Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1712: each pregnant six

Chapter 1699

The Japanese still know a lot about the Germanic nation; after all, the two sides have cooperated many times in history, and they are very clear about their respective personalities. Unity is definitely not bad, and it can even be ranked in the forefront of the world. As Bao Zixuan said, the biggest obstacle to the unification of the two Germanys is the Soviet Union. As long as the old man does not object, it is estimated that the people of East Germany must very much hope for the reunification of the two Germanys.

Anyone with a discerning eye can clearly see that the standard of living in East Germany is far worse than that in West Germany; there is no comparison at all. If it can really be accepted by West Germany, it will definitely be something that the people of East Germany love to see.

Another important point is the issue of wealth. If West Germany recognizes the East German mark, the wealth of the people of East Germany will increase several times in an instant; this is a temptation that many people cannot resist.

Akio Morita: "Can the Soviet Union agree!"

Reunification of Germany, the decision is not in East and West Germany; it is in Moscow. If the Soviet Union does not let go, it will be useless even if the people in East and West Germany react strongly. In the face of absolute strength, all efforts seem futile.

Iwasaki Hongyi also came to the spirit, if it is true what Bao Zixuan said; the two virtues will move towards unification. It is definitely a good opportunity, as long as it is grasped well, there is no problem at all in making huge profits.

Although Japan experienced defeat in World War II, the country was not divided. Therefore, the bonds issued during the war have always been paid; according to the agreement, there are no other problems. But Germany is different. The country is divided, and many claims are not very clear; even wrangling often occurs.

Making German bonds, especially those issued during World War II; extremely difficult to convert. Maybe we could find all kinds of reasons and excuses before, but now that Germany is unified; it is not easy to have excuses to prevaricate. If that's the case, no one will agree; it's even more disregarding the country's reputation!

One of the reasons why German bonds before World War II were not recognized by the market is because there are two countries, and it is not known who should bear it. Many creditors can no longer afford to wait; the bond is no different from waste paper.

Buy it now, and wait until the reunification of Germany; bonds that were like waste paper before will instantly become existences comparable to gold. An emerging Germany wants to gain a foothold in the world; the first is the credibility issue; if the previous bonds are not recognized, then how good is the international reputation.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "At present, the biggest obstacle to the unification of Germany is the Soviet Union. The decision-making is not in Berlin and Hamburg; it is in Moscow. This is an indisputable fact."

"But the current situation in the Soviet Union may not be clear to me. The domestic economy is developing slowly, except for military industry and resource exports; basically there is no ability to earn foreign exchange. What's more terrible is that food cannot be self-sufficient, and the Americans Deliberate suppression; the price of oil will not come up at all, life can be described as very sad."

"Japan and West Germany are both admirable countries. Since the 1960s, the economy has been growing steadily, and the speed of development is unimaginable. On the surface, Japan's economic data is more beautiful, but the funds that the government can provide; it is not necessarily true. There are many sides in West Germany. As long as the Germans are willing to spend money, pay the price, and make some promises, Moscow should not be embarrassed."

"Of course, there are about 300,000 troops stationed in East Germany, which is a big problem. But these people are all young and middle-aged, and they have experienced World War II in Germany; the ratio of men to women is itself out of balance, and maybe it can solve the marriage of older women in China. question."

"As for those soldiers with families, they can be trained for free so that they can learn their crafts; after a certain amount of financial compensation is paid, who else will continue to make trouble."

"Currently, the Heiyun Group has more than a thousand people in the territory of Germany and Germany; not to mention being familiar with all walks of life, but it is still very familiar with various information about Germany and Germany. From the top of the country to the common people, they all hope that the country will be unified ; The will is very strong and definitely belongs to the trend of the times.”

Even if what Bao Zixuan said is very reasonable, why should they be cheap; the two parties are competitors, this kid would be so kind.

Iwasaki Hongyi said with a smile: "Bao Sang's words are very reasonable, but I think this kind of thing can be done well by the Black Cloud Group; why should we give up the benefits to other people for nothing. Although we are friends, we have been very happy to cooperate before. ;but."

