Reborn in Hong Kong: The Tycoon Grows Up

v2 Chapter 564: Absolute strength six

It was not a good thing for Bao Zixuan that Shen Bi was able to keep the senior class position by surprise. After all, this person was definitely not bad for being the most highly rated senior class in the history of HSBC. Even as an opponent, he had to admire his strategic vision, but he didn't expect that Huaxia would have such courage, so he would misjudge the situation.

At this time, William Morgan, the headquarter of Morgan Bank in the United States, was listening to his subordinates reporting that HSBC's foreign exchange reserves had been consumed yesterday. Next, Xiangjiang will have no trump cards to play, and the international hot money is thinking about how to end the battle as soon as possible. After all, time is a bit unaffordable for them, and a lot of money is misappropriated from other places; just thinking about getting a ticket to leave, who would have thought that Xiangjiang's tenacity would be so strong.

In particular, the Hong Kong tycoons headed by Heiyun are so rich that their investment is increasing; it will be very unfavorable for them if they do not end the battle.

William - Morgan: "I already know the situation. Tell the guys behind us that I'm going to end the fight in the last week. This time, everyone needs to do their best, and they must give me the Hong Kong dollar. At the same time, let Ocredi I went to HSBC to deal with the repayment, and HSBC dared to use the US dollar mortgaged by the Morgan family to repurchase Hong Kong dollars, is this taking us for fools!"

This time, in order to help William-Morgan establish his prestige, Old Morgan specially asked Leon, the housekeeper, to be his son's deputy, which can be said to be well-intentioned. Seeing some young masters who are very happy, and looking at the young lady who has always been low-key, she also feels sad for the family. William - Morgan's personality has changed a lot since the injury, and he is very aggressive in everything he does.

The shorting of the Hong Kong dollar this time was also facilitated by his strong push. The Morgan family did not want to attack Xiangjiang at this time. Because the attack at this time is not only to offend China, but also to be an enemy of Britain. We have to wait until around 1997 to get started. At that time, the British were eager for the collapse of the Hong Kong economy!

However, William Morgan believes that the domestic economy of the United Kingdom has just experienced the Falklands War, and it is not a cause for concern. How can China be so backward that there is no money to save Hong Kong.

At this time, Hong Kong had just purchased 5 billion pounds of war debts for British blood transfusion. In addition, the outcome of the Huaying negotiations was very bad. In recent years, Hong Kong's economy has developed rapidly, and its wealth is really enviable.

Combining a variety of factors, William - Morgan believes that this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the think tank also gave the same opinion in order to flatter the young master. In fact, the think tank did not dare to go against William - Morgan's intention, but now he could not listen to any objection.

It is against this background that Morgan Bank led a group of younger brothers to start shorting the Hong Kong dollar, thereby suppressing the Hong Kong economy.

Leon had been to Hong Kong with Rachel Morgan and knew the true strength of the Black Cloud Group. Now Bao Zixuan is not doing his best. If the young master wants to end this battle within a week, he can only start with futures. There are not so many cash Hong Kong dollars in the hands of Morgan Bank.

Leon thought for a moment and said: "Master, Xiangjiang still has a lot of foreign exchange reserves. The foreign exchange in the hands of Heiyun Group alone will not be less than 20 billion US dollars. If you want to end it in a short time, you can only find a way in the futures market, but then It's too risky and we're going to lose a lot if we get a lot of bulls in."

William-Morgan was very unhappy when he heard Leon mentioned that Bao Zixuan was not happy that his father made him the son-in-law of the Morgan family, which made his sister sad for a long time. Almost everyone thinks they are inferior to him, and today I will show you who will lead the next era.

Many high-tech products of Heiyun Group have caused a great sensation in the world. Bao Zixuan, who is the boss and also the chief engineer, is considered by many media as a man who leads an era.

This is a hateful report, after all, there are still many young talents in the world. These people are usually not convinced by anyone, but now a man who leads the times has suddenly appeared. The most important thing is that this man is still so young, it is strange that he can be convinced.

William-Morgan: "Bao Zixuan has only developed for a few years, and his funds must be very limited. You, including your sister, have overestimated him, which will reduce your ability to judge."

