Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1833: Racing Six

The genius remembers the address of this site in a second: [Aibilou]https://The fastest update! No ads!

As for the six rich second generations next to them, seeing Bao Zixuan and Ye Deli changing into racing suits, they also had the mentality of watching the fun. At the same time, I thought in my heart that some people are really beyond their capabilities. No one dares to doubt wealth and intelligence; competing with Ye Deli in a racing car is like playing a big knife in front of Guan Gong's gate, waiting to cry later.

Bao Zixuan was about the same age as them, and was often compared with by the elders; naturally he was not very convinced in his heart. That's how people are, they can't see that their peers are better than themselves; they always think that they are not that bad!

The reality hit the face again, which caught the six of them by surprise; Bao Zixuan's driving skills are definitely not much worse than top drivers. Compared with him, Ye Deli was somewhat amateurish.

You must know that among the super rich in Xiangjiang, Ye Deli is definitely an alternative; he is the only one who can get a professional driver's license. Now it seems that it will no longer be a bragging capital in the future, and I am even embarrassed to say it.

Soon came the third lap, took advantage of a corner; Ye Deli slowed down, Bao Zixuan seized the opportunity and successfully overtook him; even the person involved did not react. Everything came too suddenly, it is not an exaggeration to describe it as lightning and flint.

Now that he is completely familiar with the racing car and the track, there is no need to hide his strength. After successfully overtaking Ye Deli, the richest man Bao gave full play to his driving skills. The third lap was finished quickly, and the gap with Ye Deli had been widened.

The racing car driven by the richest man is getting faster and faster, even constantly refreshing the perception of the on-site staff; the place that should slow down has not been reduced much; it makes everyone on the scene feel a little bloody. The speed and passion are perfectly displayed.

At 2 minutes and 09 seconds, a new lap record was born.

When Bao Zixuan got off the racing car, there was a burst of applause at the scene.

About a minute later, Ye Deli came to the maintenance area; it shows how big the gap between the two is.

The engineer said very seriously: "Boss, Mr. Bao set a new record on the fourth lap, with a speed of 2 minutes and 09 seconds."

Hearing this, Ye Deli was also shocked; although the Guia Circuit is not particularly well-known, many top drivers have come to perform before. If the world knows that Bao Zixuan can leave behind all the professional drivers; I really don't know what will happen.

Ye Deli is a person who has seen big winds and waves, and quickly reacted; he said with a smile: "Bao Sheng; it is said that no one is perfect, and now I have great doubts about the words of the ancients."

"If you go to the F1 Grand Prix, I won't be surprised if you win the championship!"

Ye Deli's evaluation, although very simple; but it can not be said to be low. Before, I might think that the other party was flattering, but after witnessing it with my own eyes; it feels normal. Bao Shoufu does have that strength, of course as the opponent; he will never be able to participate in the F1 race, but he cannot be verified!

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Ye Sheng won the award, it was just luck; he is still far from a professional driver."

Be sure to be polite, and people will compliment you; you can't climb up the ladder, right!

Time soon came to noon, as the host naturally had to arrange lunch.

Foxiaolou Restaurant is a Portuguese restaurant founded in 1903. It is located in Fulong New Street, a must-visit food street and a concentration of souvenirs. With a history of nearly a hundred years, it has been managed by three generations of the family; the operation has never stopped, and it is the restaurant with the longest history in the casino. Internal reconstruction was carried out three years ago, but the traditional architecture of the external walls is still preserved.

Although there is a hotel under the casino entertainment company, it mainly serves Cantonese cuisine; Baozixuan came here after a long time, so I will definitely arrange to taste the casino delicacies.

The casino is currently still managed by Portuguese, so there are naturally many Portuguese restaurants; from this point of view, Ye Deli is still very attentive.

When the owner of Foxiaolou learned that Ye Deli had brought the richest man Bao, he also attached great importance to it; all three generations of the family were dispatched; the battle was not small.

Seeing people getting out of the car, Huang Xiqiang, the owner of Foxiaolou, said with a smile: "Everyone, Baosheng, really makes the shop flourish."

Five people greeted them, and the boss who spoke was about 50-60 years old; the youngest child; not much older than his own daughter. This is an attitude, and it can also be said to be sincerity! At the same time, it is also a manifestation of family inheritance, cultivated from an early age; future successors will naturally be handy!

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "Boss Huang is very polite, it is my honor to be recognized by Your Excellency."

Led by the Huang family, they walked towards the private room.

The popularity of Baozixuan was so high that the diners were not calm for a moment; some even stood up. Unlike Xiangjiang, there are not many opportunities to see the richest man Bao in the casino; the mood can be imagined!

Some people directly greeted each other, even though they didn't know each other; but Bao Shoufu still responded one by one. They are not malicious, and being respected by others is also a good publicity for the company, and it can even save a lot of advertising fees!

Bao Zixuan agreed to come to the casino, and Ye Deli had already arranged it; all the ingredients were the freshest, and many of them were specially customized. It directly saves the ordering process, and it has become the standard for entertaining big bosses!

After sitting down, Ye Deli said very seriously: "Bao Sheng; watching the game is just one of the invitations for you this time, and the other is to sincerely ask for advice. If there are any investment projects, I can give you some pointers."

"The last rare earth investment made us a lot of money; as for the other rich people in Xiangjiang, the overall level is about the same. Bao Sheng is doing business all over the world, so the information is naturally better; thinking that you don't like it, or you are busy. But it’s business; I can introduce it to you.”

"The spinach industry seems to be very profitable, but whether it will last for a long time; no one can guarantee it. Clothing, food, housing and transportation are indispensable for people's life. As long as it is operated seriously and finds the right direction, the family will always have food; even if there are prodigal sons in the future generations , it won't ruin the family property, no!"

When the other party asked him about investment direction, Bao Zixuan naturally understood what it meant. No one can ignore the achievements made in Japan; although the specific amount of money earned is not clear, it will definitely not be less, even exceeding the efforts of many generations of families.

If you want to say which industry in the world has the most abundant cash flow, the gaming industry must be on the list. With a lot of money in your hand, you certainly can't put it in the bank to eat interest; that's an insult to the super rich.

But ordinary people's suggestions, as a super tycoon, definitely don't like it. Bao Zixuan is a different kind, so far he has never made a mistake! If you can follow each other, even if you drink some soup later; it will definitely help the family business to a higher level. This is a temptation that no one can refuse. The opportunity is right in front of you, so naturally you can't miss it!

Bao Zixuan thought for a while and said: "It's really hard to say for a Didn't I talk about it in the Governor's Mansion before! I will go to the Chinese mainland in two days, and then I will go straight to Europe."

"There will be great changes in Europe in recent years, and it will be a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity; as long as Ye Sheng prepares the funds, there will be surprises!"

I can only say so much, and I didn't want to talk about it before; but sometimes it's hard to refuse people's invitations; I'm still a bit thin-skinned!

Of course, wanting to make friends with Ye Deli has a lot to do with him, the other party is definitely number one. Of the four shareholders, all three of them recognized him very much; this is a skill in itself. A hero with three gangs must cultivate a group of **** followers; this is a plan that has been formulated long ago and must be implemented seriously.

Hearing what Bao Zixuan said, Ye Deli was relieved; he had an explanation with He Hongsheng after returning.

I've been blocked lately, sorry!

(end of this chapter)