Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 522: The richest man's party

Bao Zixuan also has his own concerns. Once the Iranians know that the Black Cloud Group supplies cheap weapons to Iraq on a large scale, he will have to find trouble for himself. Fortunately, the Iran-Iraq war is more severe now, and the Iranians are also incapable of doing things. At the same time, he did not dare to cause trouble in Hong Kong, which would offend China and the two permanent members of the United Nations.

However, many things had to be guarded against, so Bao Zixuan asked people to strengthen the security force. When you enter military production, you have to face these problems. Just being a rich man is not the life you want.

Michael Kadoorie: "Since you are so confident and thoughtful, I don't think there should be a problem. The interests of the company must be safeguarded. Although I am an Iraqi national, I am Jewish. They have never taken us against us. The family has been treated as its own, it is nothing more than seeing that we are rich and have some influence abroad."

Bao Zixuan didn't expect to say that, the situation in the Middle East is more complicated than he thought. Clan conflicts, religious conflicts, and national conflicts are superimposed together, and no one with great skill can easily handle it. Now it seems that doing business in this place in the Middle East still has to be careful, and then be careful, one bad thing may be lost forever.

Bao Zixuan: "The situation in the Middle East is complicated enough, but I really admire you Jews. Not a single friend in the surrounding area can actually build a piece of territory in the Middle East, and ordinary ethnic groups can't do it."

Michael Kadoorie: "That's because other peoples have not experienced the hardships we have experienced, and now everyone is reluctant to recall that humiliating history."

This is a heavy topic, and it's okay to talk about it to this extent. Chatting will bring back memories, which is no different from rubbing salt on a wound.

Next, the two communicated some details, mainly the maintenance and use of old weapons and equipment after delivery. There should also be after-sales service for old products, as is the case with Bao Zixuan's business.

Before leaving, Michael Kadoorie said with a smile, "I have carefully prepared the venue according to your requirements. I believe this party will definitely bring you surprises. Don't always think about work every day, it's okay to relax occasionally. , but that Lin Shuangshuang is a famous courtesan, and the reputation of this kind of woman is not very good."

Bao Zixuan replied with a smile: "It's the people who run the hotel who know a lot of gossip. You can also go down for a drink later."

Michael Kadoorie: "I'd better go home with my wife! I'm going to Iraq in a few days, and I'm not as energetic as you guys."

Bao Zixuan: "Ye Deli is much older than you. I think the energy is still very good. Sometimes it's not that the energy is not enough, but the mentality is old. Mi Gao, you should also relax."

After he finished speaking, he left, but Bao Zixuan's words had a big impact on Michael Kadoorie. The most direct result was that the time to go home was getting late.

The waiter brought Bao Zixuan to the place where the party was held. It can be said that the Peninsula Hotel was very attentive this time. The entire site is decorated with real flowers, most of which are roses.

In this era, the supply of roses from Xiangjiang all came from Southeast Asia, and they also needed to be shipped by air. The white-collar workers will feel distressed for a long time just to buy a bunch of them, but this time they are directly used to decorate the venue. The cost of setting up the venue alone is not a small expense.

It seems a bit extravagant to Bao Zixuan, but since it has already been taken care of by others, it is not good to say more. If he does not hold such activities in the future, he has not fully adapted to his status as a super-rich, and his ideology has not completely changed.

At this time, Ye Deli had been here for a long time, and after seeing Bao Zixuan come in, he said: "Little Baosheng, this time I am not small. That's right! The money you earn is for spending, you should enjoy the money it brings. happiness."

Bao Zixuan: "What Ye Sheng said is that we won't go home if we're not drunk today. We've been busy with work these days, and basically we haven't had much rest."

Ye Deli: "Today I only invited beauties over, the men are only you and me; you can play with confidence."

Ye Deli said that any man would be moved, but Bao Zixuan knew that if something really happened here, the newspaper headlines would definitely be booked by him tomorrow. It is estimated that the media would not say anything nice about you even if nothing happened.

As they were talking, women dressed in fancy dress appeared in front of them. There were celebrities, celebrities, and courtesans. It was estimated that Ye Deli would have a hard time inviting ladies. After all, the reputation is so bad that when it is close to other girls, the girl's father will definitely turn against you.

Not to mention that people are not bad looking, but the richest man Bao doesn't want to have anything to do with these people. At that time, not only will the head turn green easily, but also cousins ​​may be all over Hong Kong.

In fact, the women who came here today are all prepared. After all, everyone is an adult and there is no need to hide it.

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After the banquet hosted by Iron Lady, Zheng Xiaoling began to prepare carefully, and through investigation, it was found that Bao Zixuan had no hobbies, and drinking was one of them. Thinking that as long as you drink the richest man in the bag, then the opportunity will naturally come.

So she had long been ready to learn about alcohol and medicine, and prepared for unexpected needs when she was fighting with the richest man.

Seeing so many Yingyingyanyan Baozixuan almost lost, but fortunately, I also knew clearly that the purpose of these girls is too strong, not their own food. In fact, he didn't even think about it. Now that girl doesn't have a strong purpose for interacting with him.

Seeing that everyone was here, Ye Deli stood up and said, "Thank you to all the beauties for being able to appreciate the honor. Today, the richest man Bao asked me to help hold a party. I won't say much here. That would make him look like he's acting in his place. A few words, after all, he is the protagonist today."

Bao Zixuan: "I don't have anything to say, don't be polite, just play whatever you want."

After speaking, he sat on the sofa and started drinking. Ye Deli was a master at adjusting the atmosphere. After a while, he chatted and laughed with several beauties.

Many women come for the richest man, but after passing this village, there is no such shop. Seeing Bao Zixuan drinking, he started drinking with him.

But today is destined to disappoint these women, so many of them toast frequently, but Bao Zixuan just doesn't get drunk at all. Many people wondered if they were drinking fake wine today. The Peninsula Hotel should not dare to fool the richest man like this, and they themselves felt the experience brought by alcohol.

Zheng Xiaoling looked at the fallen girls with triumphant smiles on their If you don't fall down, how can I have the chance to be alone with the richest man. She deliberately restrained herself from drinking too much, and at the same time took 2 hangover pills. But it was destined to disappoint this woman, Bao Zixuan was still fine when so many people cheated.

Ye Deli knew that Bao Zixuan was drinking a lot, but he didn't expect it to be so big. I remember when the Hong Kong media reported that Bao Zixuan, the richest man, was drinking while watching the Western-81 military exercise. Everyone thought it was a joke. After all, where is Lao Maozi’s physique? Now it seems Maybe true.

Zheng Xiaoling did not succeed in the end, which made her unwilling, but fortunately, it was not that she gained nothing. I got Bao Zixuan's cell phone number today. This is an opportunity, an opportunity to meet in private.

When Bao Zixuan got home, it was already 1:00 in the morning, after thinking about it, he still called Zhang Youran. As soon as the call was made, the other party picked up. After a few chats, the two hung up the phone.

Zhang Youran swept away the haze all night and fell asleep happily. In fact, Zhang Youran was also generous on the surface, but suffered a lot on the inside. However, these things have to be experienced sooner or later, and this time is all considered an assessment. Not only is the assessment of the richest man Bao, but also whether he can bear it if the other party doesn't give him the call, fortunately, this did not happen.