"This time it's not just us, there are also many hedge funds. Why I agreed with them to join in is because I thought that Bao Zixuan still has some money after all, and he has some foreign exchange reserves in his hands. Now is the time to use them. I don't care if you use them. Any way, you must give me the Hong Kong dollar, the early stage is a foreshadowing, and now is the time to reap the fruits of victory."

Knowing that the young master has made up his mind, Leon can only do it. This time, the old Morgan has fully authorized William Morgan. The members of the family must cooperate fully with the actions, and if anyone dares to object, it is estimated that it is not as simple as leaving the family.

Monday, November 8, 1982, was designated by later generations as the day of the decisive battle of the Hong Kong dollar crisis. On the same day, almost all financial institutions on Wall Street were selling Hong Kong dollars on a large scale. In just one day, the exchange rate between the US dollar and the Hong Kong dollar dropped from 1:5.3 to 1:6.1, which is a number that has never been seen before. Everyone knows that the bears have already started the final attack, because today they have sold 60 billion Hong Kong dollars in cash and 83 billion Hong Kong dollars in short futures. It can be said that today's scale is the most long day of Hong Kong dollar trading in history.

Although the major financial institutions in Hong Kong tried their best to save it, they put more than 20 billion US dollars into the market to repurchase Hong Kong dollars, but they also felt powerless. At this time, the eyes of the whole world are focused on Xiangjiang to see how the wealth of Xiangjiang has been plundered.

On the top floor of the Governor of Morgan Bank of the United States, William Morgan convened Wall Street to participate in the celebration of the head of the short-selling Hong Kong dollar hedge fund. Today, they made a profit of more than 2 billion US dollars. Even the financial elites who are used to seeing the big scenes did not expect such a huge harvest.

William - Morgan as the initiator of the project and here is his site logically to become the most concerned person, all hedge fund managers are desperately flattering William - Morgan. This is the eldest young master and heir of the Morgan family, the future king of Wall Street. Making a good impression is more important than making ten million dollars these days.

William Morgan: "Today is a day to celebrate. According to the current situation, it is only a matter of time before the Hong Kong economy collapses. You should have made a lot of money by following me this time. I can tell you that this is just the beginning."

"There are many countries in the world that have economic loopholes, and we need us to help them correct them. Otherwise, they will suffer even more losses and lose more; we just charge them a little tuition; it's just that the tuition is a little high. ."

After William-Morgan finished speaking, everyone laughed. Many people believed that this young master was still at some level, at least much stronger than the rumors.

William Morgan went on to say: "It's a bit early to hold the celebration today. After all, the matter of Xiangjiang is not over yet. However, there should be very few foreign exchange reserves left in Xiangjiang. As long as we use a little more force tomorrow, Xiangjiang will definitely not be able to support it."

"So I hope that everyone will do their best tomorrow, and they must beat the people of Hong Kong. Let their economic size return to 10 years ago, and the wealth they have accumulated in the past 10 years is ours. This is a sum of money. What a huge wealth that I don't say you want to get is tomorrow, cheers!"

Everyone raised their wine glasses and took a sip, and no one dared not give this face.

Seeing that the young master's speech was still infectious, Leon was very pleased. After all, the interests of him and the Morgan family are already tied together, and the rise and fall of the family is closely related to them.

Everyone who came over was trying their best to get close to William Morgan, especially the women.

It is impossible to hold such a celebration in the United States without the participation of celebrities and celebrities. We all know that these Wall Street elites have made a lot of money today. It's no wonder the women can let them go, the atmosphere of the scene has become chaotic under the influence of alcohol.

At the beginning, many managers didn't dare to be too arrogant, but when they saw William Morgan's completely indifferent appearance, they suddenly became more courageous. Everyone is an adult, no matter whether they are male or female, the purpose of coming here is not simple.

William Morgan, as the protagonist, is favored by the vast majority of women. Some who did not step forward are not without ideas. They just feel that they can't compete, so they turn to other hedge fund leaders. The one here is the existence of the golden turtle son-in-law. Although many people are already married, what can it be!