Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1696: stock market property market seventeen

Chapter 1683 Stock Market and Property Market 17

Sanchong Yekang, who wanted to understand the cause and effect, felt a lot easier, the root cause has always been here; and he has already made his words very clear, it depends on how he chooses!

Now the problem is in front of him, whether to cause serious damage to the Japanese people; to bear debts that will not be paid off in several lifetimes, or to let the chaebol suffer along with them.

No matter what the final result is, he will be the scapegoat. The Japanese economy is booming one after another. How could it not work after he became the president of the Bank of Japan? The top management must give the public an explanation, and it will naturally fall on him.

The loss of part of the profits of the Japanese chaebol is of great benefit to Bao Zixuan. Of course, he didn't want the Japanese chaebol family to disappear. If there is no competitor to attract artillery fire, the life of Heiyun Group will not be easy.

As for Wall Street Capital, Mie Yekang was indeed very angry with what he did today. I have repeatedly ordered not to conduct large-scale stock transactions, can't I wait for a day or two! It was obvious that they didn't take him seriously, so they had to give them some color. But it is also clear that the scale must be well controlled; if the scale is not well grasped, it will be the Japanese side that will suffer in the end.

The signing of the Plaza Accord has explained the problem. There are also conditions for Americans to support Japan; you can make money, but it must be under the control of others. When Americans feel that the time is right, they will naturally come to pick peaches.

It is for this purpose that so many Wall Street funds have entered the Japanese market at the moment. It is really unreasonable for Japan to be slaughtered all the time. If you want to be spurned by the people at this moment, and then become a hero of the whole country in 30 or 50 years later; of course, you will be suppressed by various capitals;

Not only himself, but even his family may be implicated. Misfortune is not as good as his wife and children, even though he said so. However, the plutocrats and American capital have suffered heavy losses, and it is almost impossible for future generations to get ahead in a short period of time.

Mie Yekang said very seriously: "Mr. Bao pointed out an extremely difficult path for me, and it seems that there is no other choice."

For an elderly person, it may not matter to himself. Instantly understood what it meant, it seemed that he had to give him confidence.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Your Excellency's woman is studying at the University of Tokyo. If necessary, graduate students can go to Yulin Institute of Technology for further studies. Although the school has not been established for a long time, the faculty is quite good."

"As for your son, he has already entered the society to work; I heard that the restaurant he opened has begun to take shape. Fujairah has just started, and it is very necessary for various shops to enter, thereby enriching people's lives."

"If he can, he will become the first licensed Japanese restaurant owner in Fujairah."

The two of them were not relatives, so they arranged their children in such a way that they wanted to tell him not to have any worries. Of course, if you accept this favor, you can only cooperate with Heiyun Group's related actions in the future. This is a double-edged sword; it may save the family; but it may also put them in a more dangerous situation.

However, there is one good thing about cooperating with Baozixuan, and that is the issue of credibility. At least so far, no one has said that he deliberately deceived anyone, and it can be said that all partners can make profits.

It is relatively reassuring to entrust the fate of children to such a person. But why it's so easy to do, I really don't understand. As the president of the Bank of Japan, he is also the most powerful group of people in the country. Now a foreign businessman is required to help him with advice and provide necessary assistance; who caused all this.

Mie Yekang said with a smile: "The matter doesn't seem to be that serious, it shouldn't be so!"

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Japan is an island country, with a land area of ​​about 377,900 square kilometers."

"For such a small island, the land has been efficiently used to the extreme; and Japan is just located at the junction of the plates, so natural disasters such as volcanic eruptions or earthquakes occur frequently; even so, the land in Japan at this time is still in short supply."

"Japan was originally a country with manufacturing as its economic center. However, the continuous boom in the real estate industry has made the government gradually ignore the importance of the manufacturing industry; the economic center of gravity has gradually deviated from real estate and other real estate."

