Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1810: See a picture

Unexpectedly, Bao Zixuan is quite calm, and it is seriously inconsistent with the information he had before; everyone has to grow up, and the richest man is much more mature than before; this is the true portrayal of Governor Wei Yixin!

As a diplomat, Wei Yixin is still very determined in himself; of course, negotiating with rich Chinese businessmen in Hong Kong who already know their cards may not take advantage of it; but Baozixuan is really not among them. I am a student of science and engineering, and I pay attention to efficiency in doing things. Of course, it is also because the time of the richest man is very precious, and there is no need to waste it in endless negotiations.

But today, it was uncharacteristically, not talking about the topic at all; and expecting the other party to buy British treasury bonds, it is not good to always laugh.

Wei Yixin changed the subject and said very seriously: "Brother Bao, now the British Empire has declared war on Argentina; what advice do you have for this?"

Perhaps seeing Bao Zixuan's doubts, Wei Yixin said in a low voice: "Fujairah won two wars very beautifully. You are an expert in this field; but you can't have any private possessions!"

If anyone in this world is an all-rounder, Bao Zixuan is definitely the first to bear the brunt. In the computer field, he won the Turing Award; in the mechanical field, he successfully developed a high-thrust aero-engine.

Originally, he had always emphasized the economic field that he was not good at, but he was the richest man in the world; coupled with his contribution to regional economic development and his outstanding vision, no one could say that he didn't understand.

Even those very picky economists think that Bao Zixuan belongs to the same kind of people as them; he even has more practical experience.

Although the opponent cannot be called a military strategist, Fucayira has won two foreign wars; both have achieved major victories. Although the scale of the war is small, its influence is not small.

The high-tech means used have been the main research topic of the armies of various countries so far.

I was afraid that Bao Zixuan would not say it, so I whispered it; the meaning was obvious, just out of curiosity; nothing else!

Bao Zixuan thought for a while and said, "The British Empire is far stronger than Argentina. It is probably only a matter of time before the war is won."

"As for the war, the senior really thinks highly of me; Oxford has never taught me how to fight, and our school does not have military-related subjects!"

It is obviously an official language, giving people a very far-fetched feeling. Wei Yixin was not very satisfied with this. After all, he still expected Bao Zixuan to praise the British Empire's army; it would be best to list the specific data in detail, so as to enhance the confidence of the tycoons on the scene.

As long as everyone is confident and comprehensively analyzes from all aspects; the British Empire will surely win the war, then there is no need to worry about the empire collapsing.

Once the war with Argentina fails, not only will there be problems in the Commonwealth of Nations; even the United Kingdom may face division.

The United Kingdom is a United Kingdom made up of four polities: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The most important of the four parts is England; the population accounts for more than 80% of the population of the UK; many people mistakenly think that England is the UK, but it is not, England is just a part of the UK.

The United Kingdom adopts a parliamentary system of government, and the seat of government is London. In addition, it also has three national administrative agencies, located in Belfast in Northern Ireland, Cardiff in Wales and Edinburgh in Scotland.

Except for England, the rest of the places; it has not been very worrying.

Scotland was an independent kingdom in history, occupied and ruled by England for hundreds of years; in order to oppose England's occupation, it launched two independence wars, and was merged into the Kingdom of Great Britain by the Kingdom of England in 1707.

As early as 10,000 BC, Scotland began to be inhabited by humans, and the first inhabitants came from Ireland, England or the North Sea. Scotland was covered by dense forests at that time, and there were many lakes and rivers among them, so the Scottish residents at that time could only settle in the coastal area and live by hunting.

So the Scots always think that they are the aborigines; the English are robbers. Even in the modern society, there have been many struggles for independence.

If the country is strong, the Scots will naturally surrender; if they lose the war, they will lose to Argentina; so sorry, the Scots must be the first to fight for independence.

In 3000 BC, immigrants from mainland Europe began to settle on the island of Ireland. In 432 AD, St. Patrick came here to spread Christianity and Roman culture. In 1171, King Henry II of England established the right to rule Ireland; in 1541, the King of England became the King of Ireland. In 1800, the Anglo-Irish Alliance Treaty was signed and the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland was established; it was completely annexed by the United Kingdom.

