Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 1886: Signing ceremony five

Chapter 1871 Signing Ceremony 5

The scene suddenly became much quieter. After all, the amount of information given by Bao Zixuan was too great; at the same time, the views were very novel. At least no economist would look for the reason from the lifestyle of the people. Perhaps this is the reason why he can become the richest man, even if he did not graduate from science and engineering and did not create a technology company; he can still succeed in any field.

Before the bubble burst; Japan’s per capita GDP is the third in the world, at the same level as Luxembourg and Switzerland; and Japan’s GDP has reached 70% of that of the United States. In theory, Tokyo’s land price can buy the entire United States.

Switzerland and Luxembourg have only a small population, and the data can be said to be very scary.

This is indeed the case. The Japanese eat Kobe beef for dinner, Australian lobster with teeth, and drink top-quality French red wine as water. Go out shopping to accompany friends, give gifts directly from big Swiss gold watches, and various European luxury goods in Ginza, Tokyo; it is also a word to buy, and no one can play golf; this sport is a symbol of the upper class.

Department stores are all over the country, even resorts and other tourism industries are the same; when luxury goods come to Japan, ordinary people can buy extravagantly; crazy is an appropriate word to describe.

What is even more unacceptable is that Japan has become the world's largest creditor country; its external net assets exceed 100 billion U.S. dollars. Even the two major symbols of the United States, Columbia Pictures, and Rockefeller Center have been acquired by the Japanese!

Millions of yen can be spent on a meal, and the Japanese have the least shortage of money; even surpassing the United States. You must know that Japan was the defeated side in World War II and committed countless unforgivable sins. Normally, it is unable to recover from a setback. Fortunately, Japan is doing better than all countries in the world.

Let me ask what the victorious countries, the United States and the Soviet Union, would think; they have clearly defeated each other, but now they are better off, and their lives are better than theirs. People are like this, seeing other people living a good life, especially enemies and younger brothers, will definitely feel uncomfortable.

This is still the case in other countries. The United States and the Soviet Union are known as the two superpowers in the world; but because of the perennial arms race, the people's life and happiness index are much worse than those in Japan.

The Japanese live in luxury, and it is really difficult for outsiders to say much; after all, they have that capital. At this time, no one can see the hard work of the people and the innovation in the field of science and technology; more people feel that the Japanese are not worthy of such a luxurious life, and jealousy and hatred instantly come to mind.

No one said it before, and it felt like nothing; now that the richest man Bao said it in public, it will naturally resonate with reporters from other countries on the scene. Almost everyone thinks that the Japanese are to blame; they can only blame themselves!

Even the few Japanese reporters at the scene didn't know how to refute; after all, what they said was very reasonable, and there was nothing wrong with it. If other people commented like this, they might think it was jealousy; but Bao Zixuan, as the richest man in the world, did not envy or envy anyone who lived a luxurious life.

As long as people want to live what kind of life; there is no problem.

The Japanese reporters at the scene took a look at the clothes on their bodies. Although they were not the latest styles, they were all luxury goods without exception. They bought too many clothes a few years ago. Some have not had time to wear, the economic downturn in recent years; reduced shopping only to find that there are too many clothes in the closet that have not torn off the labels;

The Asahi Shimbun's beautiful reporter stood up and asked, "Mr. Bao, what can we do to change the status quo, or what methods should Japan adopt to return to prosperity!"

Immediately aroused the dissatisfaction of journalists from other countries on the scene. The Japanese media were not the only ones who came here; why do you keep asking, even if you are a beautiful woman, you can't go too far. Besides, today is a press conference for investing in the mainland, not just for the Japanese.

Bao Zixuan: "I'm very sorry, I'm not an economist; I don't dare to make any comments. Also, this doesn't match today's topic, so I'm sorry that Bao can't answer!"

Asking such an unruly question, the beautiful reporter also knew that the other party would refuse; it was just a little unwilling to give up. Through the answers just now, I believe that no one understands the problems of the Japanese economy better than Bao Zixuan. As for the so-called economists at home and abroad, they appear to be very amateurish! As for the official, if there is a solution; there will be no such thing as people queuing and jumping off the building!