"At this moment, Japan is already a phenomenon of carnival among the whole country and the whole people, even threatening to "sell Tokyo and buy the United States". Japan's strong self-esteem has lost its reason, and it is trying to replace the United States as the number one in the world. The land value of Tokyo is indeed true. Worthy of America, but what's the point of that!"

"I saw high-rise buildings in Japan, and I saw high-rise buildings collapse in Japan. After the housing prices skyrocketed, Japan's housing prices will definitely plummet. It will inevitably cause a thousand waves, and the decline in housing prices will quickly affect many other industries in Japan."

"Due to the frequent purchase of land by the Japanese, many people turn to banks for housing or loan purchases; at this time, bank loans are frequently cut off or even unable to recover loans, causing many banking companies to go bankrupt quickly; the banking industry is also One of the industries that lost the most in this bubble economy."

""House prices have fallen, banks have closed down; many land properties under construction have become unfinished buildings, and a large number of completed houses cannot find buyers. The backlog of real estate in hand cannot be sold, and capital investment has no income and cannot be turned over; a large number of real estate industries in Japan have declared bankruptcy. "

"It is expected that after the housing price bubble bursts in Japan, the huge financial burden will affect the economic level of the entire Japan for a long time. The assets of the people will be wiped out overnight and the debts will be heavy; the mistakes of the government will eventually be paid by the common people. Many people were homeless and lived on the streets; even many Japanese were overwhelmed and committed suicide by jumping off buildings.”

"Adapting measures to local conditions and making the best use of the situation; correct decisions and long-term vision can lead a country to become truly powerful. Prosperity and strength on the surface, but rot and decay on the inside, are ultimately just a flash in the pan."

"As the most famous economist in Japan, he is also the president of the Bank of Japan; don't you want to do something for the people of the country! Of course, if the bubble is burst now, the people's losses will not be so heavy; but Wall Street capital and chaebols will definitely feel uncomfortable. They Not only will you lose profits, but you may also lose money.

"Could it be that the hard-earned money of the Japanese people for decades was taken away so easily? Then you will be a sinner of the country. After all, all this can be stopped. But nothing has been done. I think you should understand what it means."

"Heiyun Group will not sell too many stocks and real estate, and you can let it go. After all, many of them are strategic investments, and naturally they must be held for a long time. However, in addition to the necessary office space, the real estate and stocks held by Blackstone Fund , will clear all positions. This is my decision, and it is useless for anyone to stop it."

"One aspect is that the funds are tight. The most important thing is that you don't want to continue to take risks. And if you don't evacuate in time, the plan may not be implemented according to your expectations."

"Of course, the above is the risk analysis of Blackstone Fund's investment in Japan over the years, but I think it is still very reasonable. Mr. Mie, don't think that I am a saint, and I am not so To put it bluntly, I also want to take advantage of this time Opportunities, causing Wall Street capital to suffer certain losses; moreover, I am not the one to take the blame.”

The purpose of people arranging your children is self-evident; they want him to bear all the consequences so as to achieve his goal. The Japanese zaibatsu and Wall Street capital, which were originally able to make money, are likely to become takers after such a move. If that is the case, the losses suffered by ordinary people will naturally be limited.

The plutocrats themselves own a lot of real estate in China, and their losses are limited after all; but Wall Street capital is different, they are all purchased with real money; they come here to make a fortune and then leave. Suddenly found that you can't get out of your body, the problem is not easy to solve! There are costs for the use of funds; even if Wall Street fund companies have money, it is impossible for all investment to come from free funds of the company.

If the funds cannot be returned smoothly, investors will not let them go. It's easy to talk about making money, but once you lose money, everyone's face won't work.

Bao Zixuan just wanted to lock Wall Street capital in Japan, and he couldn't get out easily.

But one thing is clear, Japanese chaebols and Wall Street capital suffered huge losses; for the richest man Bao, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages. As for ordinary people's losses are not serious, perhaps the sale of Heiyun's products will be better. Japanese companies have suffered losses, so naturally they don't have much money to invest in research and development; this is definitely a good opportunity for market expansion for Heiyun Group!

(end of this chapter)