In 1916, the Easter Rising against the British broke out in Dublin. With the rise of the Irish national independence movement, the British government signed the Anglo-Irish Treaty with Ireland in December 1921, allowing 26 counties in southern Ireland to establish a free state and enjoy autonomy. The 6 counties in the north still belong to the United Kingdom. In 1937, the Irish Constitution declared the Free State a republic, but remained within the Commonwealth.

On December 21, 1948, the Irish Parliament passed a law announcing its secession from the Commonwealth. On April 18, 1949, Britain recognized its independence, but refused to return the six northern counties. After Ireland's independence, successive Irish governments have made it their established policy to realize the unification of Northern and Southern Ireland.

There has long been a conflict between the native people of Ireland, the Celts, and the English. When the Civil War broke out in England, the Celts secretly supported the opposition. When Britain went to war with Europe, the Celts cooperated with Britain's enemies. The purpose is self-evident, that is, to break away from British rule.

Compared with Scotland and Northern Ireland, Wales is still obedient; since joining the UK, it has been honest and responsible, and has hardly fought for independence; even though the UK is no longer beautiful today, Wales is still willing to stay in the UK.

From 1277, England and Wales broke out to determine the fate of the war after the war. The Welsh people lost their temper; to be precise, they lost the blood and capital to fight for independence.

At that time, King Edward I of England led an army into Wales; after seven years of **** fighting, the Welsh were defeated; the English completely conquered Wales.

After the English conquered Wales, the Duchy of Wales was formed; the Lord of the Duchy of Wales was called the Prince of Wales. Every King of England made his eldest son Prince of Wales. The Prince of Wales has also become synonymous with the Crown Prince of the United Kingdom. Although in the 15th century, there appeared a Welshman named Owen Grandall; he was dissatisfied with the rule of the King of England and proclaimed himself Prince of Wales, but he was quickly wiped out by the English army.

In 1536, the two sides passed the "Union Act", and England and Wales were formally merged into one country, which is the embryonic form of the United Kingdom today. Wales became the first country on the British Isles to be annexed by England, and a centuries-long harmony with England began.

Since Wales was the first country to be annexed by England, England assimilated Wales very thoroughly. Since the merger of Wales and England, a large number of English people immigrated to live in Wales; also many Welsh people went to England to seek better development, and the personnel exchanges between the two sides are very close.

The British Empire is strong, and Scotland and Northern Ireland may submit; at most, it is in peace.

Who will pay the British national debt at that time is a question worth pondering.

England inherits all the assets of the United Kingdom, so the debt must also be borne by them. But the Welsh people are not stupid, they used to live a good life; now they are inexplicably burdened with huge debts, no matter how good-tempered they are, they will make trouble with you.

If England does not recognize the national debt, the international reputation will plummet; it will be almost impossible to gain trust in the future.

At that time, England is bound to become a loner, and it is likely to become a third-rate country.

These are real problems, and no one can escape; the royal family and No. 10 Downing Street are seeing the problem, so they want to show the strong side of the British Empire.

Wei Yixin said with a smile: "Students, don't be humble. Some people are born with the ability to learn by themselves; obviously, juniors are the best among them. At this moment, you don't need to regard me as the governor of Xiangjiang, just treat me as an old senior. Let’s discuss the matter together.”

The words were indeed very polite, but Bao Zixuan was not stupid; of course he knew what the old boy wanted to express.

It is nothing more than telling the heroic side of the British Empire through him; and then selling national debt.

They are all super tycoons, who more or less know what the so-called British Empire is like; many even own properties in Scotland and Northern Ireland.

It seems that there is really no way to avoid it, otherwise it would be too disrespectful to the new governor; besides, the other party yelled at each student, and it seemed very rude to refuse directly.

Bao Zixuan thought for a while and said, "Senior is really embarrassing me, but where do I start?"

At this moment, everyone became serious and wanted to hear Bao Zixuan's professional analysis.