I didn't say it later, but everyone understood what it meant. Such a good thing can clearly make huge profits; why it is cheaper for the Japanese is really puzzling.

Due to historical reasons, the conflict is still very deep; as a Xiangjiang person, I would never be so kind. It was hard for anyone to understand that the opportunity to make money was directly given to the two of them.

In the previous cooperation on aircraft projects, it was because Mitsubishi was useful; Mitsubishi's finishing technology was needed, and it was necessary to win the Japanese market. But this time in Germany, the Heiyun Group can do a good job; and this kid has this kind of financial resources, so there is no reason to cheapen outsiders, especially the Japanese.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Although Japan belongs to the category of developed countries, it does not have much say in the world. In the past few hundred years, European and American countries have always controlled the global economy. But the hard work and wisdom of the Asian people will definitely not Worse than Europe and the United States, even stronger."

"But why we can't decide the direction of the world economy, the core reason is that we are not united enough and the strength is not strong. And there is another point that is very important. This time in the past, it was to earn the wealth of a country; even if the strength of the Black Cloud Group is strong; Dare to directly confront the world's third largest economy."

"Since the two joined, the situation has changed immediately. At least you have the official support from Japan. At the same time, I will also contact some wealthy people in Xiangjiang and the Middle East to complete this task together."

"Originally, I planned to talk about it after the German matter was over, but the words have already been said for this sake, so there is no need to hide them."

"The Soviet Union wants to liberalize some industries, including mining."

"In the vast and cold Siberia, there are rich mineral and forest resources. It's just that the old man has no money to mine. Technology is one aspect, and the most important cost is also a key factor. The domestic economy is so sluggish; if you don't want to think about it, maybe next year the Soviet Union will People’s rations are a problem.”

"Xiangjiang and Japan, mineral resources have never been with us. Even Fujairah has nothing except oil. Although Siberia is a place of bitter cold, it has all the minerals that are urgently needed for industrial development. The Soviets have no money. , no technology; plus worry about cost. But we don’t lack these things, and we can pay a huge price to get the black cloud of minerals, and I believe the two are the same.”

"Mining is only the first step. Since the Soviet Union wants to open up some industries, it can take the opportunity to intervene. No matter how powerful the Black Cloud Group is, it is impossible to eat up all the industries of the Soviet Union. When negotiating with Moscow, I thought To take the initiative, you must show strong strength."

"If you can get the support of the two, then your waist will naturally be stronger. In addition, the Soviet Union has been hostile to Europe and the United States for many years, so it will naturally not trust them; this is our opportunity."

"In addition, several countries in Eastern Europe are not peaceful at present. Although the political situation is not very stable, there may be certain risks in investment. However, some high-quality resources in Eastern Europe can still be grabbed. Besides, we are not really robbing, but we have to pay real money. Gold and silver, even higher prices than others."

"Everything requires the help of many partners; no matter what, it is impossible for a company to complete such a difficult and ambitious task."

Although there is no mention that the Soviet Union will eventually disintegrate, the words just now are still very shocking. Regarding the intelligence information from the Soviet Union, the two really would not doubt it. Not long after Bao Zixuan started his business, he had trade relations with the Soviet Union; he also had close contacts with many high-level officials in Moscow. Therefore, his words are very credible.

As for why the two of them were chosen as partners, the core reason is that Japan's economy is strong alone, and other aspects are much worse. If you cooperate with American companies, a large part of the black cloud of ultimate interests will definitely be spit out.

There were over 1,000 staff members in Germany and definitely more in the USSR. Before, I felt that there was not such a big gap between them and Heiyun Group, especially Iwasaki Hongyi; after all, Mitsubishi's single-wheel manufacturing ability is not bad at all.

Now it seems that the idea is really naive, although I don't know how this kid did it; after all, he has controlled such a huge amount of wealth in ten years, and he has opened up countless contacts. But since it has become a fact, it must be taken seriously.

Cooperation must occupy a secondary seat, after all, all contacts and information must be completed through Bao Zixuan. It is very rare to be able to bring you along; if you really miss it, it is estimated that the two parties will never cooperate in the future!

(end of this chapter)