessman.



If you want to ask others, you must be polite and corporal; at the same time, you are worried that the other party has nothing to look for, so you are too embarrassed to speak. Therefore, the West German side chose to cooperate and ensured that the plan would not be destroyed. Moreover, the contradiction between Germany and the Holy See is deeply rooted; now I am happy to see someone willing to clean up this group of people!




This is the act of pulling a side of the frame. Sometimes it seems that they are not helping each other; in fact, it is also equivalent to secretly helping the attacking party.




Problems have arisen one after another in German cathedrals, as well as in related industries and individuals in the Holy See. Even a fool knows what's going on, but someone dares to do something to the Holy See. Even if it is not the Middle Ages, is it too bold.




While the Holy See was still thinking about countermeasures, problems occurred one after another in Hong Kong, Brazil, and the United States. This shows that the enemy is strong, otherwise it would be impossible to start in so many places at once.




Not every believer can come to the Vatican, and most believers worship in local churches. If things go on like this, believers will inevitably have doubts, which is very detrimental to the spread of teachings.




At this time, the Vatican also experienced a power outage. Fortunately, the backup generator started instantly, but it did not have much impact. It is necessary to find out what is the specific reason, otherwise the oil supply of the backup power generation equipment is limited, and it cannot last for too long at all.




The Heiyun Group's reputation for Bao Zixuan was definitely loved by an Italian commodity Tokyo exhibition.




Therefore, Peng Yifei directly made a small means to get the power supply company to agree; he turned a blind eye to the damage to some lines. Of course, the losses caused need to be borne by the Black Cloud Group.




Although doing this is to offend the Holy See, but if you don't agree, you probably won't be able to wait for the Holy See to retaliate; Power companies mainly use natural gas to generate electricity; currently it can only be purchased from two places; the Soviet Union and the Middle East.




If Bao Zixuan thought about it, he would probably cut off the gas purchase channel for you the next day. Don't ask why, because people do have this ability.




Moreover, the owner of the power company is also very unhappy with the Holy See. It's just that I didn't have the opportunity before, and now it's good.




It can be said that Peng Yifei's rogue style of play will not be able to rectify the Holy See all at once. The Holy See has existed for 2000 years and has faced countless enemies. But there has never been one that started directly from living materials and raw materials.




The church has a wide range of branches, and a large number is an advantage in itself; it proves that it is powerful. But sometimes it will become a means for the enemy to contain you. After all, the protection of the network will not be too strict.




And now they have already attacked the Vatican, which is enough to prove the enemy's means, and even fearless.




The Vatican held an urgent internal meeting, which was a provocation to the Holy See; if they didn't fight back, who would take them seriously in the future. UU reading However, the most urgent task is to find the enemy. Although we have basically guessed it, it is best to come up with substantial evidence.




John Paul II looked at the person next to him and said, "Everyone talks about their own ideas and how we need to deal with them."




At this time, everyone looked at Fernando Camplau; after all, it was he who proposed to give Heiyun Group and Bao Zixuan some color. I just didn't expect that the opponent's counterattack would be so fierce, and there was no room left at all.




But something has happened and it has to be resolved. This is a confrontation that cannot be lost, otherwise the Holy See will be disgraced; the trust of believers will also be greatly reduced.




At this moment, a man walked in with a few drawings in a panic.




After seeing the contents of the drawing, John Paul II instantly became nervous, but he must not lose his demeanor at this time; after forcing himself to calm down, he handed the drawing to a few people around him.




After everyone saw the contents of the drawings, they suddenly took a breath. Fortunately, it was discovered in time, otherwise there must be a major problem. But if you think about it carefully, this may be a warning from the other party. Everything must be done according to the rules; if there is any dishonorable method, it can only be mutual destruction.


