Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1669: wise woman

Chapter 1656 The Wisdom Woman

After agreeing to become a foreign academician of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, the Danish royal family invited him to give a speech at the University of Copenhagen, preferably to communicate with the students. For this request, Bao Zixuan did not refuse. After all, he has now become a foreign academician of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, and speeches and exchanges are also part of his job.

In fact, in the Danish royal palace, after Bao Zixuan communicated with the royal family, he just had a simple lunch; then he chose to leave. Tomorrow, I will go to the University of Copenhagen to inspect and give a speech, so I must go back and prepare.

After Bao Zixuan left, she saw that her son was still very puzzled. The Queen smiled and said, "Why didn't I think that I would hire Bao Zixuan as a foreign academician of the Royal Academy of Sciences? I still feel that he is not qualified."

In fact, the reason why Crown Prince Frederick felt incredible was mainly due to the age of the richest man. Academicians of any country are never too young. But after thinking about it, the other party's outstanding achievements in the field of science; as an academician, there is really no problem at all, at least not academically.

The queen saw that her son was still thinking, and said with relief: "You didn't refute it, which proves that you are mature. But sometimes you don't think about the problem so thoroughly. You must know that many things are related."

"Behind Baozixuan are the Heiyun Group and Fuchayla. Why did he come to the Nordic countries for so many days? Is it because he has nothing to do and wants to open up the market? Actually, it's not, the main reason is that he wants to work with the Nordic countries. We have established good cooperative relations with each other; after all, we are the best group to fight for."

"Fujairah wants to seek a higher international status, or do something that can be widely responded and recognized by the international community; it is not that easy, at least the neighboring Arab countries do not want to see the emergence of powerful and uncontrolled countries. Sheikh Salah is a woman now, which doesn't matter at all in Europe; but in the Middle East, it's against tradition."

"Plus, the whole world knows that Bao Zixuan is manipulating everything behind it. It may not matter now, but when it becomes strong enough to threaten the status of Saudi Arabia; do you think the Arab countries will remain indifferent!"

"This young man knows how to forbear, and some of his actions are completely confusing."

"In Sweden, in the past, three scholars from Heiyun Group and Yulin Institute of Technology won the Nobel Prize in Physics; as a boss, it is reasonable to stand up for employees."

"However, during this period, a cooperation with IKEA furniture in Sweden was reached; it directly led to the birth of the largest order in the history of furniture. As the most successful businessman in the world, doesn't he know that although the quality of Nordic furniture is good; the production cost must be high in Asian countries."

"But he's not sourcing in Asia, obviously for the Swedes to see; the benefits of being with him and what he can bring to the country."

"The reason why I came to Denmark was because KK-Christian was fooled by the Holy See and wanted to take back the authorization of Lego bricks in Asia and America; although the compensation was quite a lot, for Bao Zixuan, this was a serious provocation. Once it is not handled properly, it will inevitably bring about a chain reaction.”

"However, he actually confronted the Holy See with hard steel, causing churches in many parts of the world to experience water cuts, power outages, and shortages of living supplies. He even caused a power outage in the Vatican, which put the Holy See in a very embarrassing situation. In the end There is no way but the Holy See to make a compromise; as a result, KK-Christsen sold Lego shares, which calmed down the matter."

"But why does he have so many plans for the Lego Ecology Park in his computer, and even the drawings have been drawn."

After being introduced by his mother, Crown Prince Frederick finally understood the problem here. Bao Zixuan wanted to find allies for Fujairah, so he chose to strengthen cooperation with the Nordic countries. After all, they have no friendship with Arab countries, and they don't even have much contact. And if you want to increase the right to speak internationally, you must have the support of other countries.

No wonder the other party agreed to become a foreign academician of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences, and only received a symbolic allowance of 1 crown. There is a story to all of this, but he didn't know it before.

And why there is a Lego Ecological Park plan in the computer, and even many projects have formed blueprints. You must know that it has not been a few days since the acquisition, even if the efficiency of Heiyun employees is high; it is impossible to design and formulate such a detailed plan in such a short period of time. Then there is only one answer, this project has been planned. That is to say, in Bao Zixuan's heart, Lego Company has long been in his pocket.

Crown Prince Frederick said very seriously, "Could it be that mother wants Denmark to make achievements in the Internet; or to go ahead of other European countries."

Hearing this, the queen was very pleased. It seems that this son is not stupid at all, and even has strong analytical skills. For the royal family, this is the most joyful and expected thing.

If it is Heiyun Group, or Bao Zixuan himself; he has achieved particularly outstanding results in that field. Then computers and aircraft must be the only options.

Compared with aircraft, it is too far away from Denmark, and even the country does not have aircraft production capacity at all.

The Danish aviation industry originated in 1910. Aviation pioneer Robert Svensson took off from Cloverfield across the Øresund Strait to Limport in his own Danish plane, and also circled Copenhagen during this flight. . The Danish Army also became interested in military aviation after this flight, and in July 1912 the War Ministry established the Army Flying School in Cloverfield, and later an aircraft manufacturing and repair plant.

It can be said that this start is definitely not too late, even surpassing most countries in the world. In 1923, Denmark established its own independent army air force and naval air force; it can be regarded as leading the world. However, due to Denmark's lack of interest in defense affairs during the war, the aviation sector has only achieved very limited development.

By the time of the German invasion in 1940, the Danish Army Air Force was organized into three air groups with about 40 aircraft, mostly old Fokker CVs and Gloucester Tiger Moths, and 11 Gloucester Gauntlets and 9 Fokker D.XXI fighters. It can be said that in front of the powerful German army, the combat effectiveness is almost zero! The result of the battle between the two sides can be imagined. Denmark surrendered after only resisting for 4 hours. This is a miracle in the history of world wars!

In 1947, Denmark announced the merger of the Army and Naval Air Forces to form a unified Air Command, with two regional commands under it: the Eastern and Western Commands. Although the Luftwaffe left some aircraft in Denmark, the Danish Army decided not to use them.

It was only in 1947–48 that 41 British Spitfires were accepted as post-war aid, forming the original post-war air force. These aircraft were mainly used for training and were all decommissioned in 1956. In 1947, the Aviation Command established a subordinate aircraft repair shop, and later established an officer school in 1951; after Denmark became a founding member of NATO, its pilots began to receive training in the United States under the MAP military assistance Airlines The command officially changed its name to the Royal Danish Air Force in 1950. The air force received 6 F-84E and 238 F-84G from the United States as military assistance, and formed 5 new air forces at Karup Air Force Base from 1952 to 1954. squadron. The rapid expansion of the air force caused problems, and in the early 1950s the Danish Air Force had 89 F-84 crashes, killing 40 pilots.

Casualties were mostly due to the inexperience of the newly formed Danish Air Force pilots, while others were due to the introduction of tactics based on fast and low-altitude attacks to avoid anti-aircraft fire by American World War II and Korean War veterans.

At this stage, Denmark has completely lost the R&D and manufacturing capabilities of fighter jets and civil aircraft, that is to say, there is no other way but to rely on imports. And as aircraft manufacturing becomes more and more systematic, it is almost impossible to catch up. It may be possible to use the power of the whole country; but Denmark cannot afford the risk of failure, because it may lead to a serious economic crisis for the entire country.

Since the aviation field can only be purchased, the only thing that can cooperate is the computer and the Internet field of computer extension projects. After all, the computer and network have just started. As long as we seize the opportunity, we will definitely be able to occupy a place in the network world in the future. Of course, this is just a preliminary consideration, and there will be more opportunities for cooperation in the future; it's just that there is no need to directly expose it now, so as not to be misunderstood!

(end of this chapter)