Among the many enterprises in Xiangjiang, Heiyun Group is the most powerful; Baozixuan has an international vision. Although he can't be called a military strategist, he has a far more thorough view of the war between Britain and Afghanistan than the military strategists of other countries.

Fujairah's victory in the two wars is only one aspect. The most important thing is that the Black Cloud Group also has a lot of business in South America. In terms of intelligence infiltration, it should be no worse than MI6; whoever makes Bao Zixuan rich, other people are really envious.

According to media reports, although the sinking of the British warship was done by the Argentine Navy, it was a Soviet submarine. Given the relationship between Bao Zixuan and the Soviet Union, he must know some inside information.

Wei Yixin said with a smile: "Student, don't have any scruples, you can say whatever you want."

At this moment, Wei Yixin has already made up his mind, and many things must be said from Bao Zixuan's mouth; otherwise, the credibility will be greatly reduced. Although he is the governor of Xiangjiang, here; not to mention ordinary people; even the gang of tycoons in front of him must believe in Bao Zixuan more.

As a British, everyone knows that he wants to protect the interests of the British Empire; while Bao Zixuan will first protect his own interests. On the surface, it seems to have nothing to do with them; but the core purpose is basically the same. It's hard to catch the opportunity without revealing any information; but you can't let him leave easily!

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "In terms of overall strength, the British Empire has a clear advantage; but one thing has to be admitted, the Argentines are fighting at their doorstep; logistics and supplies are much simpler."

"The British army needs to travel thousands of miles, and material consumption will be a big problem."

"According to the analysis of the information currently available, the Argentine army has certain air defense capabilities; otherwise, the two British fighter jets would not have been shot down."

"Being able to sink more than a dozen warships silently at the same time shows that Argentina already has a submarine force with strong combat capabilities."

"But with the strength of the Royal Navy, it is still no problem to blockade the entire coast of Argentina. Argentina's industrial base is weak, and almost all advanced weapons and equipment need external procurement."

"If you want to do it once and for all, you must exhaust the advanced weapons and equipment of Argentina; otherwise, it will be a hidden danger after all."

"As for the others, because the two sides are still in the process of preparation; there is no specific information, and it is hard to say anything."

Wei Yixin was quite satisfied with Bao Zixuan's answer. As long as it is said from his mouth that the British Empire has a way to war against Argentina, nothing else matters. It's nothing more than a problem of consumption, a problem that can be solved with money; it's not a big problem.

A skinny camel is bigger than a is compared with the United Kingdom; the overall national strength is far apart. There are many hidden dangers in the United Kingdom, and Argentina is even worse. As long as Argentina is completely blocked, internal problems will inevitably arise over time.

In fact, deep down in his heart, Bao Zixuan also hoped that the war between Argentina and Britain would fall into a stalemate. The longer the stalemate between the two sides, the better for other countries; including the Soviet Union, of course.

The Soviet Union has not yet disintegrated, and Britain is the first to split; then things get more interesting.

Wei Yixin said very seriously: "It is true; the British Empire's labor force expedition, logistics supplies are really a big problem. At the same time, the entire Argentine sea area needs to be blocked, which requires a lot of troops."

"Everything is inseparable from money and food. I don't know if Brother Bao has any good suggestions."

There is something wrong with asking this question, knowing that it is inseparable from the support of money and food, but still asking him. The British themselves feel that it will cost a lot, so they should find a way from him. Isn't this bullying people! Besides, there is no such reason in the world. You fight wars; let others pay for it.

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "The British Empire has dominated the world for hundreds of years, and its wealth is unknown. Even if it is exhausted, the Argentines are definitely not opponents. I am still very confident about this; as long as you do yourself well, you will not make trouble. That's fine."

Wei Yixin was a little disappointed if he didn't pick up the fight! What does it mean to take care of yourself, just don't make trouble. If it is ordinary people, there is no problem with such thoughts. But Bao Zixuan, as a super rich man, had to be on top at critical moments.

The attitude is already very clear, the purpose of the dinner is to let everyone actively buy British treasury bonds; to tide over the difficulties together.

As the richest man in Xiangjiang, Bao Zixuan, who had just made huge profits in Japan, did not take the lead; others would not buy it!

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