Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1728: Bank rate hike one

【Rebirth of Hong Kong's Tycoon Growth】【】

Fortunately, it was very pleasant to negotiate with Bao Zixuan today, and even received tens of billions of dollars in investment from the other party. Of course, people also have requirements, and at the same time they cannot be exposed, they must make huge profits. But as long as he can get on the line, everything is worth it; and there are other projects waiting for him, I believe that the pattern and card of the richest man will never disappoint.

The continued sell-off of the Blackstone Fund did not cool the stock market; it even continued to rise to a certain extent. But it seems that something is wrong; it may also be that the stock price is too expensive and the funds in hand are slightly insufficient; the increase is not as rapid as the previous days. But as long as the price is still rising, it is acceptable for Wall Street fund companies.

The stock market needs a period of adjustment, and it cannot continue to rise forever; not to mention that it is still rising, even if it falls a little; it is not unacceptable for the elderly who have been in the financial industry for many years.

In a week, the Nikkei has reached 38,990 points, rushing to 39,000 points; looking up to 40,000 points is just around the corner.

When the market is closed on weekends, the staff of the Tokyo Stock Exchange can rest; but at the Bank of Japan headquarters not far away, no one dares to rest. Because the president Mie Nokang requires everyone to be on duty at all times, there are no special circumstances; no leave is allowed.

In order to maintain confidentiality, the Bank of Japan headquarters has been cut off from all contact with the outside world. Of course, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble, a line is reserved; it is in the office of Mie Yekang. As the central bank of Japan, if there is no news at all; the police would think they were robbed!

Blackstone Fund, Iwasaki Hiroyuki, and Sony jointly sold stocks without lowering the price; if no action is taken, Japan will lose even more. The most important thing is that ordinary people have limited tolerance, and once there are particularly serious consequences; it is likely to cause riots.

While everything is still under control, action must be taken; when it comes to the chaos, Mie Yeyasu sees this truth very clearly. At this moment, it is not about personal gain or loss, but about whether the entire country can land safely!

After Japan's economy surpassed the Soviet Union and Germany 20 years ago, the hearts of the people have begun to swell; self-confidence is a good thing, but it becomes very scary when it can be upgraded to conceit. It will make people get carried away and feel that they are the most capable, and other countries are the same. Although the war was lost to the United States, in regard to the economic war, it is not necessarily Japan that loses in the end.

At the same time, retaliatory consumption has occurred. Many real estate and well-known buildings in the United States have been purchased by Japanese companies and individuals;

Mie Noyasu is one of the few economists in Japan who has always remained calm; he is also the president of the Bank of Japan. After communicating with Bao Zixuan, he decided to make a change.

And he knows that there is only one chance; if it is missed, it will be difficult for Japan to turn over in the next two decades.

The rest of the Bank of Japan executives felt baffled and suddenly let them stay at headquarters; what the **** did that mean. Fortunately, Japan has a strong concept of superiors and subordinates, and no one dares to make irresponsible remarks. But there is also attention in the heart, Mie Ye Kang must give an explanation, otherwise no one will be convinced.

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【Rebirth of Hong Kong's Tycoon Growth】【】

Directly have security personnel seal all doors and ask all personnel to hand over their mobile phones. Everyone has no opinion on this. As the Bank of Japan, there are often urgent tasks; such operations are very normal.

After all the executives came to the conference room, Mie Noyasu also walked in. As a Japanese bank executive, who does not have some interests; holds a few properties and buys some stocks; but it is a very normal thing. But this matter must be kept absolutely confidential, and absolutely cannot reveal any rumors.

Once the executives of the Bank of Japan know that they have to personally intervene in economic development; even after a substantial interest rate hike, of course they know what will happen next. As a bank executive, all of them have studied economics-related majors, and they are still very accurate when looking at problems. In order to prevent other companies and individuals from being aware of it, everyone is unlucky together.

Even Mie Yeyasu just asked his wife to sell the stock, and the real estate was resolutely unable to move. The first is that they have few sets at home, and they are not purchased at high prices; secondly, they are also made for others to see, and there is absolutely no behavior for personal gain.

