Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1674: oversized problem

There was a warm applause at the scene, perhaps because he was attracted by the content, and of course, it may also be a recognition of the attitude of the richest man. As the world's most authoritative aviation power expert, his words can represent the future development direction of the aviation field. He is a top engineer, and the most important thing is that he is too rich.

At this moment, everyone on the scene believed that as long as it was a topic that Bao Zixuan wanted to develop, it could be launched at any time, and there was no need to discuss it with anyone at all. This is the advantage, not to mention the students of the University of Copenhagen; even if you look at the whole of Denmark, no one can do it. In fact, it is not only in Denmark, but also in the world that can do this.

At the same time, the students also realized that what the other party said really made sense. It is very suitable for Denmark's national conditions and is also more suitable for them. Although it is one of the countries with the highest per capita happiness index in the world, it is an indisputable fact that the country is weak. With a population of only a few million, Denmark is simply not enough to support the development and manufacture of large-scale civilian passenger aircraft and fighter jet projects.

Unless there is a super genius like Bao Zixuan, of course, he must also take into account the excellent businessman genes; otherwise, Denmark can only say goodbye to large-scale cutting-edge weapons and equipment and transportation tools. The next-door neighbor is just building a fighter jet, which is so laborious; it even requires state subsidies, which is absolutely impossible in Denmark.

Small aircraft are different, and they don’t require a lot of resources; as for technology, they can be researched slowly. The meaning and value of the existence of a university is to continuously develop new technologies and create new tools for people to use! As the best university in Denmark, it has obtained the most educational resources; doing anything for the country belongs to their own work.

Principal Bo Ding was very pleased to see that the students were thinking seriously; at the same time, he was also a little helpless. Maybe this is the influence, they can't catch up with the horses. Bao Zixuan said a few words casually, and the students would think seriously. Because students instinctively think that what the other party said is very reasonable; even the future development should be like this.

Trusting Bao Zixuan means not trusting your teacher so much. Isn't this a bit sad, I really don't know how to describe my mood at this moment. As the principal, of course, I understand the teaching content of the University of Copenhagen. The teacher has also talked about similar content before, but it is not as delicate as Bao Zixuan's description; or it is more forward-looking.

But at that time, the students did not have such a strong response, and they could only say the same sentence; people of different identities have different weights, otherwise it is really difficult to explain.

The question still needs to be continued. It was like listening to a fantasy novel just now; but when it comes out of Bao Zixuan's mouth, it feels like it will be realized soon. Human science and technology progress, doesn't it all start from the imagination!

To say in which field Bao Zixuan is the most authoritative, there is only one answer—computer. After all, Bao's richest man has not yet won the Nobel Prize, but he has won the highest award in the computer field. Isn't that enough to explain the problem?

The first question about aviation knowledge is to respect tradition; at the same time, it is also to respect Bao Zixuan's major. Unlike other industries, it is difficult to be recognized in the academic field.

A gentle-looking male student asked: "Academician Bao, hello! I am a computer science student. What do you think the future computer field should develop in?"

It's another big question, and most people really don't dare to answer it; especially well-known scholars don't dare to express their opinions indiscriminately. If you say the wrong thing, or get questioned, it doesn't do your reputation any favors.

Even if it is true, it is difficult to verify it in a short period of time; then it will also be criticized by others, so why bother doing a lot of good things!

But Bao Zixuan is not an ordinary person, and he even represents the future. As the most forward-looking company in the world, the Black Cloud Group has the most say in which direction the computer field should develop in the future.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "It seems that everyone regards me as a science fiction author, and no one can say that a field will develop in that direction in the future. Of course, I only represent my personal opinion, so don't take it out of context. Bao Zixuan said this at the University of Copenhagen, the future should be like that, but I don't agree."

"As a scholar, or an engineer; I am just constantly thinking about the future, but it does not represent the future."

Hearing this, the students all laughed; then there was another round of applause.

After all, what the other party said is very reasonable, especially the constant thinking about the future, but it does not mean the future; it is recognized by almost all scientific researchers.

Bao Zixuan continued: "So far, we have experienced four periods in the history of computer development."

"The first generation of electronic computers; from 1946 to 1958, the use of electronic tubes as logic components was called the tube era. The second generation of electronic computers; from 1959 to 1964, the use of transistors as computer logic components was called the transistor era. The third Generation electronic computer; it used integrated circuits as logic components from 1965 to 1970, which is called the era of small-scale integrated circuits. The fourth generation of electronic computers; computers are 1971-so far, large-scale integrated circuits have been used in computers; there are many registers, speed Fast, called the era of large-scale and very large-scale integrated circuits.”

"Computers have evolved from being used only for military scientific research to being owned by everyone. The powerful application functions of computers have created huge market demands; as for the future computer performance, it should develop in the direction of giant, multimedia, networking, and intelligence."

"Giantization refers to the development of supercomputers with high speed, large storage capacity and powerful functions in order to meet the needs of cutting-edge science and technology. As people rely more and more on computers, especially in military and scientific research education, computer storage Requirements such as space and operating speed will become higher and higher.”

"Traditional computer processing information is mainly characters and numbers. In fact, people are more accustomed to multimedia information in various forms such as pictures, texts, sounds, images, etc. Multimedia technology can integrate graphics, images, audio, video, and text. The object and content of information processing are closer to the real world."

"The Internet will connect computers all over the world, and it has entered the Internet era. Computer networking has completely changed the human world. People communicate, communicate, share educational resources, and share information through the Internet. In the future, with the development of wireless networks, It will greatly improve the convenience of people using the network, and make the computer will further develop towards the network."

"At the same time, computer artificial intelligence is an inevitable trend of future development. Modern computers have powerful functions and running speeds, but compared with the human brain, their intelligence and logic capabilities still need to be improved. Humans are constantly exploring how to make computers better. It reflects the human thinking, so that the computer can have the ability of human logical thinking and judgment, and can communicate with human beings through thinking; abandon the previous method of running the computer through coding programs, and directly issue instructions to the computer.”

"In addition, with the emergence of microprocessors, microprocessors have been used in computers; the size of the computer has been reduced and the cost has been reduced. On the other hand, the rapid development of the software industry has improved the convenience of the computer's internal operating system. Computer peripherals are also getting better.”

"Microcomputers and supercomputers sound contradictory, but they can coexist. Supercomputers are used in professional fields, and microcomputers are used in our daily wearable devices. Even a mobile phone and a watch can have the functions of ordinary personal computers. "

"And I can tell you responsibly that this is not science fiction at all; it has been realized in the black cloud laboratory. It is just because of a series of problems such as cost, function, performance, etc.; it cannot be popularized in a short time; but this proves that there is absolutely no technical direction. any problem."

"As long as the engineers solve all the problems found, the product will naturally be able to meet everyone."

"The computer field has infinite prospects in the future. I hope students will cherish this hard-won opportunity. Before the end of this year, Denmark will be able to connect to the Internet; when you are in school, you will be able to understand the outside world; you can even directly communicate with the other side of the ocean. chat with people."

"The progress of science and technology can be said to be changing with each passing day. Even I feel that I can't keep up with the rhythm. I hope that my classmates can actively create the future; I shouldn't be complacent and think that I am amazing."

It feels like listening to a book from heaven. After all, a lot of knowledge exceeds reality by too much; maybe this is the gap between genius and ordinary people.


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