The destruction of the bubble economy made Japan depressed, and a large number of companies went bankrupt; the people faced unemployment and lost income, there was no supply and demand for houses, and many people were burdened with a large amount of loans that could not be repaid. Choose to jump off a building and go to prison, the overall is a gloomy and dark atmosphere. In the final analysis, Japan's economic prosperity is short-lived, but it actually lies in the excessive pursuit of results.

If you want to maximize in a short period of time, you have not positioned yourself properly. Of course, there are also external influences. Economic bubbles are the essence. Once they are severely stimulated, they will easily burst; forming a long-term vicious circle, the bitter fruit that Japan has eaten is the bubble economy. Of course, Bao Zixuan knew the problem, and he was able to give a solution; but the Japanese economy is not good, and well-known companies cannot develop; for Heiyun Group, it is a great thing; there is no need to be a big one!

Bao Zixuan was unwilling to answer, and everyone at the scene looked at him with unfriendly eyes; the beautiful reporter from the Asahi Shimbun knew that he couldn't ask, and he had already become the target of public criticism; but he couldn't offend all his colleagues, so he didn't say anything more !

The Japanese reporters asked too many questions. It is estimated that there will be no chance to ask questions today; it must be properly controlled, and balance is still necessary!

The British Times reporter stood up and said: "Mr. Bao, hello! May I ask what made you start investing in the construction of expressways in China Mainland? After all, before this; the expressway from Yangcheng to the deep sea; involved."

"Heiyun Group is a technology company. Except for the construction of factories and offices, it has not participated in any infrastructure projects. Is there any other secrets here? I don't know if it is convenient to share with you!"

The Times reporter asked very politely. At this time, the life of the British Empire was very difficult; the ocean-going fleet had set sail and was about to enter the battle with Argentina.

Given the current situation, they absolutely dare not offend any forces; of course, the strength of China Mainland goes without saying. Even if Bao Zixuan is just a businessman, he can't afford to offend him at all.

Many things depend on others, and weapons and equipment also need the support of the Black Cloud Group. If you ask too many questions and make Bao Shoufu unhappy; the consequences will be very serious!

Bao Zixuan said with a smile: "I always emphasize that I am just an ordinary businessman; the purpose of investment is only one - profit! Come to the mainland to invest in the construction of highways, bridges, and of course other infrastructure!"

"Currently, the number of cars in mainland China is less than 6 million; at the same time, the number of cars in the United States is close to 200 million."

"Although there is a big difference in economic scale, the two countries are about the same size; in terms of population, China is more than five times that of the United States. In addition, the mainland's economy has maintained rapid development in recent years. In the future, every household will own a car; even if only ten One-fifth of the family would be a very large number.

"Now it seems that the construction of expressways cannot make money, but all the contracts signed are long-term; after decades of toll collection, it is impossible not to make money."

"The profit doesn't seem so but it is a very stable business; there is no possibility of continuing to invest and lose money. Now I have spare money in hand, under the condition of ensuring R&D funds and business operations; invest To a business that has a stable cash flow and is not affected by any impact; it is a good way, and it can also deal with various crises well.”

"As for the other reasons you said, it may be to help their daughters accumulate dowry. The Chinese have a tradition, that is, after their daughters are born, they will save a certain percentage of assets every year, which will be used as dowry in the future!"

"A man, when he becomes a father, his thoughts will change instantly. There are many things to consider for the child. Of course, the same is true after a woman becomes a mother; I am not exempt."

"When I was young, I struggled more for my ideals, but after becoming a father; I found out that I should do something for my children."

"Whether a woman is strong in her husband's family depends on the power of her mother's family. In order not to embarrass her daughter, a father must do something. Others marry their daughters with money and gold and silver jewelry as a dowry."

"Of course these are indispensable, but you can take out some other objects; such as highways, airports, docks, cross-sea bridges, etc. I believe that with the blessing of these dowries, after my daughter gets married, she should not be offended!"

(end of this chapter)