Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1780: Net action 17

Chapter 1766 Collecting Net Action 17

Seeing that the lead plane, Captain Hawke, was playing so crazy, the wingman pilot was naturally not to be outdone. Pilots belong to the nobles in the military, and the British tradition is still well maintained; many pilots have noble blood. It can't be said that they are playboys, but they can still play pranks.

The wingman pilot who had just been transferred from the mainland also wanted to play tricks on an Argentine navy. Let Captain Hawk take a good look at his technology and strength.

So he directly lowered the plane and began to dive down; when he was about to approach the warship, he suddenly pulled up the nose and flew towards the sky. It was precisely because of this action that the Argentines were completely angered. This can be tolerated, what face do they have to face the domestic people.

In the eyes of two British pilots, the anti-aircraft weapons on the Argentine warships; the probability of shooting down jets is lower than buying the first prize in the lottery.

But what they didn't know was that the Argentine warship had Stinger air defense missiles on it.

Seeing the continuous provocation of the British, the Argentine Navy decided to launch a counterattack.

Immediately, they took out four Stinger missile launchers, two missiles and one aircraft; with the ability of Stinger missiles, the British will definitely not feel good.

When the United States and the Soviet Union sold weapons to foreign countries, most of them would castrate some advanced configurations; the weapons and equipment that the buyers got in the end were what everyone often called the "monkey version". Only some basic functions are kept, and all high-tech things are generally removed by the United States and the Soviet Union. The M1A1 main battle tanks that the U.S. military sold to the Middle East in later generations were smashed by extremist organizations when they were first started; there were also some mechanical failures at every turn, and the Arabs complained. It is crazy to think that the United States wants to make money, and it is dedicated to earning their repair fees!

In addition, there is the Soviet Union, which is not much better than the United States; the "monkey version" T-72 tank, which is popular in the Middle East, is also beaten to pieces by RPG rocket launchers at every turn. However, the United States and the Soviet Union did not hide this. They admitted that these foreign trade weapons and equipment were indeed castrated. On the one hand, it was to reduce costs; The self-use version is generally much more high-end than the foreign trade version, which seems to have become a self-evident rule in the international arms sales market.

If it was a castrated version of the Stinger missile, maybe the British fighter plane could escape; but now it is a high-end product smuggled directly from the US military warehouse.

As the most powerful country in science and technology in the world, its weapons and equipment can definitely lead other countries by more than 20 years. Although the United Kingdom is an ally, it has a lot of technical information; it is impossible to leak it to them.

In addition, not everyone sells American weapons and equipment, and the main arms sales targets are always those countries that are more cooperative; even allies. Of course, some small arms will fall into some uncontrolled countries, but basically there is no issue of leaking high-tech military technology; after all, the number is very limited.

But there is one thing the Americans can assure: not a single weapon has been sold to the Argentines since the beginning of the Falklands War; not even a bullet.

Besides, the traditional purchaser of the Argentine army is the French, but because the war is directed to the United Kingdom; the Argentines have completely disbelieved in it.

Perhaps we can only purchase some weapons and equipment from the Soviet Union. Of course, this is also the key monitoring target of the British intelligence agencies.

In fact, the weapons and equipment of the Soviet Union were sent to Argentina through the Black Cloud Group; but no one would have thought that Baozixuan would do business with the Argentines.

The Argentines have imposed sanctions on Heiyun Group and Baozixuan for many years. The investigation report of British agents shows that there are indeed some Heiyun products for sale in Argentina.

But the scale is very limited. First of all, it is expensive; the consumption level of Argentines cannot reach it. Secondly, most of them were smuggled to Argentina through Brazil, without official authorization from Heiyun.

This is also the reason why the British are at ease with Bao Zixuan, as long as they don't get together with the Argentines; let him do other things!

Seeing that the wingman is having such a good time, Captain Hawk is naturally not to be outdone; he has just been transferred from China, and he must feel that his flying skills are very good; let him see how big the gap is today.

Seeing Captain Hawk dive so low, the wingman pilot's competitive spirit was instantly ignited. They are all young people, and they think that their driving skills are no worse than that of Captain Hawke. At the same time, they want the Argentines to take a good look at the demeanor of the Royal Air Force of the British Empire.

Seeing two British planes and humiliating them so much; Argentine soldiers can't bear it.

The captain knew that shooting down the British plane at this time would inevitably lead to diplomatic disputes. But they have no other choice, they must defend the honor of soldiers.

