Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1673: aviation outlook

Chapter 1660 Aviation Prospects

Unexpectedly, the other party's reaction would be so fast, and Bodin knew that a war of words might not necessarily take advantage. Although he is older, but when it comes to the experience of dealing with people, he may not be as rich as the kid in front of him. After all, where is the identity of the other party? He has dealt with almost any leader of a major country in the world, as well as well-known business tycoons.

After so many years, I may have suffered a lot, but I have already honed it; so there is no need to entangle with the other party too much on this matter. We can only wait until Bao Zixuan leaves, investigate the influence in the hearts of the students, and guide them.

Seeing that the rest time was about the same, the questioning session began immediately. Time is limited, so you can't waste too much time at the University of Copenhagen; at the same time, the longer the delay, the more dangerous it means. There are too many students coming here, and they are still increasing. They all want to see the demeanor of the richest man Bao, after all, there were people chasing stars in that era.

As the best university in Denmark, the playground area is not small; but it can't stand up to a large number of people, and they are all pillars of talent, so they dare not make problems. If that were the case, Denmark would become an international laughing stock in an instant.

In fact, long before Bao Zixuan agreed to give a speech, the various majors of the University of Copenhagen had already assigned tasks. There are not many opportunities to ask the master for advice, and no one wants to miss it.

Bao Zixuan's major is aeronautical power and machinery manufacturing. Although he has made greater achievements in the field of computers; but in order to respect the tradition, students majoring in aviation still have to ask questions first.

Moreover, Bao Zixuan's achievements in the field of aerodynamics are not bad at all; they are even greater than the chief engineers of many Boeing and Airbus companies. It's just because the halos in other fields are too shining, it doesn't feel like there's anything outstanding.

A female student asked: "Academician Bao, hello! I am a student majoring in aviation, and as the most authoritative aerodynamic expert in the world; which direction do you think future aircraft should develop in?"

This topic is a bit big, and it is really difficult for ordinary people to return to it; even if ordinary scholars give answers, they may not be convincing. But Bao Zixuan is different. As the most authoritative expert in the world, he is also the richest businessman. As long as it is something he is looking for, he will spare no effort to invest in research and development; even if he feels that it is not feasible, but with strong financial support and the addition of countless technical personnel, he may be able to succeed.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "About which direction the aviation field should develop in the future, this is a big topic."

"But I think; the category of manned aircraft will be more abundant in the future, and of course the competition will be more intense; the price of a single aircraft will be further reduced."

"In the field of electric power enterprise operations, I am more optimistic about oil-electric hybrid fixed-wing manned aircraft that take off and land vertically. Multi-rotor manned aircraft are leeward and consume high energy consumption. It is difficult to achieve long battery life with the existing battery energy density."

"With the continuous improvement of modern communication technology, the map transmission and over-the-horizon control of manned aircraft in the future will be more accurate; the volume will be larger, and the time spent in the air will be longer; the flight control will be more precise, and bombing incidents will become less and less. The performance of airborne imaging equipment is stronger, the fault finding of power lines is more and more accurate, and it will become a reality to be able to work in bad weather such as rain and snow. In an emergency, the operator only needs to monitor or issue instructions remotely. Even more powerful Manned aircraft can send maintenance personnel to the tower and transport heavy objects, all of which are unknown. There are infinite possibilities in the future, and small manned aircraft can do a lot.”

"As for civil aviation aircraft, it should be developed in the direction of electric engines and transparent fuselages."

"The most interesting aspect of future commercial aircraft will be their new look; in other words, they will have a completely new configuration. This is not the first time in the history of aviation. Within a decade, single-engine wooden biplanes were gradually being replaced by multi-engine, all-metal aircraft."

