Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 540: Banking concerns

When Bao Zixuan was receiving guests, Shen Bi, the biggest competitor of HSBC, was not idle either. He wants to see what advantages Heiyun Bank has compared to HSBC. Knowing oneself and knowing the other can help them win a hundred battles. In fact, it is not only Shen Bi who has such an idea, other banks in Heung Kong also have the same purpose.

For small and medium-sized banks, the pressure is even greater. HSBC can also have an advantage in terms of volume, but they have no advantage over Heiyun Bank. At this time, they are worried about the future of the bank.

Now I can feel the service process of Heiyun Bank up close. This is the best opportunity to understand this bank. It will be difficult to find opportunities in the future. Heiyun Group is the company with the most security in Hong Kong, and it is not one of them.

After Shen Bi and York-Shi Huaiya left the hall, they wanted to see what makes Heiyun Bank different from ordinary banks. Bao Zixuan's ideas were too advanced, and many things had to be guarded against; at the corner of the hall, Shen Bi I was surprised by the ATM machine. The lobby on the first floor of Heiyun Bank actually has an overdrive machine in the northwest corner. The most important thing is that the efficiency of these machines is so high.

As long as the bank card is inserted into it, the operation is very simple, and it can be said that it is easy to get started. As a senior at HSBC, of ​​course, he knew that Barclays Bank in the United Kingdom used this kind of machine for the first time, but later found that the function was too simple and not suitable for the Hong Kong market, so it was not introduced.

However, seeing that these machines of Heiyun Bank can actually perform deposit and withdrawal services of any amount, this is not a simple single function, but can be fully commercialized. He can't imagine how much labor can be saved.

And it can be popularized in any corner of Hong Kong, which is how convenient and fast to serve customers. After seeing the ATM machine, Shen Bi was looking forward to popularizing this kind of machine. HSBC has this ability.

But after seeing the four characters of Heiyun Bank on the ATM machine, he was pulled back to reality. These machines can belong to the Black Cloud Group, and even if HSBC wants to popularize it, it must obtain the consent of Bao Zixuan.

He knew a thing or two about Heiyun Group's purchase of the ATM patent rights. At that time, he felt that Bao Zixuan was just trying to make a gimmick. Now it seems that people have already made a comprehensive plan, and they are waiting for the opening of the bank to carry out comprehensive promotion.

If Heiyun Bank puts such machines in all shopping malls and public places, then HSBC will no longer be the first choice bank for Hong Kong citizens in the future. Even if you spend a lot of money, you have to get this kind of machine. If Bao Zixuan doesn't agree, he will import it from China. I heard that the patent for ATM machines belongs to the British Empire.

Shen Bi watched the operation process of the ATM machine from the side, and became very interested in this kind of machine. Just saw Yuan Tianfan, the former subordinate, introducing this kind of machine to Bauhaus-Sanderson of Standard Chartered Bank and Sumitomo Yi of Sumitomo Bank. It can be seen from their expressions that they have developed a strong interest in ATM machines.

Bauhaus-Sanderson and Sumitomo Takei also personally controlled the machine. They were full of praise for the ATM machine and expressed a strong willingness to introduce it.

Seeing Shen Bi coming over, although Yuan Tianfan no longer works at HSBC, after all, Shen Bi took good care of him back then, and his status in the rivers and lakes was still there. He quickly stepped forward and said, "Taipan, you're here."

Shen Bi was very satisfied with the title, so he replied, "I've been here for a while. I just saw that your ATM machine is convenient, fast, and very easy to popularize. Are these all produced by the Black Cloud Group itself!"

Yuan Tianfan: "I just came here, and I still don't fully understand many things. However, the production is produced by Heiyun itself. But to achieve the effect, a whole set of systems must be used together. I don't know the details very well, and engineers and technicians are needed. Introduce to you."

Shen Bi was not talking, but followed a few people to visit Heiyun Bank. Today is the opening ceremony of Renjia Bank, which is very inappropriate to talk about project introduction.

Several people came to the bank counter, and the bulletproof glass over 5 cm is the only one in Hong Kong. Yuan Tianfan swiped his badge and entered the counter from the door next to him.