During the Falklands War; the Argentine Navy failed to do a good job of covering the periphery; its control over the waters around the Falklands was quite weak. Those who have an advantage but fail to make good use of it will naturally be punished.

During the entire process of the British army's arrival on the Falklands, there was almost no decent resistance; the waters near the Falklands were blocked very smoothly. Argentina's failure to prepare for war is not the most terrible thing; the terrible thing is that this old power was not taken seriously from the beginning; it underestimated Britain's military capabilities.

At the level of armaments, the gap between the two sides is not as big as imagined. Of course, British nuclear submarines played a great role in the war. This also allowed the world to see the power of nuclear submarines. In Argentine naval philosophy, there is really no anti-submarine strategy. But Argentina also has an equipment advantage; that is their missiles, and Argentina's most outstanding performance in the war is the air force.

Most of the Argentine Air Force was trained in Germany and has very good combat capabilities; most of the equipment is imported from France. Among them, the Exocet missile has become a nightmare for the British; it has to be said that Argentina is so proud that it still has a certain amount of capital.

The Exocet missile made the British navy embarrassed in this war. Winning the war has a lot to do with luck. If the two Exocet missiles in Argentina do not accidentally hit the wrong target, assuming that Argentina can have more Exocet missiles; it will be very difficult for the British Navy to retreat completely.

On the whole, both sides have their own strengths in equipment; Britain responded quickly and was well prepared in the early stage; at best, it can only offset Argentina's favorable time and place. It was also the main factor for the fierce fighting between the two sides before. The British side was still dragged down by the supply line; however, the turning point of the war must be an internal problem of the Argentine army.

In modern warfare, coordinated sea, land and air operations are often emphasized, especially the battle for islands; it is not a single-armed issue, which has been well proved in the Falklands War.

The Argentine Air Force sank many British warships in a row, and even the main British aircraft carrier was almost bombed. But the problem is that the United Kingdom not only holds the main air dominance, but also their dominance of the sea and landing operations, making it impossible for Argentina to deal with it.

The Argentine navy was quickly defeated in the initial probing attack, and it was difficult to cause any difficulties for the British navy after that. The most weird thing is the army. Argentina has more than 10,000 troops stationed in the Falklands; even though the UK did its best, it only invested more than 3,000 troops.

However, during the war, the Argentine army not only failed to cooperate with the air force; it carried out effective strikes against the landing enemy, and even surrendered inexplicably when it had an absolute advantage in numbers.

The army of any country in the world basically has the largest number of troops. In addition, President Galtieri is the commander-in-chief of the army, so it is natural to take good care of him.

In addition, the Army has made it clear that it is not that they are not capable of fighting; it is that the Navy cannot provide effective help for them. It depends solely on how soldiers fight against missiles and cannons on warships.

The Air Force itself has military exploits, and it really can't be a black family; so that after the defeat of the war for a long time, the Argentine people vented their anger on the navy.

It was these cowards who did not dare to confront the British directly; that made the war fail and the Falklands were taken away by the British.

It can be said that in recent years, no young Argentines are willing to become a navy at all; not to mention that everyone shouts and beats street rats, and the sense of existence is very low, or even non-existent.

It has already been tied to cowards, and if no changes are made; when it comes to the Argentine Navy, it will only become an international laughing stock.

His men were watching him, and the captain knew he had to make a decision. Immediately ordered: "Launchers No. 1 and No. 2 attack the British lead plane. Launchers No. 3 and No. 4 attack the wingman of the British Air Force. Launch immediately after receiving the order."

"At the same time, it will be loaded immediately, and the navy will be honored and disgraced in this battle."

As a soldier, I naturally understand what it means, and everyone is holding back their energy; they have long wanted to fight the British.

Such a good opportunity, if you don't take advantage of it, you will not only be sorry for the country, but you will even have no way to explain it to your children and grandchildren in the future.

Soon the 4 Stinger missiles were loaded, and the British began to dive down again.

The Argentine Navy immediately turned on the radar device on the missile; the operation of the Stinger missile is very simple; not to mention the regular Argentine army, it is the extremists with little culture; they can quickly master it.

Captain Hawk felt something was wrong, the passive radar showed that it had been locked by missiles; but there were no other warships nearby. He is still very confident about this, and there are ships approaching; he will definitely not escape the radar on the fighter jet.

What is going on, is it an illusion.

