Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 489: Middle East trip 2

Although the entire city of Amman is not too small, when people see such a huge convoy and license plates, they will choose to avoid it. Therefore, Bao Zixuan and others are still moving very fast, and they arrived at their residence in less than an hour.

Said is, after all, a member of the Jordanian royal family, so he owns a lot of real estate and real estate throughout the country. He is a super-rich himself, and has become the richest man in Jordan since he was the agent of Heiyun products. It is also carrying out large-scale construction in the country, and this is one of them.

Different from the Arabian buildings imagined by Bao Zixuan, what catches the eye is a European-style villa. Looking at the construction of Bao Zixuan, I thought I went to the wrong place, because it should appear in the United Kingdom or the United States, even Hong Kong is very likely. But who would have thought that this building appeared in the Jordanian capital, which was simply out of tune with the surrounding scene.

Looking at Bao Zixuan's surprised expression, Hussain said with a smile: "This is designed by a British designer invited by Said, and all the raw materials are purchased from the United Kingdom. It can be said that it is definitely the most original British style. architecture."

"You will rest here in the next few days, mainly because you are not used to living in other places. And we live in the building next door, where all parties and banquets will be chosen."

"You don't know, I heard that Xiangjiang Bao Zixuan is coming to Jordan, and we have not stopped calling. Even His Majesty the King has already sent an invitation, and we must go to the palace for a banquet tomorrow night. Without asking your opinion Under the circumstances, I promise His Majesty the King and hope you can forgive me."

Bao Zixuan did not expect that he would be so ostentatious when he came here, and even the king of a country invited you to a banquet. It seems that the mentality still needs to change, after all, today is different from the past.

In the past life, I just heard that the members of the royal family in the Middle East lived a chic and luxurious life. Now it seems to be true. Jordan is one of the poorest places in the Middle East. The materials for princes to build European villas must be imported from the United Kingdom. Then the royal family members of other rich countries can hardly imagine what kind of life will be lived. Compared with others, I am almost like a beggar. It seems that sometimes I have to enjoy it, or else I earn so much money and keep it for what.

Bao Zixuan: "I am very grateful to my Middle East friends. Your arrangement is impeccable. It is my honor to be invited by His Majesty the King, and since I came to Jordan, it is not easy to refuse. What should I pay attention to when seeing the king, and what he likes."

This time, when I came to Jordan Bao Zixuan, I still prepared some gifts. I knew that I would meet many people and go to many places for banquets, so I had to be prepared. Now that I have received an invitation from the king, I cannot be sloppy. Although Jordan is a small country, it is also a sovereign country. The head of state can invite you, and it is still very face-saving.

Said: "You can understand, the king is very interested in high-tech products. You also know that in the Arab world, Jordan has always been an embarrassing existence. We do not have rich oil resources here, even the most basic water. not fully satisfied."

"The most important thing is that we still border Israel, although there has been no large-scale conflict between the two sides recently. But who knows what will happen in the future! To be honest, watching the people of Jordan live in such poverty, let alone His Majesty the King, is I'm very anxious."

“Black Cloud Group is a high-tech enterprise, and wherever it builds factories and R&D centers, it can drive local economic development. When I learned that you are going to build the first Middle East car factory in Jordan, the whole Jordan fell into a carnival. Although Now it can only be used as a place to refit and repair tanks and armored vehicles, but after seeing the design, everyone knows who is the real friend. This factory can easily be transformed into a car production line by changing some equipment, which makes His Majesty the king very move."

"Also, I hope you can inspect more projects in Jordan, or provide some ideas for Jordan's economic development."

As a typical representative of self-made in this world, although Bao Zixuan cannot be said to be very professional in business management. However, no one will underestimate the forward-looking vision of this young man from Heiyun Group when they see the development speed of Heiyun Group.

This person's vision is definitely ahead of his time, and he definitely has a very deep research on economic development and market laws. No one believes that a person can make a business so successful just by virtue of his ingenuity.

After listening to Said's words, Bao Zixuan felt that this might be an opportunity. An opportunity to build a large-scale factory in Jordan. If conditions permit, it is not impossible to build a rocket launch center here. Although the land area is small, the desert area of ​​Jordan can still be a fuss. The most important thing is that Jordan's national strength is relatively weak, and they dare not take their own things for themselves.

Bao Zixuan: "Thank you for your trust in my friends in the Middle East. I will seriously consider your suggestion. Wherever a factory is built, it is construction. If you can help friends while building a factory, it is something everyone likes to see."

"I just talked about Israel. I don't know if it is convenient to go from Jordan. I also have some business dealings with the Jews. They knew that I was going to the Middle East to study and they also invited me."

After speaking, the air seemed to be a little still, after all, the current relationship between Jordan and Israel is not very friendly. Whose land is occupied by a neighboring country will have no opinion, and it will be strange if the relationship is good.

Bao Zixuan knew that Jordan did not sign a peace treaty with Israel until October 1994 in his previous life. And on February 9, 1995, Jordan recovered about 340 square kilometers of lost land occupied by Israel.

After seeing the expressions of the two of them, Bao Zixuan continued: "I am an open and above-mentioned person in everything I do. To be able to speak things out in person is to treat you as true friends. Ordinary partners don't care about this at all."

"I have investments all over the world, and Jews may not be able to do other things. But in business, we all have to look up to it. It is estimated that there is no nation in the world that can do business with them. Therefore, many customers and partners are Jewish. They have to respond to my invitation, or else how will everyone do business in the future."

After Bao Zixuan finished speaking, the two felt that they were thinking too much. Wherever they go is his freedom, and the two parties have no affiliation. If there is a relationship, they still ask Bao Zixuan to help him more. Now that the richest man Bao can tell things frankly, he will really take you as a friend. Whoever cooperates with others has their own considerations. .

Bao Zixuan has read reports in his previous life that the Arabs are still a very hospitable and friendly nation. But the premise is that it must be sincere. If you often deceive people, you will be embarrassed.

Although the entire country of Jordan is one of the poorest places in the Arab world, they are all direct descendants of Muhammad, in the words of the Middle East, they are "holy descendants". In the hearts of the Jordanian royal family, their lineage is more noble than any other Middle Eastern royal family, and making friends with them requires honesty and trustworthiness. This is the premise for the two sides to become friends and cooperate.

Now Bao Zixuan has made it clear that he did not hide anything from them. It proves that people are very sincere to you. Although you may not like what you do, it is also people's freedom. As a friend, you have no right to It can be said that Bao Zixuan won two people by an unintentional act. It is not necessary to explain this to you with the status of the richest man in Hong Kong today. Now where Bao Zixuan goes is definitely more popular than the two of them. Their wealth and promotion of the local economy cannot be compared by a small royal family member.

Said: "There is no big problem on the Jordan side. We can open an opening for you on the border, but on the Israeli side, you need to coordinate by yourself."

Bao Zixuan: "That's good. After the inspection in Israel, I will fly back to Xiangjiang from Amman."

Hearing the mood of the two people here suddenly improved a lot, proving that the richest man Bao went to Israel just because of affection. Being able to choose both the first and last stop in Jordan proves that the main purpose of Bao Zixuan's visit this time is the Amman project.

The factory and the others will pass by tomorrow, and the two of them don't know much about the industry. So I can't say anything, so I might as well go to the scene tomorrow to see it in person.

The general direction has been set, and then we will enjoy the cuisine of the Middle Eastern aristocrats. In the past life, I only saw on TV how luxurious the life of the local tyrants in the Middle East is. Today, Bao Zixuan was finally able to experience it on the spot.