"Today, the flying wing without a defined fuselage is one of the main architectures for future aircraft being developed by various projects. It is not a new idea. In fact, since the 1920s and 1930s, flying wings The idea of ​​an airplane has already been born, and many prototypes of this type have been built. The original design was not only for air passenger transportation, but also for the military. This design can bring many advantages, such as reducing the size of the aircraft The resistance received means lower fuel consumption, faster flight speed and longer range. These advantages are very important for fighters and bombers. A prominent example of this is the HH-01 Ghost stealth fighter-bomber of the Black Cloud Group. "

"However, flying-wing aircraft have control and stability problems. Some complex functional operations can only rely on the pilot's personal ability. Therefore, flying-wing aircraft have not been able to be manufactured and applied on a large scale. Until today, flying Wing aircraft are still a "forbidden zone" in the field of commercial airliner development. However, advanced fly-by-wire flight control systems have solved many problems that plagued flying wing aircraft, including the problem of center of gravity control. As fuel consumption, the aircraft's The center of gravity will continue to change. With the help of the fly-by-wire flight control system, the pilot can use the gamepad-style control device to control various flight parameters of the aircraft."

"The flying wing is not the only future aircraft configuration in development. On the contrary, there are many novel configurations waiting to be realized by developers, including biplanes with diamond-shaped wings. Layered wings joined together at the tip; a blended wing-body aircraft in which heavy wings and fuselage are smoothly fused, with no clear separation between the wings and the fuselage; a biplane with tandem wings ; and aircraft driven by sleeve-type rotary engines, etc.”

"These futuristic aircraft are like science fiction, but they all seek to solve the shortcomings of existing aircraft configurations. There is really only one existing aircraft configuration, and despite all its shortcomings, it is still expected to be used A long time. This structure includes a long or short, thick or thin cylindrical fuselage, of course, some parts are elliptical; a pair of wings are located about the middle of the fuselage, and some aircraft will have a little behind The auxiliary wing; the vertical tail is responsible for controlling the direction, and the horizontal tail is responsible for controlling the height; the engine is usually hung under the wing, and the layout of the rear engine has been gradually abandoned by commercial airliners, because this layout will bring more cabin noise. And limit the space in the fuselage for luggage and supplies."

"There is no doubt that the appearance of future aircraft will look amazing today, but its cabin interior will also undergo drastic changes. In recent years, the aviation industry has been brewing a major revolution that will profoundly change the air travel experience In the future, we will be in a cabin environment that is very different from today's and gain a new flying experience, which is by no means comparable to today's first-class cabin."

“In the future of long-haul flights, passengers will enjoy enough privacy to rest in a comfortable sleeping position on board. It will be similar to the sleeper compartments of some high-speed trains. Passengers will have their own space while being connected to the outside world. Real-time communication remains unimpeded. Passengers can select and enjoy a variety of entertainment services through the advanced touch screen dedicated to each person, and can also work or create art while traveling."

"Currently, about 40% of passengers think air travel is boring. Therefore, if you want to win the market, you must go ahead of other you will be eliminated by the market."

"With regard to military aircraft, many of them need to be kept secret; and they are also relatively sensitive, so I won't introduce them here."

"As for why I mentioned small aircraft first, it is because it is more suitable for you students. There is no derogatory meaning, large civilian airliners, or military fighter jets. Don't talk about students, even the Danish government can do nothing."

I didn't expect to hear so many dry things, which shows Bao Zixuan's attitude; even if he doesn't do anything, this answer alone is enough to be worthy of his status as a foreign academician of the Royal Danish Academy of Sciences.

And the suggestions given are indeed very reasonable, and even the headmaster Bodin can't find any faults. As the other party said, Denmark's national strength may not necessarily be able to make achievements in large passenger aircraft and advanced fighter jets. After all, this is not the period of World War II. The structure of aircraft is becoming more and more complex, and the performance is becoming more and more advanced. Small countries are basically excluded and have no possibility of admission at all.

Even though its neighbor, Sweden, has twice the population of Denmark; it is true that it has made some achievements in the field of fighter jets, but it is much worse than the United States and the Soviet Union; it does not even have any advantage compared with France.

As the other party said, maybe small aircraft is the most suitable topic for Danish students to study.

(end of this chapter)