It didn't take Captain Hawk long to think, and the missile was launched. Two missiles are flying towards the fighter, and they must be avoided at this moment.

Although the whole body is made of metal materials, fighter jets are very fragile in the air. Not to mention being hit by a missile, even hitting a bird will bring great security risks.

Captain Hawk might still be able to evade, but the wingman had no such luck.

At this time, he was diving towards the Argentine warship, while others directly hit the muzzle of the gun; the British military plane directly hit the flying missile.

In less than two seconds, there were two explosions in the air, and the plane disintegrated directly in the air; the pilot had no chance of escape, and was reduced to ashes.

Seeing that the wingman was directly blown up, Captain Hawk knew that there were individual air defense missiles on the Argentine warship. But now is not the time to think about why they have such advanced weapons and equipment. The top priority is to avoid missiles.

Fly upwards with full afterburner and release the decoy bomb at the same time. The probability of being locked by a missile is not high, but no matter what, you have to try; otherwise, not only the plane will be blown up, but your own life may also be lost.

In the vast sea, you don't need the Argentine navy to come and catch you; even sharks may want your name.

You must dodge the missile attack at all costs.

Although they have also been exposed to Stinger missiles before, they have a basic understanding of technical participation; but what the British military does not know is that the Americans also have a hand in them.

The intelligence held by the British, or the Stinger missile used; it is also an export version, with only about 7 layers of the most realistic combat performance.

In addition, the flying altitude was very low before, and the Argentines fired two salvos; combining various factors, a missile soon caught up with the plane driven by Captain Hawke.

The right wing was directly knocked out, but fortunately, it could be controlled as much as possible; but another missile quickly hit the target, and the left wing also suffered.

The missile launched this time did not know what was going on, and it directly knocked off the wings of the aircraft. Even an eagle cannot fly normally after its wings are broken; let alone an airplane.

Seeing the falling plane, Captain Hawke did not hesitate; he ejected and separated from the plane.

Both planes were shot down, and the soldiers on the Argentine warship cheered.

Seeing that a pilot successfully parachuted, a recruit immediately took out his rifle; ready to send the British to the west.

Seeing that soldiers were about to shoot at the pilot who had abandoned the plane and parachuted, the captain hurriedly stopped him. What a joke, if that's the case; Argentina's international image will only get worse.

After the fighter plane was destroyed, the pilot could only abandon the fighter plane and escape by parachuting. But when the pilot hangs on the parachute and lands slowly, he will not be attacked by the enemy. In the course of war, there is an unwritten rule among the armies of all countries in the world; that is, once the pilot parachutes, he can no longer shoot him.

In fact, parachutes have appeared a long time ago, but parachutes that can be folded were invented only during World War I; World War I was also the beginning of human beings using aircraft on the battlefield. However, the world was dominated by European countries during the First World War, and Britain was still an empire on which the sun never sets; the British Air Force was called the Royal Air Force, and most of them were restricted by the spirit of chivalry and maintained a gentlemanly arrogance.

At that time, even if the British equipped pilots with parachutes, many people were unwilling to use them; in the eyes of chivalrous pilots, they would rather die in battle than surrender. In addition, there was a big gap between the level of technology at that time and the present. When World War I occurred, parachutes were not as advanced as they are today. The pilot does not have any automatic ejection device when using the parachute; it needs manual operation to escape from the cab to perform parachuting operations; therefore, the pilot has lost the weapon that can cause damage to the enemy during the use of the parachute.

At the same time, international regulations stipulate that soldiers who surrender are prisoners. Once soldiers cannot continue to fight and become unarmed civilians, they should be protected and given preferential treatment. Skydiving pilots are also treated as captives who have surrendered and deserve to be treated like captives.

Also, it can be used to exchange prisoners of war, etc., in short, a living skydiving pilot; more valuable.

Of course, there are also some countries that dare to risk the disgrace of the world, but in the end their own results are not very good; it is even more appropriate to describe it as miserable.

Therefore, after the Second World War came to an end, the "prohibition of shooting skydiving pilots" was included in the "Geneva Convention"; skydiving pilots were regarded as captives of surrender. A treaty of the state.

Even if you hate the British, you can't attack the skydiving pilot; the soldiers didn't dare to do anything when they heard the captain's order. It can be regarded as successfully resolving some crises, otherwise it will only exacerbate the seriousness of the situation!

I've been watching the World Cup recently, sorry! In the future, we will try our best to maintain stable updates!

(end of this chapter)