Seeing that each staff member has a computer, the passbook and bank card are swiped on a small machine, and the computer can immediately read the information in the passbook and bank card, which is clearly visible on the screen.

Several of them are experts in banking, and can feel the quality of the product for the first time. Now seeing such a convenient reading device, the work efficiency of the staff is one aspect, and the most important thing is how much time can be saved for customers. This is an intangible wealth that cannot be measured by money.

Seeing a person coming over, Yuan Tianfan said, "Gong Li, please introduce the working principles of our bank's computer system and ATM machine to a few bosses."

Li Gong's name is Li Fujing. He graduated from Oxford University majoring in computer science. It can be said that Bao Zixuan, Shen Bi and Bauhaus-Sanderson are all alumni. After graduation, he was recruited by Heiyun Software Company. After the establishment of Heiyun Bank, he was responsible for developing the bank's computer system. He is currently the chief engineer of the network department of Heiyun Bank.

Li Gong nodded at Yuan Tianfan and said, "The ATM machines and computer terminal equipment used by Heiyun Bank can be so smooth and error-free. The main reason is that the banking system we developed is supported by large industrial computers."

"Each bank card is a small encrypted memory, and if you want to change the contents, you must go through the terminal equipment of Heiyun Bank. That is, we send instructions to the bank card or passbook through the computer, and the bank card or passbook is driven by computer instructions. The passbook makes changes to the data stored in it.”

"It is impossible for anyone else to read the device. Once the bank card is read violently, a refusal instruction will be issued. At the same time, all data will be uploaded to the central computer cluster for storage, and every customer access record can be accessed through the central computer. The computer cluster is checked. Each of our computers and ATM machines can be connected to the central computer cluster, and the information can be accessed at any time.”

"ATM machines placed in other places can transfer data by replacing the hard disk, that is to say, we will replace the hard disk when we open the safe of the ATM machine. Bring the hard disk back to the bank and let the central computer read the hard disk, so as to achieve data the purpose of uploading."

"At the same time, each bank card can also record more than 10,000 pieces of data information, which means that the bank card needs to be replaced only after 10,000 transactions."

Hearing that the function is so powerful, Shen Bi and the others couldn't wait to take it back and study it. But they also know that this is impossible. As far as they know, only Black Cloud Bank has such equipment in the world. If you want to introduce it, you will definitely be slaughtered by Bao Zixuan, but if you don't introduce it, your own bank will fall behind, which is a difficult choice.

Sumitomo Yi said: "Hello Li Sang! I would like to ask if the software systems of banks are the same!"

Sumitomo Yi also understands computer information technology, at least a little more than two British people.

Li Gong: "The basic algorithm is similar to the code, but the banking system involves the core secrets of a bank. Under normal circumstances, software companies will only carry out basic development, and core technologies and cryptographic programs will not be involved in transition."

"If I help your bank develop the core program, I can't get rid of it if a very familiar human hack occurs in the bank's computer system."

After listening to Sumitomo Takeshi, he felt very reasonable. The most core secrets must be in their own hands. So he said: "So we should also recruit a group of talents who have graduated from computer science in order to achieve this effect."

Li Gong replied without hesitation: "Yes, otherwise no one can tell if there is a problem with the system."

Shen Bi: "Is there any recommendation for this kind of talent, Li Gong, so that we can prepare in our hearts."

Li Gong: "At present, major universities in the world are carrying out systematic training for computer majors. Xiangjiang Yulin Institute of Technology is a good choice, but it will take some time for their students to graduate. For example, Oxford, the school I graduated from. University computer majors are decent in the world. In addition, MIT, Stanford, California Institute of Technology, etc. in the United States are all good choices.”

Hearing that the person in front of him was a graduate of Oxford University made Shen Bi and Bauhaus-Sanderson invisibly increase their sense of trust. Not only is it a well-known university in the UK, but it is also the alma mater of the two of them.

There are many resources available for recruiting graduates in Oxford, and the school will also provide a lot of convenience. It seems that some plans have to be put on the agenda, or else they will be preempted by their opponents. This is what Shen Bi and Bauhao said at present - Sanderson's true thoughts.