If you let the public know, the President of the Bank of Japan emptied all stocks and real estate; he began to introduce policies, even if he was speechless.

Before anyone else could react, Mie Yekang said directly, "It was because of helplessness that everyone stayed to work overtime on weekends."

"The current situation in Japan must be very clear. It's thriving, and it's okay to fool ordinary people; everyone has studied economics and belongs to elite talents, so they naturally know what's going on!"

"After World War II, Japan achieved rapid industrialization by vigorously developing industries such as automobiles, electronics, textiles, steel, and chemicals. As the world's factory, its economy has risen so fast that it has a faint momentum to surpass the United States."

"In order to contain the Soviet Union's developing China, the United States has begun to vigorously aid Japan; it has provided Japan with a large amount of material, capital, and technological support to achieve its strategic goal of expanding its power in East Asia."

"During the Korean War alone, orders from the U.S. military to Japan reached billions of dollars a year. This increased Japan's manufacturing output by 40%. The subsequent Vietnam War brought a new wave of industrial development to Japan. Not only did Japan not only It provided conventional combat supplies, and also mastered the skills to repair aircraft and warships for the US military."

"For the U.S. military stationed in Asia, almost all daily necessities come from Japan; even the body bags after death are made in Japan. The two wars made Japan a huge fortune. In the late 1960s, Japan surpassed West Germany to become the third largest in the world. big economy."

"Since the 1960s, American companies have successively transferred their industries; advanced production lines have been built directly in Japan, coupled with high-quality, low-cost labor; by the 1970s, a group of invincible companies emerged in Japan; for example Panasonic, Hitachi, Toshiba, Mitsubishi are familiar brands.”

"Even if the oil crisis broke out in the 1970s, it did not hit Japan; on the contrary, it brought greater development to the Japanese automobile industry. Japanese automobile technology attaches great importance to energy saving; its fuel consumption is much lower than that of cars made in Europe and the United States. Only This has led to a sharp increase in Japan's auto exports."

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【Rebirth of Hong Kong's Tycoon Growth】【】

"Because of the great achievements, some people in Japan are now talking about nationalism; they feel that Japan will surpass the United States and become the world's number one."

"Ordinary people don't know, don't you think that nothing happened! In order to curb Japan's development, the Americans have begun to act. In September 1985, the finance ministers and central bank governors of the United States, Japan, the Federal Republic of Germany, the United Kingdom and France were in A meeting was held at the Plaza Hotel in New York in the United States, and UU Reading reached a package agreement, including curbing inflation, expanding domestic demand, reducing trade intervention, and jointly intervening in foreign markets; making the US dollar against major currencies in an orderly downward adjustment."

"After the agreement was signed, the five countries sold the dollar, the currencies of all countries appreciated, and the appreciation of the currencies of other countries was still within the controllable range, but the Japanese yen was the only one; A more accurate overview of Japan's development in recent years."

“In just a few years, the yen has doubled against the dollar. In a dollar-settled world, this is equivalent to doubling the value of the average wealth of the Japanese nation out of thin air. Japan’s heavy reliance on imports of means of production has led to a sharp appreciation in the yen. Under the circumstance; the manufacturing cost of domestic enterprises is reduced, which relieves the pressure of rising export costs; therefore, the inflation rate in Japan is very low, not exceeding 1%.”

"It makes the Japanese, who have always been famous for their high savings rate and frugality, open up a life style of buying, buying, and spending..."

"And behind this series of madness, there has been a hint of danger. The appreciation of the yen will indeed reduce production costs for those manufacturing industries that need to import production materials. But for these manufacturing industries that do not need to import production materials In other words, it’s just a disaster; this disaster was taken on their heads by the government of their own country.”

"After investigating the Plaza Accord, Japan's traditional export industries such as food, textiles, and metal products have completely lost their advantages in the international market."

"But what followed was a crazy rise in the domestic stock market and property market. Do you think it's normal!"

"My colleagues; I think the nightmare is slowly approaching Japan; in our own castles built with money, the decay is gradually showing its ugly appearance."